Old saves are NOT compatible, sorry, you have to start a new game with this update. Don't forget to delete outdated versions from your computer to save your space, and also fix your "shortcut" on your desktop if you made one...to point to the new .exe.
Further optimized the global timer tick reducing lag even more, it is better then ever before.(complete)
The random "ghost" injury is finally solved and fixed, the fall damage sensitivity also has been further balanced. (complete)
Reduced and optimized some textures and sound files reducing over all download size by several MB. (complete)
Starfish and Clams had a bug with not satisfying the seafood craving. Fixed.(complete)
New Combination: Branch+Stone=Skewer(complete)
New Item: Skewer-made by rubbing a branch on a stone to make it pointed. Can be used to cook basic foods on any open fire. Very inefficient compared to using the grill and demands your complete attention throughout the long process.(complete)
16 New Skewer Food Models -You stick any raw meat, raw fish, raw poultry, lobster, corn shuck, on the end of the skewer and hold it over a fire to cook 16 different food items.(complete)
Corn Shuck can not be cooked without using a skewer now, no more simply using corn with your hands at a fire, to cook it.(complete)
Cravings have been delayed a few more days. They can start after day 12 instead of 7, giving the player more time to get established.(complete)

Further optimized "tick lag". This will likely be the final result. It is very noticeably even more improved.(complete)
When pressing the shift key to sprint the player would warp a little bit if holding the W button down(normal use), this has been fixed and enhanced so the player will not "warp", thus other units do not "warp" away from their position as much.(complete)
Sometimes "wolfdog" would spawn "on top" of a regular wolf during the wolfdog event. Fixed, they all spawn at independent random positions.(complete)
At the start of a new map, if you start in the water and have to swim to shore you will start "wet" with the wet speed jade. Currently if you swim without going under you can get to shore "dry", that is a bug. fixed(complete)
If you already downloaded the above 08-20 update here is a tiny patch for these 4 fixes ONLY:
Download both tiny files and copy/paste or drag/drop them into the /sys folder as usual. This patch is compatible with current 08-20 saves, no worries.

If you already downloaded the above 08-20 update here is a tiny patch for these 4 fixes ONLY:

Download both tiny files and copy/paste or drag/drop them into the /sys folder as usual. This patch is compatible with current 08-20 saves, no worries.
edited 10×, last 07.09.16 08:51:32 pm