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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Excel Sheet

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Hey Jack,

Thought you abandoned the mod some time back.
I recently checked in and saw this thread alive again! Woot!

Time to redownload your latest update and have a go again!

Do you remember an Excel spreadsheet I compiled for us some time back? With all the items and all, for tracking and cleaning up of old items?

Is that still useful?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi odie welcome back!

Hey yeah, the spreadsheet had been helpful in the past but it is now a bit dated. More stuff added and stuff changed. Best we wait till the mod is finished and have one completed spreadsheet i think. Same for the manual available in the download mod folder.

Maybe you and Aedolaws can make one completed spreadsheet sometime soon...he made the mods manual...I try to c\keep it updated but it is not currently.

Just pm him or you guys proof-read and complete one between the two of ya...would be great.

The only thing really current is the Diary & Diary text info.

Thank you for all your feedback and spread.

old Aloha

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Hi Jack,

Ah, that is good to know.
No worries, i will make time over nx couple of weeks to replay the latest build, and update that spreadsheet. Not too hard for me since i did up the initial workbook.

I need to spend some time reading all your development logs, that will help me to keep track of whats changed. I will keep the final value to maybe when you are finally done and balanced the mod.

I haven know that there is a manual! Gosh. hahaa. Let me study that too!

Continue the great work!
I will start a new game with probably a tweaked character (like last time) to speed up the testing of various components and items.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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And some other ideas from me:
a) I dont't know how it is now exactly, but I think that next levels in digging should require less effort, because our hero get progress and it should be shown.
b) Minning: I think that pickaxe should drastically increase the chance on succesful extraction special things like golden or iron ores. Maybe that's implemented...
c) I think that hitting some objects (like rock) by some tools like axe or knife should cause their immediate corruption.

What do you think?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi g-
a) as you level up you "find" more stuff (goto Character and click the Digging Skill to see each level description)

b)Is like that...yes...same for cutting crops, a Scythe will cut in less chops than any other tool.

c) I did not make it so things break immediate, but there are "random chances" depending on the tool quality (e.g. stone, iron, steel)

hi gameworm,
Thank you for stopping by and giving feedback. I do not yet a perfect solution to this bug. I have attempted several different fixes, but it seems the "key press" commands created by the modders have a slower reaction time than keys that are hard-coded (such as W to move forward).

I am looking into re-compiling the source-code with some new changes, but I do not know if I can without taking away some other features of the I will try to have it fixed better before I finish, but I can not promise it.

Thanks for the feedback.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I have been away a long time . thought I would try out the latest . The lag issue is much less of a problem than it was , still on a wimpy computer so I still have some trouble . Especially when I run , it stalls for 1\2 second to sometimes 10 seconds . Makes the first two weeks almost impossible for me . After that I'm geared up enough I usually don't have to run . Still die once in awhile , but it wouldn't be fun if it was to easy . Those spearmen are brutal in the beginning lol . They are always sneaking up on me .Did the re-spawn rate on the villagers get a boost ? Seems like they respawn every night now . Love the mod and I'm glad to see you are still working on it . I think a lot more people would play it if they knew it existed . I had trouble just finding it again .

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Treehouses do not count as cover if you sleep in them, but they do if you sleep under them.

Solved that by doubling the range in game.inf:

if (count_behaviourinrange("object","cover",160)

Tried a 50% increase at first, but it wasn't enough.

Just figured I'd post my solution in case anyone else out there keeps dying while sleeping in their treehouse...

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I will not have a new update for another month I think. It could be anytime between late Feb-March. I need more time to work on it.

Hi bigwill Welcome Back!! good to see you. I am still trying to find a solution to the "sprint" button lag spike. I may be able to fix it by modifying the source code...if/when I can get to do that. The respawn of units are random to an extent...eah new map will vary in how many may spawn. Thanks for returning and chekin it out bro

Nice find! I will fix that right now. I think I will leave the "behaviorinrange" the same, and just do a check to see if the player Y position is greater than the height to the treehouse floor. (e.g. is the player off the ground?)

}elseif (count_behaviourinrange("object","cover",80)==1){
	if ($y>=100){
		if($sleeping_duration==9) {
			consume 10,0,0,0;
		}elseif($sleeping_duration==6) {
			consume 7,0,0,0;
		}elseif($sleeping_duration==3) {
			consume 4,0,0,0;
		msg "Cover detected!",3,20000;
		msg "+$damage Bonus blood rejuvenation!",2,20000;
		if($sleeping_duration==9) {
			consume 10,0,0,0;
		}elseif($sleeping_duration==6) {
			consume 7,0,0,0;
		}elseif($sleeping_duration==3) {
			consume 4,0,0,0;
		msg "Cover detected!",3,20000;
		msg "+$damage Bonus blood rejuvenation!",2,20000;
Your fix will fix the treehouse only yes...but break the other ground covers detection range...meaning now when you sleep way outside the other ground shelters, you will be "detected" well outside the shelter perimeter at 160 meters. That is not intended.

thank you for the report...thats an important √ fix
edited 2×, last 27.01.16 08:41:24 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I built a watch tower next to my treehouse , for ease of access , Whenever I climb up into either I get fall damage , but I didn't fall . . Chopped down one tree where two were together and got knocked out . walked by the same spot later and got knocked out again lol . Weird bugs , but no big deal . I chose my current map because it had an abundance of resources , maybe why I get so many mobs re-spawning . Balances out ?     

Went to windows and then back to the game and the ground turned black I remember having this problem once before . I don't remember the solution . Loading an older save helped but still have black background on the menu . Searching through old stuff on here , but there is a lot to search through .

I remember now , no real fix to the black ground thingy . Just restart the game and don't save . Frustratingly I had just deleted most of my saves . And had to delete all the ones with black ground to fix it . Lost about a week in game days . Definitely don't want to make that mistake again
edited 2×, last 28.01.16 02:05:31 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I am mid-winter. I like the fact I was unable to get all the buildings and development I wanted. Still, I would say is still too easy.

1.     THE GREAT:

-     Good work with the map and compass.

Please, make it so that we do not loose the compass when we drop it.

Consider making it so that the compass is extremely unstable and easily lost.

Consider also, a compass we can buy from the pirate: one made in switzerland! Best shit ever!

2.     THE GOOD:

-     Average balance with natives.
-     Average animal reality.

3.     THE BAD:

-     Nests. Again, cut down to 300 or less.
-     Require 4 threads for drying skins.
-     Man, please, let me back through the hut's windows = makes for more creative building.
-     I do agree with suggestions that level 2+ buildings should be made more expensive.

4.     THE UGLY:

-     Strongly disagree with unlimited ore mining after skill up.
-     Poor time concept. Make it a whole year man!!!
-     Items should have a set damage value as they do now, however, you should add to the formula a possible hit that will result in total destruction (very low chance.
-     Winter = ICE: should work on this. Breaking, melting, etc

5.     Question: Why does the house glow blue, or the bed red?
edited 7×, last 31.01.16 05:39:03 am

old clay mining

User Off Offline

Is there an efficient way to mine clay ? . Wiped out 6 clay deposits and only got enough clay for 20 bottles . The pick shows no damage when mining clay , but it harvested even less before wiping out the deposit . Net works , but is super slow .

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Aedolaws,

I do not understand this: "Strongly disagree with unlimited ore mining after skill up." Are you speaking of the stone's health generation when hitting them, at max level?

Will consider the other suggestions as we move forward. I will however change the nest right now to a lower

When winter arrived, did the ocean turn to ice? Did you chop a hole in it? Or "dive in" the hole? Just curious...I only tested this a little. You can fish in the hole too?

The house glows just like the greenhouse (in winter). As it has a glass window and is a closable building. Meaning you can be warmed inside curving frostbite. With the door open its cold(blue) when the door is closed it's warmed(red).

currently using your hands would be faster, as clay is soft so you do not break your hands.(only rock and tree break hands) Also, you should try not "killing" the object...everything regenerates health each new day change. So if you hit an object until it's health is low and stop, then hit on it again the next day. You are simple extincting that object when you completely kill it. I will check the pick.

I do not have a fix for the black ground when ALT/TAB is used. It's always been an issue. Here is a video that shows how you can fix the black ground if you already have the issue from Alt-Tabbing.

Black Background Fix
It explains how to run the mod in a window first, so skip to 3:30 to see the black ground fix.
edited 1×, last 30.01.16 12:37:07 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I think I see what Aedolaws was talking about . When I leveled up to max in mining , now when I hit a stone , ore etc. . It now adds hp each time I hit instead of taking away . I would almost like that , but now can't hollow out rocks . Currently have 10 rocks after attempting to find clay with the steel shovel .

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

The rock you can hollow out is not hollowed based on it's hp/health. Simply hit it 50 times with a hammer and it hollows out. There should be no reason you cannot hollow the rock unless you do not hit it 50 times with a hammer, is the only way.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

JJ, by unlimited ore mining I meant that after reaching a high mining skill ore deposits become inexhaustible.

It should not be so.

Moreover, try to tweak the pickaxe. ATM the hammer is extremely powerful when mining.

Mining should require a pickaxe, otherwise it should be extremely frustrating and should cause lots of injuries.

And there should always be damage to the deposit.
edited 1×, last 31.01.16 06:14:15 am

old eagle

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I was playing earlier and I kept hearing an eagle . I looked everywhere , didn't see it . It turned out to be flying around outside my house lol . I just thought that was funny .

old constant blood loss

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Hi, I didn't see this problem I'm having addressed. I can't survive more than 4 days in easy mode because my character is constantly bleeding. It starts right from the point he swims ashore. At constant intervals, he goes, "Uhh," then there's a buzzing noise (not the mosquito noise) and the screen flashes red and blood splatters out. It shows a small decrease in health each time, but because it's cumulative it eventually kills me over a 3-4 days. Even when I'm careful to never let my food, hunger or exhaustion bars get full, it still happens so that has to be what's killing me. Not to mention it's very disorienting to have that Uhh, buzz, flash, blood happen every few minutes constantly.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Look around you very carefully. Your getting stung by bees.

If any one of your lower 3 bars get full, then your taking damage. You must drink(blue),eat (green), or sleep(purple).
edited 2×, last 09.02.16 04:48:39 am
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