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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

pretty cool map indeed...I love how you did the crimson leaves with rock-n-pebbles Lucky you was able to make a forge pretty close on the mainland too. Good games!

Nice ideas and strategies! Seems to be unique for most in some ways, depending on your start position and local resources. Part of what I like about the mod, each new game has it's own twists to some extent.

Good! weird the fences came back I have no clue still what or why or how.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline


to get the chickens you need a map... (not really)

with a map, you can tell whether you have a separate island.

If you do, then go hunting chickens and release them in the separate island (while on it, go ahead and build a kiwi nest)

You dont have to feed them as long as you let them roam free

This is most easy to accomplish with a separate island, or a peninsula.

If you fail to pick a good location then you will have to build fences.

Unless you build a coop and decide to breed (and feed) them.........

(and I won't feed them until winter, if at all)
edited 6×, last 15.04.15 03:44:56 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi user JasJack67 !
Please check out this.

File combinations_basic.inf
Combination: Flint Shard (Flint + stone).
This combination add +1 to skill "forging", but other combinations "Flint Shard" (Flint + all hammers) add +1 to skill "mining"

File combinations_stuff.inf
Combination: Backpack (small) (Rucksack Kit + Iron Knife).
freestored "unit",1,3760,2;
Need fix to:
freestored "unit",1,3760,4;

File game.inf
Section: on:usesurveystake
If You start a new game whis default island size, You can not set up the surveystake, because the variable $mapsize=2048. And on small island You can not craft the island map, because
miss unlockcombi "map";.
Need fix:
if ($mapsize<=4096) {
unlockcombi "map";
corona getx ...
In big island wrong size radius - 1500,
}elseif ($mapsize==16384) {
if (count_inrange("object",3760,1500,"unit",1)>0){
  msg "Too close to another survey stake!",3,7000;
  msg "I must be 3000 meters away.",3,8000;
}elseif (count_inrange("object",3760,1500,"unit",1)==0){
need to fix: 1500 to 3000.

File objects_buildings.inf
Building: Damaged Greenhouse
  health "self",6;
    freestored "unit",1,26,1;
Need to fix:
freestored "unit",1,3577,1;

Building: Damaged Distiller
  health "self",6;
    freestored "unit",1,49,1;
Need to fix:
freestored "unit",1,26,1;

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Aedolaws, I forgot to say thank you for your guide, I was struggling with this mod and it helped me out. The tip to concentrate on fishing was solid gold, it gave me breathing space to try other things.
Now those chickens I really must look into raising chicks or kiwi that darned white meat craving is a problem for someone like me who is a lousy shot.
JasJack, I really like the way different islands play out. I'm struggling with a large Hills island,it keeps battering me down, thank goodness there is an autosave on this game. I have had games where I've found 4 turtles before my first camp and others like my current one where it took over a week. This map just won't play nice, the darn deer don't come close, only one scrawny wolf shows up to attack me and those darn bats do me more damage than anything else, they hit me when I'm about to curl up for a nap and divebomb me when I try for sugar grrrr... This was the first map I've played where I struggled so much for skins.
Oh well who said it would be easy to be a survivalist.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline


Thank you very much! Those are awesome finds! I have fixed each and every one of those. √ fixed.

Thank you Thank you! My gratitude immensely!

The bats are best neutralized using a ranged weapon, when they are incoming from above. A bow, throw rocks, sling shot & pebbles, or my favorite...the blow gun&darts. Once you do this once or twice you will see they are actually easy to kill. But not with a weapon in hand melee style is a bit harder. They have a very small damage rate too.

The deer are programed to flee from the player once they detect your presents. (as in real life) You have a limited time to shoot one before they begin fleeing... and it would be a miracle if you kill more then 1 in any event.

There are a few other items you will learn over time that can satisfy certain "cravings"...such as whitemeats can be satisfied eating eggs too. Maybe I can add a list in the diary of food types and the cravings they satisfy...but it would be a huge list and take up alot of idk yet. Clicking any item in your rucksack will show too, what craving that item satisfies, if is a partial list on page 62 mid-way down the page of craving types and what foods satisfy them.

Note: sometimes a craving can last days due to not having the proper items to satisfy them...this is intentional, for several reasons, but mainly to encourage the player to plan ahead for cravings, and seek alternate food items to keep a healthy diet. As a craving not being satisfied makes other foods 50% less can still survive, it obviously is just harder until you solve the issue.

To All,
I may add a new item or object: A salt block. Basically just a big block of salt that hunters really use to lure deer. I am not sure yet how it will work but I been wanting to add it for a while now. Something like the deer would be attracted to any salt block you place at any location...allowing an extra moment where the deer will not flee if at the salt block. The block of salt would take a huge amount of salt extracted from the distiller.

additionally I am thinking of a couple other item/tools that would be useful in hunting, such as a doe call (blow it to attract deer during events)...bear bait made from raw fish that would attract the bear to it, and a "bee huts" system to raise and breed bees, that make honey/comb over time. Just a bunch of ideas but certainly practical and interesting concepts the player can indulge in if they choose.
edited 3×, last 23.03.15 07:22:08 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

JasJack, thanks so much for the tip,I had been using spear or knife to try and kill bats but my reflexes are lousy and they deliver more damage to me than anything else in the game. I shall make a blow gun and darts and this will ease my white meat problem.
Darn I forgot about eggs satisfying white meat cravings.
I don't normally have a problem with deer I use a crossbow so as long as they pause for a short time I can usually nail at least two and sometimes three. Its this darned map that I am playing, the odds just do not want to play nice, early on when I was desperate for skins. deer were supposed to be around and I never saw one and like I said when the wolves appeared only one showed up. I have found two male sheep but I want milk!!! thankfully I have managed to locate a coconut palm, so hopefully my calcium worries will be over.
Aedolaws, I have found a nice long penninsula no little islands on my map sigh. So I now have a camp at the base close to the mainland. It has Lions, crystal and clay close by so I will be here until my final move to the end.
I wondered why you wanted the axe so early and I made a wonderful discovery I get 30 branches from a log.
I told you I was slow.

old easy,normal,hard mode - difficulty

Super User Off Offline

hmm...just had a thought.

What if on hard mode only...when you start, you swim ashore with only 1/3 of your blood bar filled. Simulating you have to start with your body having to recover from the harshness you experienced while floating around at sea, when your ship sank at the very beginning of the story. (e.g. dehydration, exhaustion, hypothermia, etc.)

This would also transition new players from easy/normal mode difficulties, to the hard mode difficulty, more sensibly. In would explain why on hard mode you have such emergency need for a water source, and food source, so quickly. (due to scarcity of resources on hard mode, compared to easy/normal mode) All resulting from your poor "condition" when you swim ashore at the start.

It would also coincide with the idea that: As you progress in the beginning and things become less stressful, it is due to the fact that you have been out of the water, eating, and drinking, so as you have healed your body "condition" as you progressed.

Also remember: Drinking a heal potion effects your OSR score negatively upon your death(-200 per). While eating a heal herb is less healing but it does not effect your end game OSR score. Something else to contemplate each new game, when you have the need to fill your blood bar from the start of the game.

This would make starting much more difficult, obviously. But only on hard mode.'s not very easy currently, Huh?

Maybe even something like this:
Easy mode = 100% blood bar
Normal mode = 66% blood bar
Hard mode = 33% blood bar

on swimming ashore, starting any new game?
edited 5×, last 04.04.15 06:48:23 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Still can't cope with those darn bats, put it down to poor hand eye coordination.
I do think the hard setting should pose more of a challenge. I enjoy the first month or so of the game where things can get tough and I want the game to win sometimes and send me back to my autosave to play again. Then you feel as though you have achieved something just by being alive.
I tried out the swamp setting looking for a change, boy did I ever get humbled. I couldn't walk from one place to another without suffering serious fall damage.
I don't see the need for salt blocks to entice game, unless game becomes very scarce in the late game.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hey guys thanks for the replies!

Grantbear...I have already fixed the fall damage for next script had a typo which makes it return a "bad number" reading causing the fall detection to read height incorrectly. It will work right when you down load the new April update

old Cant eat cheese omlete

User Off Offline

I keep trying to eat cheese omelets, but it does nothing at all. It doesnt decrease hunger, or thirst, nor does it disappear.
I can eat regular omelets, they seem to work find, but not the cheese ones. I know it says fixed. And i have the 3-7 update, and I started this game after i installed the new update, so not sure why its not working.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

The current version of The Survivalist is running quite oddly on my new rig -- it's like the fps is capped at 20 and/or the actual game speed is slowed down significantly. This happens even at 800 x 600, with the lowest settings possible. My system specs are the following:

Windows 8.1 64-bit
Intel Pentium G3258 currently overclocked to 4.0Ghz (stock clock is 3.20Ghz)
8GB of RAM
ASUS GeForce GTX 760 2GB

I updated my drivers a day or two ago. Any ideas?
edited 2×, last 20.04.15 06:37:31 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I have pretty much the same system specs, with exception to my GC is a Nividia. I don't know if you mean the animation of the units is slow? or the player speed? The player speed is VERY slow when you start a new map. He gains speed and agility as you advance through the game.

If your frame-rate is low try lowering the WATER DETAIL in the option/settings, it's not very noticeable as far a lowering quality, but can reduce lag. And/or the TEXTURE DETAIL set to medium? Turn off Blur at the botom?

If you still have issues, try playing a MEDIUM size map and not a BIG map. Some players report that this mod can not run well on their system, I don't no why that is, except to say maybe a graphics card compatibility issue. Try right clicking the .exe and run compatibility options?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

user JasJack67 has written
I have pretty much the same system specs, with exception to my GC is a Nividia. I don't know if you mean the animation of the units is slow? or the player speed? The player speed is VERY slow when you start a new map. He gains speed and agility as you advance through the game.

If your frame-rate is low try lowering the WATER DETAIL in the option/settings, it's not very noticeable as far a lowering quality, but can reduce lag. And/or the TEXTURE DETAIL set to medium? Turn off Blur at the botom?

If you still have issues, try playing a MEDIUM size map and not a BIG map. Some players report that this mod can not run well on their system, I don't no why that is, except to say maybe a graphics card compatibility issue. Try right clicking the .exe and run compatibility options?

I mean that the actual game runs at a slower speed, and that the framerate seems to be artificially limited/kept down. Messing around with the graphical settings has a negligible impact on performance, as far as I can tell. When I run the game in windowed mode instead, my maximum fps goes from around 20 (in full screen) to 30-31, alongside making the game run at a speed that's closer to the normal one. That is, assuming the game's own debug mode is to be trusted. On my laptop that is inferior spec-wise, the game is capped at 50-ish fps instead, but I get immense fps drops most of the time, sending me all the way down to the 8-12 fps range -- probably isn't all that weird though, seeing as it has no dedicated gpu, for one.

Any chance it's related to this: , and ?
edited 1×, last 21.04.15 06:45:53 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

yes I know bro ty. I have researched this issue since I started this MOD. From Vista to windows 7, even on the main S2 website having a patch .exe download for some people who could not run Stranded 2 & this Blitz engine on them. So yes, it has carried forward to windows 8.

So I do not see any real solutions in those my understanding, it comes down to ones own system, a combination of vista, w7, w8, with different video cards that can make it not very compatible.(low fps)

When S3 is released, I will port over the mod in unity, so that is something to look forward too. For now, we are stuck with this Blitz and some minor performance issues above XP OS, due to the shear limits of the game engine it's self.(and microsoft OS newer versions being released without older version support, so-to-speak)

Thank you for posting, if you know anyone with XP ( or other earlier versions) you can install it "additionally" to your windows 8, and on boot, choose which operating system you want to be in. It likely runs better in any older OS version.

Simply odd I have windows 8 64bit with a nividia card and it runs good at about 30fps, but it is nothing that interferes with the game play it's self. All this is also why S3 is being built in Unity3d. Some of this mod's dynamics drag on the engine at times, such as the changing skyboxes, and animated units population...where one day may have 20 fish in the ocean...while other days you have 80 fish swimming around. (so fps drops) Same with insects and other units animations. So a smaller Island will be rendering less trees (polygons) and also has lower unit population control scripts. Might help some to play on the medium or even smaller island.

The only other option is run the game in windowed mode instead of fullscreen, as it seems, the fps is little higher in windowed mode.
edited 2×, last 24.04.15 04:51:56 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Well thanks for the new installment and all the changes, it is good to see that the game is still up and going.

However, I have a simple, yet fatal problem:
My TV Screen can't show the resolution of the game, as I'm using a 16:9 screen, therefore, I just get a black screen and my only solution is to tab out of the game.

Parameters like -w/window/windowed or combinations like alt + enter won't work, same with force setting the resolution via -x and -y parameters won't do..

So, In the end, I'm stuck at the loading screen (which is still in the game I presume) not continuing forward, and me unable to do any settings changes.

Any solutions?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Yeah, running the game in 800 x 600 windowed mode + setting my desktop resolution to 1024 x 764 has upped my maximum fps to 38, so there's that.

Also, I've noticed the archer natives can't hit you, if you're too close to them -- you may very well already be aware of this, though!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi pr0man,
thanks for stoppin in. If you go to the file "settings.cfg" in the mods/massive mod/sys folder, and open it with notepad. The first 2 lines are the resolution when the mod is started.



is 1024x768

you can set it to something else and then make sure you edit your new setting in the "settings.inf". Do not add new ones, you MUST edit one that is already there. Currently if you open it you will see this:

that line actually means this:

you can not add any more, but you can change them as they are...there can only be 5 different resolutions max. So there is 2 steps...#1 change the .cfg file, then #2, edit the .inf file. Simply click "File" and "Save" when your done.
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