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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I must say, that Jack, you are doing a great job with this mod to Stranded II. I'm under big impression your ideas and involvement.

I'm writting also, becasue I've got strange problem. Do you know what are the minimal req. for playing on high with 1366x768? Because, when I'm trying to play on my laptop with gt 630m and HD 3000 the game is unplayable (don't know which card exactly is active, maybe integrated, despite forcing dedicated).

old edited-moved- See below

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New Update Posted 02-28-15 -This update was re-packaged as 03-03-15 update (See below)

The map works exactly like that in this update. If no compass, no direction shown in map...with compass direction shows. Your gunna like the map/compass if you play from a new map where they start locked. Love the ideas, thank you!

I would try on 1024 resolution if you can not play on 1366 with medium-middle slider settings...otherwise I do not know why Blitz has issues with some newer operating systems and some graphics cards, but not others. Can regular Stranded2 play on that laptop at 1366? no problem? Maybe try this new version, I did do some optimizations on it.

hey thanks, that was fixed in the patch and upload last version, but no worry fixed in this update. If you want to continue your "save" in the old the /sys patch on 69...NOT for this update though, patch NOT needed. Hey thank you for your latest feedbacks and reports too! Appreciated!
edited 4×, last 03.03.15 05:47:18 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Not sure if it could have anything to do with my system/setup (using linux/wine, haven't tested under windows), but:
- The forge went out *before* it rained, then again when it started raining, and again when I walked away and came back. Clean save file BTW.
- Seems a bit laggy, including seeming to freeze the entire computer (really it's just stranded 2/survivalist, but repetitive sound or silence like a non-responsive program) when the rain was getting ready to start.
- "It's not working" and similar on back arrow button after crafting
- Iron on forge and food on grill for half a day and they aren't cooked, on easy.

Really I'm beginning to think either I have a corrupt copy or wine isn't reading some scripts correctly (no errors I can find though, other than a couple sound files - fish.wav and mat-wood2.wav when loading).
edited 1×, last 28.02.15 07:42:48 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Not a problem. I have ADSL (1.5mbs), but I also have access to a faster (cable) connection if I need it - usually just hop on for large files. Honestly just glad it wasn't me - I'd have probably been ages trying to troubleshoot it, and I haven't even gotten everything set up on this machine yet (got the replacement - with dedicated graphics - on Wednesday).

old 02-28 /sys Patch

Super User Off Offline

new update posted 03-03-15 (see below)
edited 13×, last 03.03.15 05:14:47 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Monsoon are very rare, 2% chance any given day in summer, 3% change any day in fall. Likely you will first experience a Severe Storm, but not definite. Storms are 5% spring, 2% summer, 6% fall

Both are accommodated by menus and messages. Your character also will "sense" the storms will know when they are coming it your paying attention

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Early review:

Dude, you rock. I really like the new survey system. It took me 8 days to get a map -- It used to take me 12 hours.

I only focused on this because IT IS A GAME CHANGER.

I like it.

Thank you!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

nice...let me know how long it takes you to acquire a compass to go with it, please.

I have just entered summer (30 days) and have had a map for about 10 days, and compass for about 5 days. I was short early on on some key resources due to lost time looking for a good spot to camp. I then spent some time looking for iron rock after I got a forge finally.

Anyways, I am going to play a bit this week and fix some little the forge and kiln not giving off ambient light like it used too. It does though if you light it up with bark/branch, but not the flint. I just fixed that...was broken when I added the flint shard last update before. They work, it's just cosmetics.

I will hit up some of the more intense stuff next week. Maybe some more end game the updates might be large but the game will not "seem" like we added stuff until the player get near end what I mean Vern?

I will add anything significant to the /sys patch along the way though, so keep an eye out for that stuff being added.

Fish Habitat shown on the right. When ever a Habitat is "lost" after a week, you can find the returned debris of bamboo,vines,leaf(50%)...floating around on the surface.

Also just completed: When sleeping the minimum is 3 now when you wake up, any raw food on the lit grill will be cooked...along with any iron being heated in a will be ready. Also the kiln will be done hardening if in process.
edited 7×, last 03.03.15 05:48:55 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

hi user JasJack67!

This script is right? (in game.inf)

//monsoon damage buildings
	on:monsoon_damage {

in random function is letters "O" , not zero - "0".
And $random should be in the range of from 1 to 20, not from 10 to 20.

I think there should be a line:

in storm_damage need to be corrected too.

old New Update Posted 03-03-15

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New Update Posted 03-03-15 (note: no more updates will be posted until next month April)

This update combines the 02-28 update and the 02-28 /sys patch. Along with more optimization for reduced lag.

This 03-03 update is save compatible, with exception to your achievements will be reset if you transfer your save.
__________________02-28 /sys Patch________________
√Some lag while moving around due to a broken script.Fixed.
√Forge bug not staying lit, now works, turn bright after a minute of heating up.
√The new Survey Stakes subtracting from your rucksack properly.
√New Survey Stakes altered, if the map is unlocked returns a long handle upon pulling out of the ground.
√Addressed the sensitivity of "fall damage" when stumbling/falling a short distance and getting hurt.
√The forge ambient lighting feature works with flint lighting as with bark/branch fire.
√The fish habitat 50% returned debris will be found floating on the surface of the water.
√When sleeping, upon waking up...any raw food that was cooking on the grills are done...any heating iron in the forge will be ready....and any kiln item hardening, finished.
√Smoother transition when sleeping. Not so erratic now.
√Storm/Monsoon building damage ratio not right, fixed.
Scripts optimization for lag, improves performance much so!
When sleeping 3+ hours the distiller also will produce 1 bottle of boiled water if you have some in it while you slept.
Another optimization script edited for performance.
__________________02-28 Main Download________________
√ Bamboo texture fixed, green color.(complete)
√ The hand net breaks less often.(complete)
√ Some combo items missed that are suppose to use a DRY hide instead of a RAW hide, fixed. A raw hide is ONLY used on the Tanning Rack, to make a dry hide.(complete)
√ Mosquito repellent fixed, had to have 2 to make it work, now works with only 1 as intended.(complete)
√ The new blowgun darts weight was not set, now weigh 2g as intended.(complete)
√ The units I worked on (bownatives, rabbbit, squirrel, monkey) AI has chance upon killing them they get stuck in annimation. Fixed.(complete)
√ Fixes the "small backpack" to put your supplies in it when you drop all the other rucksacks, as intended.(complete)
√ When fishing the script will only delete 1 fish at a time instead of all of a type.(completed in the current update but just forgot to post it)
√New item: Survey Stakes-long handle +knife.
∗ The combo for the Map starts out locked on new maps. You must place 4 survey stakes around the island to unlock it. Distance between stakes depends on the map size you chose. (1500m, 2250m, or 3000m)(complete)
√Holding your breath under water has been shortened for balance and challenge issues.(complete)
√If your caught under water after your breath expires the damage has been doubled from 10 to 20 per jade. (complete)
√The watercraft's speed adjusted for balance and need to influence upgrading.(complete)
√New item: Magnetic Nail-used to craft a makeshift compass that will need maintenance every 2-3 days to function. Only on normal and hard mode. The compass will remain onscreen in easy mode.(complete)
√New combo: Magnetic Nail= Wool +IronNail +use (complete)
√New combo: Compass= MagneticNail +Bark +HardClayMug +BottleWater (complete)
∗The compass will only show on the screen in normal and hard mode IF you have a compass inhand.(complete)
√A bug affecting slower processor computers, where the day count does not change when sleeping over midnight. Fixed.(complete)
√Planting Stakes bug where they would not store in storages fixed. Now can be stored and they do not drop on the ground outside the storage.(complete)
√Diary edited with some more details to some of the Operations section, such as how to command wolfdog to perform attacks on units. Combo edits In Crafting.(complete)
√A couple of minor performance fixes, reducing lag on the hourly ticks and buildings checks.(complete)
√I did some script work to enhance the "falling" system. Should fixed the random broken leg or bleeding bug that happens sometimes when your standing off the ground.(complete)
√When "falling" - the farther you fall the more damage is inflicted, along with a new feature where you "black-out" when you hit the ground if you fall far. The time spent in blackout is also increased per fall distance.(complete)
√When destroying any Rucksack it returns the Rucksack Kits used to make they can be re-used in making larger Rucksacks as you level-up...or make smaller Rucksacks at will.(complete)
√The old stranded white patched fabric texture changed, now looks like you made fabric from dry hides.(complete)
√Added the new combo's Apple or Orange or Pear + rock = Juices to the Diary(added complete)
∗ Any objects built from the hammer build menu returns at least 50% of the materials upon destroying them. For example; if you destroy a shelter or fence you get 50% of it's build material back. etc.(complete)
√20 new replica building models added-Damaged buildings models for use with buildings incurring storm damage, and needing repair. Possibly damage too from native attacks soon.(complete)
∗ During a Severe Storm, or Monsoon, some of 20 types of buildings may be damaged, un-usable, and in need of repair. (large and big underground storages will not take storm damage)(complete)
∗ You are required to "repair" damages to buildings and objects to use them again. Hit them with the appropriate tool and have the appropriate material to repair them. Turn the red text to yellow, then turn it green...upon repairs they are usable again.(complete)
×Repairing building objects requires the right tool and right material. Example: Fixing a Tepee you hit it with a knife and have fix a Hut you need hit it with a Hammer, and have iron nails.(incomplete...Only the hammer tool currently)
√The stone hammer repairs buildings slowly, the iron hammer moderately, the steel hammer fairly quick, the auto hammer very very quick. Same for knives or other repairing tools.(complete)
√ New Model added:
Supply Ship-will unlock at Survivor Skill Level 5.(complete)
∗ New Model added: Sailing Ship-will unlock at Survivor Skill Level 7, which is at 150 days. Once built and stocked, you can escape the Island.(added but can not escape yet)

lol...thats a funny one...sometimes it gets late and I miss fixing something I am testing.

Yes your are correct that is messed up...for monsoon it was to be (1,24) and for storm (1,30)

always adding random chance "nothing" is with the 20 buildings this leaves 4 for monsoon and 10 for storm where nothing is damaged on the hour tick.

very nice find thank you...fixed and added to the new update.
edited 3×, last 04.03.15 03:50:52 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Yeah, I noticed something similar a couple of weeks ago.

I usually build fire pits next to each other. So for example, I may have a distillery right next to a grill.

I had a distillery going, but I never had the grill on. Yet I could cook as if the grill was on. But maybe there is more to it.
edited 1×, last 05.03.15 08:37:22 am

old New Update Posted 03-07-15

Super User Off Offline

New Update Posted 03-07-15

Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures posted. This update is being released early due to a new technique I discovered to reduce all lag to virtually zero.

I would like to hear any feedback if you experienced lag prior to this update, and how your performance is with this update.

edit: Note:If you transferred and are playing a "save" from last update, you should experience the lag fixes more-so after sleeping past midnight. Also remember with updates the achievements are reset, in old saves, it only affects your endgame OSR score. So semi-compatible.

change log for this update:
√The most epic lag free version yet. Aside from the tiny skybox change spike, there is no lag detected on my system.I found a new scripting technique that reduced lag to zero.(complete)
√When sleeping, all fires left burning will be burning their fuel while you sleep.(complete)
√All the old +1 Planting skill text edited with the +1 Farming text as intended.(complete)
√Once wolfdog is tamed you must feed him every other day minimum. He will glow yellow when he is hungry, then glow red when he is starving, and if not fed by midnight when starving he dies of starvation.(small raw meat only at this time)(complete)
√If wolfdog is starving she no longer listens to the "stay" command and returns to "go".(complete)
√Some of the "glowing particle" colors enhanced for visual effects.(complete)
√The item LIVER is now called a BLADDER, which you still can make a bottle from. (complete)
√Larger game(clawmonkey,deer,bear,lion) all loot a bladder same as the turtle and monkey.(complete)
√The coconut item and coconut meat item icons replaced so you can differentiate between them visually.(complete)
√When sleeping the food would cook if there was not a fire. fixed.(complete)
√Timers on much of the production buildings were adjusted last update, for balance. Forgot to add it to the change log.(complete)
√The "Native" text not clearing after a native event. fixed(complete)
√Wood Storage will accept more items related to wood such as handles, arrow shafts, vines, leaf, dog whistle,etc.(complete)
√Stone Storage will accept more items related to stone such as crystals, gold nuggets, flints, etc. (complete)
√When you are drunk, stoned, or frostbitten, you lose -5 exhaustion points every 15 seconds.(complete)
√Diary text error under Operations/WolfDog Attacks... wrong text fixed.(complete)
> 03-07_Patch (tiny 40kb):
This patch was also added to the main download. Fixes the following:

When making the snowsuit it requires gloves to make. Therefore, when operating forges, if you have a snowsuit in possession you do not get burned using your hands.(complete)
Items carried vs Frostbite has been bugged for a long time, fixed, now properly works per item % as the Diary describes.(complete)

1) Download and unzip.
2) Copy the 2 files inside the folder, into the mods/MassiveMod/sys folder.
3)Choose "replace" or "over-write"
Hi lady,

thank you...fixed in this update!
edited 8×, last 08.03.15 09:09:16 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

im currently playing massive mod, and it seems all the sheep on the map have vanished (no i didnt kill them) does this mod (survivalist)address this? also, i went into the mine at day 70, only to have my days reset to 0, it goes back to 0 every time i go in or come back out, i mention this in case survivalist has this issue, and yes ill get the survivalist, when my data resets on the 20th (im on dialup speed due to new zealands crappy data capping polocy)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

This mod does not have the Mine. I may bring it back though soon. I took it out because it is bugged, as you say, and does not work correctly.

This mod is way deeper then Massive Mod ever was...there is to much to list, but you can view the change log in the main download spanning over 2 years of work. Massive Mod was left full of bugs and incomplete. Play this mod and you will not regret downloading it.

Survive in this mod for 100 game days, then report back to us with your experience please. I recommend Big Map-Hard Mode-Hills sure to check out the Diary and read through the top tabs Operations/Crafting
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