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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

thank you Will...been tracking that one for a bit, i found it, I just gotta figure out a fix.

Only 1 apple, orange and pear tree spawns per you will have to look harder. I will give you a hint...they are a smaller tree and you can jump high enough to pick them most of the time, or climb the tree to reach them.

They are a bit special, in that, it only takes 1 of them to make a bottle of juice, so for balance they are rare. One orange makes a bottle of Orange Juice(vitamin C) that is, in the description as, the healthiest food gives +4 blood per bottle.

Happy hunting, they are there somewhere.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hey! First I want to say thanks for creating a Stranded 2 mod... and still working on it in 2015! Kudos man! (Rambles on and on how he used to play this game constantly years ago on Windows XP... XP) Gotta love mods!

Anyways, I was able to extract the game but at the loading screen it gets stuck at 98% and the application seems unresponsive at that point. I've read about lagging and stuff, but is that normal? Was I supposed to extract it into the original Stranded 2 directory? (I extracted it into it's own folder btw [not Stranded 2] and ran The Survivalist.exe). I'll try it again and see if I just need to wait longer.

Can't wait til this is complete! I'll be checking in for updates regularly!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Terrapin! Glad to meet you.

Yes just extracted into it's own folder.

At 98% all the mod achievements info is loading. So yeah, you should just wait for it to load, and don't click on the screen or do anything while it's loading maybe...I know it sticks there for a minute but should load soon enough.

maybe longer if ya got a slow processor idk?

Thanks for checkin out the mod, hope you get to play 100 days on hard mode and let us know what ya think then

edit: I double checked the debug on loading again and it shows no errors. Here's a snapshot of the debug section of the loading in question....the lines at the bottom after Loading Infos:

You can see after Loading Infos it loads the achievements. I have changed them all to .png from .bmp hoping it loads does a little bit.
edited 4×, last 21.02.15 01:31:27 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I noticed if you leave skype or steam running in the background it won't load up at all . I close out everything as my processor is a bit slow anyway , but sometimes I forget .

I found the apple tree and the orange tree , still looking for that darn pear , also have never seen the bee tree on any island . Whenever I go around looking straight up trying to find it something always jumps out and bites me lol . Tried planting apple and orange , either that's not possible or I'm not doing it right .
edited 1×, last 23.02.15 02:37:37 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

yeah, I still have to attach the new fruits to the planting ability. Will be plant-able next update.

The beehive can be very hard to find because of the overlapping of tree branching/leaves. The hive can be "hidden" sometimes. It is really high up too, you likely have to chop the tree down to get to it (or chop down a tree you suspect is in the way next to the beehive tree)...unless you can climb up something near, and reach it other ways.

If you get the hive without chopping the tree down another can spawn there some day...otherwise, at the start of a new game 2 can the "check" script, if there is less than or equal to 2 spawned, 1 additional new one is automatically created. Therefore every map starts with 1,2 or 3 beehive trees for certain.

Items derived from the beehive are also items that can be found in crates that wash ashore, but also rare. Rare because the beehive items heal the player too, like the oranges, and heal herbs.

edit: If you EAT healthy foods to keep your health bar from death there is no penalty, your Official Survival Rating endgame score can be a lot you get jaded -200 points for every healing potion you DRINK. (e.g. Diary)
edited 3×, last 23.02.15 06:33:59 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Now I know why my score is always so low . I have a habit of just standing there and battling it out with archers and then drink a couple heal potions .

Building a greenhouse takes forever . Kinda glad the reset at midnight bug is still there otherwise I'd never get it done before winter . My character screen says I have survived 80 days . Probably well over 100 really .

The planting stakes no longer go where you point , is that an intended thing ? Personally liked it better the way it was before . I'd just stand in one spot and plant a circle around me , faster and easier . Now takes me a whole day to plant 12 grains , if I'm careful about spacing .

Deforested half the island looking for the pear and the beehive . I'll find it if it's the last thing I ever do ! lol

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Myst,
That is a good idea. I will look into a way to script that. If I can not make an efficient script for that...I could maybe put some golden colored honey down the sides of the tree it is easier to identify by sight.


Hi Will,
Yes I liked pointing at the ground to place the stakes too. Only I did away with "using the ground" because there is no way to prevent lag spike when you do not intend to use the ground when doing regular stuff.

The best way I found to plant currently is:
1) Set the Stake to key 1 in your rucksack.
2) Set the "seed" to key 2 in your rucksack.
3) Roll your mouse wheel between the 2 items (stake,seed)
4) LeftClick mouse to place the Stake at your feet...roll your mouse wheel to #2 the seed...hit E to plant the seed and take the stake back.
then repeat steps 3 & 4 over n over. Stay looking at your feet and just move a little to plant the next stake.

Leftclick - roll - E - roll - move (repeated)
Alternatively, you can make several stakes, and go through setting a bunch of stakes first...then change to your seed and go back through and plant at each stake collecting them all up again.

I did make it so the greenhouse would take longer to unlock, I wanted the player to be lucky if they even got it built during the first winter...If you get it done by end of first winter your lucky. But rest assured that next winter things will be easier with a greenhouse.

I have not found a bug at midnight...the days are tracking properly in my tests. What day are you on exactly, and what season is it?
Each season is 30 days. If you are at 80 days it should be 20 days into Autumn. You should have gotten a message soon "10 days until Winter" and then "3 days until Winter" midnight. Let me no please...or it would be you are playing a save from last update that is NOT compatible as stated in the posting it.
edited 3×, last 25.02.15 01:40:36 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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The bug I was referring to , if you go to sleep before midnight ie 23 hrs . It doesn't count the day , doesn't reset anything , crops don't grow , dead animals don't disappear , etc . I find that new villagers , lions , etc , do show up however . I'm playing on the newest version with a new island .

I'm currently listed as being on day 80 with 10 days til winter , but have probably played 120 days . I often sleep when the mosquitoes show up rather than dealing with the annoying little begger's .

I am playing on normal difficulty with a medium hill island . I like the hill islands because they seem to always have more sheep .

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I just tested for sleeping past midnight is working. I do not understand why your the only one with this bug? Nobody else has posted...but I will keep looking as I test.

I would very much appreciate it if you would do the following please:

1.copy your "save" from the "save" folder to another location.
2.delete all versions of TheSurvivalist on your computer old and new.
3.make sure to delete any TS shortcut on your desktop.
4.Re-Download the Mod and unzip (sorry).
5.start a new map and sleep past midnight
6.let me know if when you woke up, your character menu says Day 2. copy your "save" into the save folder.
8.look what day your on and again sleep past midnight.
9.let me know if your Day changed in the character menu.

So let me know on the new map if it worked, and then your "save" map you transferred. Also, did you download and apply the above /sys patch before?

p.s. If you do the above, I say thank you. It will narrow my search for an answer if there is a bug, and/or actually fix your bug, as I think it is limited to just you(your download), cuz nobody else has posted this issue...and it would be a game killer...i think we would hear from others.
edited 1×, last 25.02.15 08:49:40 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hey dude, preliminary review:

1. Much easier than last version, in terms of hostiles. I do not like easy, you know that. I would suggest to consider increasing the number of hostile monkeys (not natives, those tho make them stronger, but with better loot).

2. Imo what we need next is to work on map and compass. Which ironically, we already have, you just need to make it harder to get. I have discussed this before.

3. Maybe make vehicles a bit slower, especially the first level. imo should be quite slow (now I hardly feel the need to upgrade).

I have suggested it before, you should decrease the time we can hold our breath under water, it has always been on steroids. And you should make swimming more exhausting.

4. Amazing work you have done with fishing, what a far cry from what it used to be two years ago. Again, my favorite specialty.

And the dock, boardwalk, etc. And especially all the new vehicles!!! It all works like a charm.

5. Well, you know I love the new backpack system

As usual: great job, thank you!!!


I am usually not one to take advantage of exploits but I will test that midnight bug.
edited 6×, last 25.02.15 09:35:15 am

old Your Thoughts

Super User Off Offline

Here is a caption from this article:

> Attraction with Static Electricity

Wool is a conductive material, which means it readily gives away its electrons. Consequently, when you rub a balloon on wool, this causes the electrons to move from the wool to the balloon's surface. The rubbed part of the balloon now has a negative charge. Objects made of rubber, such as the balloon, are electrical insulators, meaning that they resist electric charges flowing through them. This is why only part of the balloon may have a negative charge (where the wool rubbed it) and the rest may remain neutral.

When the balloon has been rubbed enough times to gain a sufficient negative charge, it will be attracted to the wall. Although the wall should normally have a neutral charge, the charges within it can rearrange so that a positively charged area attracts the negatively charged balloon. Because the wall is also an electrical insulator, the charge is not immediately discharged. However, because metal is an electrical conductor, when you rub the balloon against metal the extra electrons in the balloon quickly leave the balloon and move into the metal so the balloon is no longer attracted and does not adhere.

So how about I take the script used for Bark & Branch fire and make a script to rub Wool and Iron Nail to magnetize the nail.

Then we could add 2 new combos:
MAGNETICNAIL= Wool +Iron Nail (req:use)
COMPASS= MagneticNail +Bark +HardenedClayMug +BottleWater

When you make the compass, the compass needle (the magnetic nail) only stay charged for about 2-3 days. Any time you put the compass in your hand it will show the compass on the screen. If you put it back in your rucksack then the compass goes away off the screen.

You need a piece of bark to stick the nail in to make it float in the mug of water = compass, for 2-3 days.


After 2-3 days the compass will fall apart like the lantern. Because the bark gets soggy wet and the needle loses its magnetic charge from the wool. Upon using it comes apart giving you back all the pieces. You then have to re-magnetize the nail rubbing it with wool, to then re-build the compass.

You would have to rub several times to finally get the nail to charge though.

Only on normal and hard mode of coarse. The compass will just show on the screen in easy mode.


For the Map: I already have the plan, I will implement it for next update. You will have to make some amount of Survey Stakes like making Planting Stakes.

The Survey Stakes will have to be stuck in the ground. Once you set the correct amount of stakes per map unlock the map combination.

The only catch is: The stakes have to be 2500 meters away from each other, or it will not let you set the stake into the ground... you get messages: "To close to another survey stake" "I must be further away from them."


Together this means you can not make a compass until you can make iron nails...and you can not make a map until you set the stakes that will require you to transverse a large area of the island, due to the distance required between them.

This can all be easily implemented and easily understood by the player through item descriptions, and messages ingame.
edited 4×, last 25.02.15 02:17:12 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Groan . I accidentally deleted my save game . Deleted everything including the stranded 2 original . Downloading latest version now .

By the way I did finally find that darn pear tree .


Ok I tried easy first . Medium island , hills . Went to sleep at 21 hrs , slept for 6 hrs woke up . It is now day 1 at 3 am .

Tried normal mode same thing exactly . I will try hard mode later . Don't have time right now .

Ok tried hard mode , same as easy and normal . Medium island , hills , went to sleep at 21 hrs , woke at 3 am . Day 1 . I salvaged my old save game from the recycle bin , but probably no point trying it idk . I kind of like the glitch , gives me a way to cheat lol .

Some people may be having this problem and not even know it . I know it took me a long time to realize it . At first I just noticed the dead animals etc. didn't always go away and sometimes the crops didn't grow .

Maybe it's my wimpy processor ? I have a lot of lag in the game , mostly just stutters . But when the midnight thing pops up , when I'm awake , saying +10 survivor . I get about 10 - 20 seconds lag . My computer has a 1300 Mhz dual core processor . And a Radeon 6310 graphics . Don't know if any of that makes a difference . Even on original Stranded II I had a little lag .
edited 2×, last 25.02.15 05:02:14 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Just wanted to pop in and say something about the game day not changing issue:

I HAVE seen this myself, with the previous version. I did not report it because it seemed to be exclusive to ONE setup I had available (I typically use Linux distros - either Ubuntu or Mint flavors - and do not tend to expect them to be for most types of bugs I try to test on a windows install somewhere if I have access to one).

The machine I noticed this on had dedicated graphics, no lag, and a proprietary graphics driver. I could get specs if you want (it runs, just overheats too easily to play graphic intense games anymore), but I don't actually think it was any of the hardware. The ONLY time I noticed the issue I was using Ubuntu 12.04.2 with a lot of heavy modifications on the system (to force proprieaty graphics drivers for Sims 3 to run), and wine 1.4 (tried 1.6 with same issue). Linux Mint and Ubuntu 14.04 with default/free drivers both seemed fine on that machine. Linux mint and Windows 7 seemed fine (in that regard) on another. Windows 8 on yet another was untestable due to lag (beyond even my earlier complaints - even the menu screen the cursor was extremely jumpy and I had to escape-enter to leave).

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ok Will,

Can you download this file:

> game.inf

drag & drop or copy & paste it in your /sys folder. choose "replace" the old file.

Then sleep past midnight and see if your day changes please. I increased the "pause" during sleep to allow more time for all the scripts to finish, before the day is counted. let me know if it works.

Should help slower computers catch the day count trigger.

old New Update coming Friday 27th

Super User Off Offline

ok guys it's fixed, I understand the problem now.

For those interested,
When you sleep BEFORE midnight there is a check in the script that PAUSES the sleeping so the "Change Day" updates can take place at midnight, if you sleep over 12am. This pause is a was set for 2 seconds. After 2 seconds the sleep cycle would then finish.

If your computer is can take longer then 2 seconds for all the "change day" scripts to process and update everything. So this could cause the Day Change to be skipped along with any other script that was cut off in 2 seconds.

So I set the delay to 5 seconds, and moved a larger update script to take place AFTER the change day update and the sleep cycle finishes.


So if your computer is not to slow you were not even effected by this bug, only if your processor could not run all the change day updates in under 2 seconds. I never knew this because my computer is not to slow...and this was never reported until Will mentioned it.

Thank you probably really made some future players happy who will have a slower computer, and they will not have this issue of inaccurate day changes ruining their game.

SWEET!! I will post a new update Friday with everything in the To-Do list on top of page 1.

edit:Aedo, what do you think about the above post with regards to the Compass & Map?
edited 1×, last 26.02.15 03:49:07 am

old compass

User Off Offline

As for the compass idea .

We did something similar in boy scouts when I was a kid .

We would charge a sewing pin or needle , with wool usually , lay it on a small leaf in a bowl of water . Didn't always work , but in principal it's supposed to .

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I like the map idea. And I also like the compass idea.

The issue is that the map already has an ingrained compass, and you can tell which way you are going without a compass, by simply looking at your position in the map. And I think this is pretty useful and easy to use as is. The problem is that it is too easy and unrealistic.

I guess, if you could take out this ingrained compass (and by ingrained I mean that there is a line at your position which points to the direction you are looking at) then yes, it would be a great idea. However, I think eventually it should revert to what it is right now.

1. Perhaps you can have a primitive compass as you described. The player would be required to put compass in hand and make a decision, without need to look at a map. And if map on rucksack, the map will not reveal which way we are looking at.

2. Later, maybe we can buy a real compass and a real map from the Pirate which when BOTH on the rucksack will make the map work as it does now, thus not requiring you to go through the hassle of creating the primitive compass and using the primitive map that does not tell you which way you are going.
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