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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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yep, I found that one yesterday while working on the 2 lag spikes run/walk & use ground, it was part of the problem... and it is fixed. √

When you fill the barrel with black powder, it is like any other item you pickup now...and you DROP it on the ground now just the same...i increased it's weight so it acts accordingly to carrying something heavy, slowing your speed down.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I was able to run this mod.
I'm disappointed.
1. Too fast emerging hunger and thirst. Too difficult to mine l 30 leaves = 40-50 hunger and thirst 40-50, 30 leaves = 35 thirst, it is too difficult
2. The freez (lag) between a run. It's very unnerving
3. Too low value food and drinks, eats for the day falls to 10 loaves of bread. This is stupid
4. On the complexity normally - no water sources.

1. These are actually multiple issues, so

a. fast hunger and thirst: I disagree, it is well balanced with actions/time.

b. It is too difficult: I disagree. In hard mode it is very hard, but not "too hard," at least the first few weeks; but in easy it is fine. I would suggest you spend some time learning the game rather than expecting reaching expert level within 1 hour of discovering the MoD.

2. the lag: I do admit this is a bit annoying, but it is as good as it gets, to put it simply. If you care to read why, and about the hard work JJ has put in to make this MoD free of charge available to you, then spend some time reading this thread.

3. Low value of food and drinks: now here I sort of agree with you, in the sense that food and liquids could be tweaked to make them a bit more realistic. But this would be pure cosmetics, rather than necessary. In the end it remains: calories in, calories out!!

4. Water sources: the lack of water sources is not an accident. This is supposed to be a key, in the middle of the ocean, not Madagascar or Greenland. If anything these island are way too lush with resources, life and action.

5. Re stupid. You are wrong. If anything, the game needs to be made ever more difficult. And anyways, you show poor etiquette. So, I am with JJ 100%, you either conduct yourself respectfully or don't come back.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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It's all good guys, I am sure not everyone will enjoy this type survival game.

The game is deep and random every newly started game. It is intended to make you think the first year on the island. As most people have never been, and never will be, stranded on an island...If you ever were, you would have to "learn" how to survive, there a "learning-survival" aspect to the game...after a year on the island, the game becomes more about what you "create" on your island. After about a year you will have eventually become self-sustaining and rule over the island. So there is introduced a "creative-survival" aspect, depending on what you decide to do...along still, with dangers from increased numbers of hostiles, and weather phenomena, and other unimaginable situations... that makes each game unique.

Then there is still the end game to come: As you learned to survive the first year, rule the island a second year, you will have chances while ruling and later to escape the island if you choose too, and if you can accomplish other challenges that has to be completed, in order for an escape to take place. So the game also has(will have) a whole new escaping aspect in late play.

All this can only take place if you can stay alive, if you can't, play 1 year on easy...then 1 year on normal, then try a year+ on hard mode.

So it is hard to place opinion on the game really...unless you "have learned to" survive longer then 1 year. Then if it is not to fun to anyone, they are certainly free to find a new game, but I know too many others who love the I just want to finish what I started, for them...and myself.

p.s. I think my biggest challenge is being accomplished for the most part...that is: trying to take what would be a truly horrific experience in real life, for most people...and make it into a game that is a fun, and challenging experience, for all.

old tree houses

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Hey guys , I'm littlejohn's "little " brother lol . I have been playing this mod awhile . Ran into a couple problems that I haven't seen posted , though maybe I just missed the post idk . First and most annoying is the tree houses . I built 2 before I ever got up in one , seems to be a problem with the one with a ladder . The second one I built I had to chop down three nearby trees before I could get into it . It is the flat top one you build in the dead forked tree . I finally climb up into it stand there looking around a bit , suddenly I have a broken leg . Happens literally EVERY single time I climb up into it I get a broken leg or some other injury . I could see maybe 1 in 10 , but every time is crazy .
Other bug , though it's no big deal , is if you are asleep at midnight it doesn't count your day and it doesn't reset some stuff . Dead critters still lying everywhere etc .
Also would really like it if deer were just a normal spawn instead of just an instance . I always get lagged down on the instances . The dangerous ones I can just run away . But it's almost impossible to shoot a deer the required number of times in the short time they are out . Before the last update I often caught one stuck in my fence . I actually set odd fence joints scattered around to trap stuff . But now the deer start way away and run farther away if you approach them . I get that you don't want it to be easy . I just wish it was more like hunting instead of standing still hoping one will get stuck long enough for me to run over where it is and shoot or stab it .
Only other thing I have to say is , I really like your mod . It can be stressful , and nerve racking , but it's fun

old New Update Posted-Friday 13Th 02-13-15

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New update 02-13-15 posted, download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures.

• This 02-13 update is NOT-compatible with 01-30 version. A new game start is required. However...You could keep your old save in the old version folder to play, while starting a new game in the new version folder.

• After downloading and unzipping, delete the old version folder and zips, to save hard drive space.

I would like to hear any feedback on performance. Also on the minimal lag when toggling run/walk now, and the 0 lag using the ground by accident. Enjoy!!

• Be sure to review the change log below as some may greatly impact your game.

Change Log 02-13-15
×I forgot to add the combo's Apple or Orange or Pear + rock = Juices to the Diary(will have foods too next update)
√The intro to the storm and monsoon enhanced a bit. Prior to, you now "sense" the storms coming via message and blowing wing sound... giving time to take cover, or gear up for protection.(complete)
√The net and slingshot now regularly break when using. Like other tools and weapons.(complete)
√The small lag spike when toggling Run/Walk is now virtually undetectable.(complete)
√The small lag spike when "using" the ground 100% eliminated. All planting stakes will be placed at your feet on left mouse button/primary attack. This also minimizes the message "not enough space" when planting. Also no lag when you miss picking something up and use the ground mistakenly.(complete)
√The long pause at 98% loading, when loading the game is less noticeable, loads faster.(complete)
√Eating a cheese omelet bug fixed. (complete)
√Poisoning weapons bug fixed. (complete)
√Diary updated with latest Info and combos'.(complete)
√ Clay Oil Lamp Base: not unlocking correctly, and it's knife combos corrected. I messed them up last update.(complete)
√All Bow Natives now shoot actual arrows at the player when in range. The AI was also adjusted for diversity. The player only takes damage when hit by an arrow. So, you can hide behind a tree to avoid arrows/damage.(complete)
√The squirrel, rabbit & monkey AI re-scripted for diversity when engaged by the player. They flee from you in short spurts, in random directions, making them more of a challenge to kill sometimes. No more always run in a circle.(complete)
√Two new Native Events added: They will be the same two bow native events that happen rarely...but 1-2 of the archers will shoot fire arrows and poison arrows.(in progress)
√If you get hit by a [i]"Event" fire arrow
you can put out you burning with any bottle of water. Simply select it and "use" from your rucksack.(complete)
√New model. Rucksack Kit: 1 dry hide+ 2 cords +knife. These "kits" will be used to make the 5 different new rucksacks listed below.(complete)
√Three New food items: Apple, Orange, and Pear will grow on 3 different type trees already ingame...making them Apple, Orange, and Pear tree.(complete)
√A couple of food/juice items made from apples, oranges, and pears. Such as AppleCider, OrangeJuice, PearJuice, (no foods yet).(complete)
√The process of "tanning" raw skins will be in place. raw skins will now need to be dried/tanned for 2 days prior to use, making them into Dry Skins.(complete)
√Skins will have 2 models. One "Raw skin" and one "Dry skin". Comparable to cooked and uncooked food items.(complete)
√New model: Tanning rack - used to tan/dry raw skins. Combo: bendable branch+chord+skin=tanning rack After 2 days you can retrieve the dry skin to use in crafting.(complete)
√The "rucksack" capacity will be determined by new pouch,sack,bag,primitive backpack, and backpack. Will change the amount of loot that can be carried, speed, and increase exhaustion when carrying. Craftable at start,day7,day30,day60,day90, and 1 year. At +10 survivor day level ups.(complete)
√ New pouch,sack,bag,primitive backpack, and backpack will be crafted from rucksack kit+knife.(complete)
√Everything made with raw skins currently, will require dry skins instead.(complete)
√When the achievements reset upon starting a new game the text returns to red color, but the text says "achieved" instead of "not achieved", until you restart the game. Fixed- Now it only says "achieved" in red or green.(complete)
√Loading and saving scripts need to be checked for error.(complete)[/i]

Hi bigwill,
Good to meet you. When you climb into the tree houses...tap E once to climb and when your at the top, tap W once. Real smooth E then W. I have addressed the fall damage so only sometimes you can get hurt. Thank you for your feed back, enjoy the new update!
edited 5×, last 13.02.15 03:40:50 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Are the wells supposed to start out filled with mud ? Because they do now , and the insect repellent doesn't work now . Also had a well fill with mud after a rain . Seems odd , but is it intentional or a glitch ?

Playing on normal with saved game from jan. version .

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

It is stated above and page 1 that the saves are NOT compatible. sorry.

The well when built has been 1 in 5 chance to find water, otherwise it is full of mud and needs to be dug out.

I re-uploaded the update with a permanent fix to the Mosquito issue if interested in is fixed now. Otherwise, it works, but it only works if you have 2 or more repellent on ya.
edited 1×, last 13.02.15 07:22:48 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Yeah I got the insect repellent to work by holding it in my hand and left clicking . When I tried before I was clicking on use button in inventory/rucksack . But yeah even then I had to have two .

Actually if you think about it a well would start out filled with dirt . I just wondered because I hadn't had that happen before .

I suppose I should start a new island anyway instead of playing my saved one . Just dread those first couple of days . I started one before I tried my saved game and lasted 1 whole minute . Swam out of the water , climbed up the bank , got eaten by a lion .

old Patch for current 02-13-15 update

Super User Off Offline

If you re-download the current update it now has the following additional 7 fixes included:

1) Bamboo texture fixed, green color.
2) The hand net breaks less often.
3) Some combo items missed that are suppose to use a DRY hide instead of a RAW hide, fixed. A raw hide is ONLY used on the Tanning Rack, to make a dry hide.
4) Mosquito repellent fixed, had to have 2 to make it work, now works with only 1 as intended.
5)The new blowgun darts weight was not set, now weigh 2g as intended.
The units I worked on (bownatives, rabbbit, squirrel, monkey) AI has chance upon killing them they get stuck in annimation. Fixed.
Fixes the "small backpack" to put your supplies in it when you drop all the other rucksacks, as intended.

Here is a patch for those who already downloaded the update:

[url=]/sys.rar[/url] (small 2 MB)

1) Goto the /mods/MassiveMod folder & delete the /sys folder.
2) Download & Unzip the new /sys folder above.
3) Copy-Paste this new /sys folder back into the /mods/MassivMod folder.
edited 4×, last 28.02.15 05:47:46 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi user JasJack67!

I finished translating Your mod. During the translation noticed a few errors. In my translation, they are corrected. They are not critical. Enumerate something to remember:

- Steel shovel in ($spade_mode==5) gives + 5mining + 1dig and need 5mining + 5dig, like iron shovel.

- Making crossbow with stone, iron, steel hammer gives +1wood +1hunt +1forging and with autohammer +25wood +5hunt +5forging. I did autohammer bonus like the rest hammers: +1wood +1hunt +1forging.

- Making iron and steel knife dont gives +1 forging.

- In today fix, on use Insect Repel Cream You delete line with freestored "unit",1,3631,1;.

- A few fir and palm dont have on:hit section

Now translated mod actively tested. Afterwards, if You want, I can give You a file with the Russification of Your mod.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi freews,
I moved the repellent "on:vanish" to the bottom of the game.inf file. The bug before was deleting the repellent from your rucksack BEFORE the bugs got looped and deleted. This means when the repellent was deleted the script it still runs the loop because it is not attached to the item repel it works right.

I will check out the others...thanks much!

Where is the download link for the German version?

To All,
Re-downloading the update or patch above addresses the units I worked on this update. Upon killing them they have chance to get stuck in the position of moving/shooting. Fixed, the script was not checking if they were dead or not, sorry.

edit: I just added another fix to the update and the patch above...fixes the "small backpack" to put your supplies in it when you drop all the other rucksacks, as intended.
edited 2×, last 16.02.15 06:25:54 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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First thing I want to say: I love the concept of the mod, and so far I have enjoyed playing it (at least when not frustrated by it).

Possible bug: I attempted to make gloves (for working with my forge), but it refused to work. I followed the recipe listed in the crafting part of the diary (knife, dry hide, cord, wool), but he kept saying things like "that would never work." Also tried another piece of clothing (coat/pants I think) with the same result. Would test with raw hide, but I already tanned it and only had any thanks to luck (trapped monkey).

Lag related: I noticed I have terrible framerate/lag issues basically all the time. This has been true on multiple different systems with just about everything varying except they were all laptops with intel processors. Not sure if there's anything that can be done about it, but it is bad enough I'm not sure it'd be managable above easy mode. Probably a personal problem, I figured I'd mention it in case there were suggestions or something that could be done.

Other comment/notes: As a newbie to this mod (and someone who never played through the full adventure of the base game or played massive mod before this), I wish there was some sort of tutorial or even casual mode (maybe easier hunger/thirst, more initial drinks and possibly food, and/or initially starting with tinder and flint for the first fire) before easy. I repatedly died within the first week because I went through all my initial supplies trying to prepare a camp (shelter, fire, hollowed out rock to collect water), before figuring out how to get enough slime/insects to survive that way. Then again, I like easy not being too terribly easy now that I have the basics - I actually found this looking for a game where you survive against the elements, rather than the seemgingly abundant fighting "survival" games.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi ladyunicorn...thank you for poppin in and commenting.

There is a sort of tutorial...more like an encyclopedia of information in the DIARY. Click the top tabs Crafting/Information/Operations...they tell details about combinations and "how to" do or build stuff. It covers the most important stuff.

As for playing on a laptop, try going to OPTIONS in the main menu and lower some settings? Especially WATER texture.

The making of gloves is included in the bug listed above in the /SYS PATCH for 02-13 this update. I had just added a feature wher you have to dry hides to make them yeah, a raw hide works unless you patch your downloaded update. (the patch is on this page above).

Thank you for the compliment! Hope you find things easier using that Diary feature. Also note: Selecting anything in your inventory gives a description of that item, with some clues, or pertinent information about that item.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I did see the diary, even before I played much. The problem is...did I mention the severity of my lag? Basically the problem is that a jumpy cursor made it difficult to read everything (trying to scroll would skip past parts, then I'd have to scroll back...and other times it wouldn't seem to respond). The warnings about storms/monsoons and the tips have worked fairly well (occasionally the tips seem to write the second line over the first, but I suspect that's an issue with my computer rather than the game/mod), but the various diary entries have been unfortunately problematic.

I will definitely patch it and try changing some settings, but I have most on the lowest possible already so I'm not sure how much difference this will make.

I just find it odd because it is not using all the resources available (it almost, but not quite, maxes out one thread on one physical core and it doesn't even dent my RAM), and also because it ran lag-free on another laptop with a slower (and older) AMD processor, half the RAM, and a practically unsupported graphics chipset. I'll just try tweaking a bunch of things (with a backup of the original semi-working setup, of course) - it's probably a problem with my setup (or maybe something done by default with intel machines? Dunno, just the only thing they seem to have in common).

Also, the printable guide helped some. I don't suppose there's any way to get a copy of the various diary entries (at least the initial ones) in a text file or on the web or something? That way I could read them or send it over to my phone to look at while playing without the lag issue.

EDIT: I think I found my problem. Taking it up with the company I purchased from - I seem to have only the integrated graphics on my current laptop, despite specifically checking to make sure the referbished machine had dedicated graphics.
edited 1×, last 18.02.15 07:53:33 pm

old Printable Diary Text File

Super User Off Offline

Least you found out your computer is not setup for graphics. That kinda sucks.

The printable guide is pretty nice, Aedolaws made that for us. Only it is not updated yet with the last 4-5 updates. I will try to have that done next update, unless he sends me a new updated version first.

Here is a current text file for you of the Diary information, you can simply print it out on your printer if you choose. It has the Operations and Crafting sections(great idea!):

> Printable_DiaryTextFile (tiny 2 kb)

The only other thing that I can think of that might help lag in your case would be, turn down a couple notches the "view distance" in settings. Then the engine does not have to process trees and stuff really far away from the player. Try to keep it at least middle way or better though cause you need to see some distance, lol.

To All,
I have added that DiaryTextFile to the main game folder for future updates. So everyone can always view or print it outside the game.
edited 1×, last 18.02.15 11:52:35 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Yeah it sucks, but it should be solvable. There were two versions of this computer made (one with dedicated graphics and one without) - basically I was sent the wrong one. It was only bought a week ago (used, older, not the best thing in the world - but I have a low budget and could get MUCH better specs that way than new), so I'm working with them to get it replaced with the right one. It's a big enough company referbishing it that they have the right one to replace it with and so far haven't given me any real trouble.

Thanks for the text file! I'll try it out along with the reduced settings and hopefully it'll be a bit more managable in the meantime.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Here is the new "fabric" texture. It replaces the old "stranded patched fabric", per anything made from dry the photo that is the backpack, tepee, tent, and sails on the rafts.

On the Tanning Racks you have 1 raw hide and 2 dry hides, pretty obvious to see which racks are still drying or ready.

see the to-do list on page 1 for details about the next Update fixes/changes.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I had an interesting glitch earlier today . A torch lighted itself while I was away from camp . It seemed to coincide with my campfire going out , based on the amount of oil used . Just thought I'd share because I thought it was funny .

Also I have yet to find an apple , orange or pear tree . Are those rare ? Or have I just not looked closely enough ?
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