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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old @Clem

User Off Offline

Yeah, u seemed to be not doing a few critical stuff.

1. You can gain some water and food from bugs u know?

1a. And bugs can be found in barks.

2. You can gain bark from hitting those 'barky' trees.

3. Simply stick to the coastlines. Walk along the lines, u can easily find shellfishes, crabbies, an occasional turtle (look out for cattails like plants), coconuts and bananas (after they spawned which is abt 3 days?). Forget about hunting anything bigger, unless its a monkey tats stuck, which u dun have to chase around - then u r in luck)

4. Stick to simple shelter first.

5. Fire can come later once you can find fats (which can be easily located inside crabbies and turtles.... then again, always squish it so it is more....)

Try these 5 steps for a start ..... u will find wonders.
Else, maybe u r just inexperienced enuf for normal. Try easy.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi clem,
Additionally to what odie suggested: You should get to know what plants provide the optimal resource you are needing.


Hitting the Dead Fork Vine trees provides more vines then any other tree.
Hitting the Low Broad Leaf plant provides more leaves than any other plant or bush.
Hitting the brown Spikey Palm tree provides more bark then any other.
Hitting the Dead Branchy Bush provides the most branches...etc.

Note: Baby Bamboo provides much sugar, which you can eat to stay awake for up to 3 days straight...before Sleep Deprivation sets in...sleeping is the very last thing you want to do, in the very beginning.

Odie had a most important tip too..."other edibles cure thirst too." Maybe choose a "easy mode" map and check out what resources you get from different things. Also to discover what you can eat occasionally to help avoid dieing of thirst.

Lastly, you only need 15 vines vs 30 leaf to make water...and finding a sheep or camping near a coconut tree has thirst benefits too.

P.S. Thanx Odie

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Clem, along with getting bugs from bark (which you can get lots of from certain darker trees along the coast) you also get slime, and slime is great for quenching thirst before you have more resources with which to get water.

I haven't been playing lately. I'll get back to it eventually. Extremely tough week.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Myst,
hope ya have a better week this week ;0

eh, I got side-tracked. All the archer natives now shoot actual arrows at you. I adjusted their AI they do not pursue 100% of the time. They vary in chasing you and shooting a volley of arrows at you, and also maneuver around depending on the range from the player. You only take damage if you get hit by the actual arrow.

This also means ducking behind a tree (or object) actually works now, as the arrows exists, hitting the tree. Now I may even make "shields" as part of the players arsenal.

I may apply the maneuvering script on some of the other animals as well. It should break up the "circular" fight that seems to be present during melee attacks. Also adding diversity when try to shoot animals running directly at you or directly away from you...they should change direction more...that is what this script does a little bit.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi user JasJack67!

I found a bug in combinations_stuff.inf.

You have made a new combination oillampbase (flint knife + clay = Soft Clay Oil Lamp Base). But this combination oillampbase is not locked on start new game. And You can to craft Soft Clay Oil Lamp Base at the beginning of the game.

The old combination soft_clay_oil_lamp_base for iron and steel knife, is not unlocked nowhere. And You can not make the Soft Clay Oil Lamp Base using iron or steel knife.

sorry fo my english .
edited 1×, last 08.02.15 05:57:54 pm

old Next update this Friday 13th, Jan

Super User Off Offline

Hello freews,
Thank you much for the find and report. Missed a couple script changes I see. all fixed √

To All,
just like to say thank you all for the test plays, bug reports, and input/ideas! Further credits will be attributed in the ingame "credits" asap.

edit: I am pushing the next update out this Friday the 13th. You guys gotta have these latest fixes and additions! See: To-Do list on top of page 1 for the details.
edited 1×, last 09.02.15 05:14:12 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi user JasJack67!

If use 2 and more bottle poison, weapons don't poisoned, because in file items_weapons.inf, items_tools.inf
going wrong test variable:
if ($s2g_poison==1){

But if you used 4 bottles of poison $s2g_poison=4 , and weapons are not poisoned. Need next fix:

if ($s2g_poison>=1){

sorry for my english .
edited 2×, last 09.02.15 05:13:45 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Thank you all for your answers. I hope I can provide a "fresher" perspective to the discussion, so here are some suggestions:
- I admit, I didn't think of trying to look at bark for bugs. Good to know. This helped me to reach a point when fruits spawned on trees, finally! Now it seems I went from gathering leaves full time to gathering and processing bark full time. It keeps me one step ahead of starvation.
- I read the tip about different trees providing different amounts of resources. However, given that water without fire ~= death, the issue was essentially a) gather enough leaves b) find time to gather other stuff to light the fire. "Only" 15 or 30 leaves take a long time to gather! Perhaps it's just that I don't want to kill the small leafy plants and therefore stick to trees to gather leaves?
- Fruits: I never saw any anywhere. I guess I wasn't surviving long enough? Still, if it helps with survival but you have to survive to get to it... you see my point
- Perhaps eating snail slime or worms from a bark isn't the most intuitive thing people think about doing when thirsty... I personally was convinced that all those animals had to drink somewhere and I was looking, at the beginning, for sources/pools near wild animals spawns. Just an outsider's perspective.
- Re:sugar == stay awake: I read that it helped with staying awake in the description but I would have never ever ever guessed that that was the primary use. I ate a bunch and saw how little the hunger bar was decreasing. Now, if there's one thing that sugar does, is increase your GI and drastically lower your hunger in a very short time. So, seeing that in this game this doesn't seem to be the case I thought it was meant as a resource for advanced crafting later in the game. I stopped wasting precious clicks on young bamboos. Perhaps to make it more newb-friendly it should be separated: there should be some stimulant plant and sugar should just be an energizing plant.
Thanks again!
edited 1×, last 09.02.15 03:50:03 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I, too, never thought of looking for slime and bugs in bark until someone mentioned it here. As for the sugar, I know for sure you can use it to make rum later and sell it to the pirate, but since you can plant bamboo in this mod later in the game, sugar is practically an unlimited resource, so feel free to nom it all.

By the way, I just started playing this again. Found a spot with a water rock and no hostiles. Not a peninsula, but not one hostile creature in sight. Also, the very first strike on this water rock gave me a flint shard. I think my luck is trying to correct the anomalistic balance from before.

edit: Oh yes and the best way to start an early fire is with paper. Starch, bark, and a rock for tinder. Easy enough, but IRL I don't live in or near a city, so I can start fires here if I want, and I just scoop up some dead leaves and pine needles for tinder. Animal fat just seems silly.
edited 1×, last 09.02.15 07:36:23 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi user JasJack67!

in file items_material.inf:
name=Bucket Dirt

on:use - script are wrong.

that is fixed script
on:use {
if (getplayerweapon()==84){
terrain getx("self"), getz("self"), 2, .5;
jade 10;
process "Raising Land",4000;
speech "positive";
event "iskill_dig","global";
alteritem 1,4910;
}elseif (getplayerweapon()==4810){
terrain getx("self"), getz("self"), 2, .5;
jade 10;
process "Raising Land",4000;
speech "positive";
event "iskill_dig","global";
alteritem 1,4910;
msg "I need a shovel to do this!",3;
speech "negative";

I translate Your mod for the Russian community. Tests and bug fixes at the same time.

sorry for my english .

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi, cool translate to Russian

hey, that $s2g_poison variable is a "switch". It is always either 0 or 1. It does not count how many you are poisoning. So it should be ok...the actual poison is counted to a max of 4 though.

p.s. I changed that code, I do not no why I was thinking you need a empty bucket to raise the land with a bucket of should actually GET a empty bucket back after using/dumping the bucket of dirt. fixed √

Hey thanks for the feedback...will try to add more info to make more nub friendly. There is a stimulus plant, coffee tree, beans, to make coffee. The fruits do not start spawning until day 3+.

glad your luck is changing hope you get a OSR of 10+ this time.
edited 4×, last 10.02.15 12:57:05 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi user JasJack67!

user JasJack67 has written
hey, that $s2g_poison variable is a "switch". It is always either 0 or 1. It does not count how many you are poisoning. So it should be ok...the actual poison is counted to a max of 4 though.

### Poison
on:attack2 {
		if ($s2g_poison==4){
			msg "You already have the max amount of poisons equipped!",3;
			if ($s2g_poison==0){
				if (skillvalue("hunt")>=25){
					msg "You've equipped $s2g_poison poison.",4;
					freestored "unit",1,37,1;
					find 106;
					process "poisoning my next attack... $1s2g_poison",5000;
					msg "You're not skilled enough to use poison!",3;
			}elseif ($s2g_poison==1){
				if (skillvalue("hunt")>=50){
					msg "You've equipped $s2g_poison poison.",4;
					freestored "unit",1,37,1;
					find 106;
					rocess "poisoning my next attack... $1s2g_poison",5000;
					msg "You're not skilled enough to use more poison!",3;
			}elseif ($s2g_poison==2){
				if (skillvalue("hunt")>=75){
					msg "You've equipped $s2g_poison poison.",4;
					freestored "unit",1,37,1;
					find 106;
					process "poisoning my next attack... $1s2g_poison",5000;
					msg "You're not skilled enough to use more poison!",3;
			}elseif ($s2g_poison==3){
				if (skillvalue("hunt")>=125){
					msg "You've equipped $s2g_poison poison.",4;
					freestored "unit",1,37,1;
					find 106;
					process "poisoning my next attack... $1s2g_poison",5000;
					msg "You're not skilled enough to use more poison!",3;

As you can see the variable $s2g_poison can have a maximum value of 4! So if You used 4 poison, the weapon will not poisoned.
It is easy to check by starting a new game.


### Cheese Omelet

remains the old script on:eat
edited 1×, last 10.02.15 05:51:30 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hello guys!
I love this mod but I have a very annoying problem with this version: every time I use "pick" button [E] on the ground, e.g. when I want to pick an item and miss, I get a few seconds lag (the same happened when toggle sprint but solution few pages before helped to enhance this). Is there any solution to fix it? I previously played version 07-15-14 and everything was OK.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I see I see...your absolutely correct! I believe that is Builders2.0's script from massive-mod, and I had found many errors like that, just when I think I found the last one, lol, low-n-behold!

edited weapons and tools with:
if ($s2g_poison>=1){

thanks much man! fixed √

id=4995 old on:eat fixed/deleted √

Hello, thank you for posting, glad you liken the mod :). I have been working on that one. I have just made some improvements in that script. The upcoming update should be less lag when "using the ground". Thank you for posting!

p.s.When you use the ground the script is looking to see if you have a planting stake to put in the ground. It WAS also checking to see if your carrying the explosive barrel in your hand. Well, I made it so it does not check for the barrel, cuz it is checked now when you go to DROP it on the ground...NOT when you USE the ground. This makes that script, much faster.

Hi, sorry your having problems loading. The only time I get a "Not Responding" during loading is if I am clicking stuff when the game is still loading, let it load, even with a not respond it still loads after a minute or so. I do not know why this happens yet. Thank you for visiting, make sure your mod folder is this latest update: 01-30-15

edit: Ok...I think I found something to get rid of the long pause at 98% loading...seems to load in much less time as in the past. Thank you for the motivation! fixed √
edited 5×, last 11.02.15 03:29:31 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Could be, I am not really sure. The mod is freakin gettin huge though.

I think I fixed it! √

not for sure if it's fixed for everyone though...cuz i cannot test it on other operating systems currently.

hey...about the fence "pens" earlier. After investigating, try simply rotating your mouse wheel to rotate the fence when setting it to build. It allows you to move the object around with the mouse while you rotate it with the wheel...makes it very easy to line up fencing so i see no need to add more type fences atm. In modeling pens, it opens up a whole new can of worms due to needing a "the gate". Doesn't matter if I make a pen with a gate already, or to model a pen that: "how can you destroy only 1 section of choice to make your own gate?"...either way it involves many models and much scripting which the "mouse wheel" already eliminates.

All objects can be rotated using the wheel before choosing the location...and the wheel locks the rotation with every spin. Just thought I'd throw that out there at ya. Cheers!

p.s. no worry..I hear what you write, even when I do not respond right away...I am fine that you cannot script. Because what you have added to the mod over the years in: Ideas, Suggestions, Input, Opinions, Solutions, and Good Cheer...may as well, been more important over-all, then what you might have helped me script. Thank you!

To All,
Seems I have fixed the lag spike when you toggle run/walk...also the spike when you "use" the ground! Check the To-Do list at the top of page 1 for details.

New update being posted this Friday the 13Th.
edited 6×, last 11.02.15 05:37:43 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I was able to run this mod.
I'm disappointed.
1. Too fast emerging hunger and thirst. Too difficult to mine l 30 leaves = 40-50 hunger and thirst 40-50, 30 leaves = 35 thirst, it is too difficult
2. The freez (lag) between a run. It's very unnerving
3. Too low value food and drinks, eats for the day falls to 10 loaves of bread. This is stupid
4. On the complexity normally - no water sources.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi user JasJack67!

In script sys/scripts/barrel/barrel_fill.s2s you add new button button 3,"Fill with corn sugar water!", but do not correct the old buttons:
- button 3,"Fill with blackpowder!"
- button 4,"Close menu"

Therefore, there is no possibility to choose "Fill with corn sugar water!".

Need fix:
- button 4,"Fill with blackpowder!"
- button 5,"Close menu"

old --> Malzar

User Off Offline

user Malzar has written
I was able to run this mod.
I'm disappointed.
1. Too fast emerging hunger and thirst. Too difficult to mine l 30 leaves = 40-50 hunger and thirst 40-50, 30 leaves = 35 thirst, it is too difficult
2. The freez (lag) between a run. It's very unnerving
3. Too low value food and drinks, eats for the day falls to 10 loaves of bread. This is stupid
4. On the complexity normally - no water sources.

Aloha Malzar,

I believe you are not exactly very native english person. Nonetheless, since you are new to this mod - know that the average learning curve is STEEP.

In the beginning of this forum, at Jack's very first post, you will need note that this is not for the faint-hearted. Its targeted at DIFFICULT.

Nonetheless, you can adopt some of earlier's advice (in fact its just this page and the previous') and learn few things quick.

You can set on EASY mode for a start to get a feel and switch to NORMAL OR HARD later.

For lags, u can lower settings.... IMO, i DEFINATELY say that this MOD has addressed and RESOLVED alot of the bugs that massive mod and the original stranded have. Its much faster. If you are unable to run it well, your PC's probably bugged, unperforming, low specs or well.... virused and adwares filled? (Ask me in a separate post if you need help with PC related stuff.... i pro bono services for you).

And as for the stupid issue.... please watch your language. No one likes to be called stupid.... esp when this is NOT a stupid mod. AND SINCE WHEN IS SURVIVING SIMPLE?

Now, with that passed.... some startup advice, as per Jack's and my earlier advice:

user odie has written
Yeah, u seemed to be not doing a few critical stuff.

1. You can gain some water and food from bugs u know?

1a. And bugs can be found in barks.

2. You can gain bark from hitting those 'barky' trees.

3. Simply stick to the coastlines. Walk along the lines, u can easily find shellfishes, crabbies, an occasional turtle (look out for cattails like plants), coconuts and bananas (after they spawned which is abt 3 days?). Forget about hunting anything bigger, unless its a monkey tats stuck, which u dun have to chase around - then u r in luck)

4. Stick to simple shelter first.

5. Fire can come later once you can find fats (which can be easily located inside crabbies and turtles.... then again, always squish it so it is more....)

Try these 5 steps for a start ..... u will find wonders.
Else, maybe u r just inexperienced enuf for normal. Try easy.

user JasJack67 has written
hi clem,
Additionally to what odie suggested: You should get to know what plants provide the optimal resource you are needing.


Hitting the Dead Fork Vine trees provides more vines then any other tree.
Hitting the Low Broad Leaf plant provides more leaves than any other plant or bush.
Hitting the brown Spikey Palm tree provides more bark then any other.
Hitting the Dead Branchy Bush provides the most branches...etc.

Note: Baby Bamboo provides much sugar, which you can eat to stay awake for up to 3 days straight...before Sleep Deprivation sets in...sleeping is the very last thing you want to do, in the very beginning.

Odie had a most important tip too..."other edibles cure thirst too." Maybe choose a "easy mode" map and check out what resources you get from different things. Also to discover what you can eat occasionally to help avoid dieing of thirst.

Lastly, you only need 15 vines vs 30 leaf to make water...and finding a sheep or camping near a coconut tree has thirst benefits too.

P.S. Thanx Odie
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