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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Only Way?

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I am not saying its the only way la... hahaha.
There are many who play all varieties of map and survive, i am sure.

Maybe u can restart and keep trying few times till u get a decent map?

Else, maybe you can try editing the startup contents.... (PS, learn yes....)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Nah, I can rarely get started on medium. I haven't had a decent start since the map sizes were updated. Though I just tried the big size and I still died because I couldn't find any essential resources in time, and flint is still quite rare, but at least I didn't find a group of claw monkeys guarding every mushroom.
edited 1×, last 20.01.15 01:00:49 am

old Starter's Guide

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Well, I admit that it is rough the first week in hard mode. Atm at the start of the game (small, hardest, hilly island = my favorite) we have a high volume of hostiles that it is unrealistic. And yes, it is hard. But, I am not going to complain because otherwise it is too easy. I am not sure how to reconcile the dilemma.

And further, I do admit that I do restart several times until I get an island that I like, i.e., I look for an tiny island off the main island, or an easily defensible peninsula. I usually get a map by nightfall, so I do not play much until I know whether I want to commit or not.

JJ, as I have suggested before we should have a main XL large Survivalist map that you can include with the download. It should be multiple islands, with decorations, etc. And here you can show off with unique features.

Anyways, my 2 cents starter plan (and this is not for you Myst, I know you are a vet, this is for n00b players).


Get out of the water asap and look for a bark palm tree ASAP (the one with the afro like top). For the next 5 to 10 hours, harvest bark and process for slime and insects (food and water). Keep a look out around you, move as little as possible. If attacked: run in one direction keeping to the coast until you find a safe spot, then stop and look for bark palm tree again, etc.


Keep in mind you need stones and branches BEFORE night fall for hammer (your first tool) and fire. Ideally the stones will come from a water rock or eagles' nest the first day -- The spillover benefits being potential for water catch (future) or eggs (immediate benefit or if cooked even better), either one is good.

By nightfall you should be ready to have a fire going and hopefully a map (this is one of the game's weaknesses atm, so exploit it while you can).

You do not necessarily need to set up a grill if you do not have anything to cook. But you do need a map if you want to know WHERE you want to set up your main camp next morning, and by that I mean WHERE you want to build your first shelter AND sleep your first few hours. For that you need a fire. So, you might want to skip on sleeping your first night, but you will most likely need sugar and a safe spot to accomplish this, AND you still need a fire the first night.


Once you are ready or forced to: Run Forrest Run!!! near the coast until it is safe. Ideally you do this after you have gotten a map. BUT IF NOT, then you are looking for an island or a peninsula OR a safe area full of resources, most important: a water rock. Before the run tho you should have some slime and insects in your backpack. Through out the run you should avoid sacrificing your health. You are looking for a good site for First Camp. Whether you run before or after you get a map depends on your luck/island.

4. While running of course check out your surroundings and AVOID hostiles. The main goal the next 2 or 3 hours is to find a good site for First Camp and to collect ONLY wild easy pickings (mushrooms, insects, coastal critters). DO NOT get sidetracked to do exhausting actions like hunting or collecting random ore resources, etc. LOOK for a water rock hostile free area


For now, until the game changes, you need starch the first day, for paper = map. So, harvest the bush that looks like an afro. This will help you decide whether you want to play the island or not, and if so, where do you want to build your FIRST shelter.

Build a bamboo shelter asap. Hopefully at the very latest by your second night.

6. FIRST AID. You need vine and other basics to cure for first emergency injuries ASAP, i.e., blue blossom for bleeding and vines, branches for broken bones. Plus, keep an eye for other herbs that will also improve your health.

7. Miscellaneous

One of the few exhausting actions you should undertake the first few hours of the game and throughout the first week is to collect sugar and bamboo. You will need it the first couple of days.

8. The Knife

You need a knife. It is probably the most important tool AND weapon after the hammer. So keep an eye out for flints. This is key. You can get flints by striking ore, but beware, this might be exhausting to the point that it might kill you.

Knives will allow you to process food better, to attack and defend better, and to acquire advance tools and weapons. Again, getting a knife is essential and should be done within the first few days.

9. Next few days should be a matter of MAPPING your surroundings while looking for FOOD and WATER.


Cooking is ESSENTIAL. Looking for easy pickings like bird nests and wild fruits will let you keep playing. Emphasis on "easy", the less work you do the less food/water/rest you need. So, do not be lazy because you will lack resources and thus will kill you, but do not over exhaust yourself because it will kill you as well. Cooking whatever you can cook, will make your life even easier!!!

11. By the second week you should start planning how to endeavor in undertaking fishing, ceramics, forging, and going out to clean up your surroundings from hostiles. PICK ONE STRATEGY and balance it WISELY! I highly suggest you go the fishing route as much as you can, you will not be disappointed!

12. By the third week you should be able to put up a fence and more easily work around your sphere of influence. Focusing on animals (chickens and sheep) and advanced tools. Perhaps you can now have multiple camps!!!

13. By the end of your first month you should be in a good position to survive. You will certainly have a fire, a grill, a shelter, some tools and weapons and some basic storage with some supplies. If you are good, you will have built some advanced buildings like water through, stills and barrels. And if you are really good, some buildings that will keep live stock. If your are really good and a far sighted survivalist you will be working on agriculture!!!

It is here the game difficulty/fun experiences a collapse and it becomes easier and easier as you build up your buildings and resources.

NEVERTHELESS!!! Winter will come, and life will get tougher! Be ready to survive or DIE!!!

edited 39×, last 22.01.15 07:09:24 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Very good starting strategy! I do similar starts myself.

Do not forget the ever important BOTTLE! You must seek to kill a turtle or small monkey for a bladder bottle...or fishing you can often time snag a bottle.

The only other things I can add is the importance of cotton/wool too. Making a net to beat on small bamboo for sugar (and other stuff) without killing the plant is very helpful too. You can weave cord by "using" cotton/wool in your rucksack...but only 1 cord at a time.(without a knife). So a sheep or cotton bush is very useful in the beginning. (especially if you get a bird and feathers to make a substandard bow that can knock out small game easily...even with just a stone arrow.)

also note: grabbing 5 leaf and 5 vines at the first site of lightening will become mandatory if you do not want to be forced to stay under shelter to prevent rain damage too. You can weave a hat to prevent rain damage.

lastly: Don't forget some plants yield more of certain kinds of items...such as...bark palm produces bark, leafy low plant produces leaves, small young bamboo produces sugar, large old bamboo produces bamboo, the branchy bush produces branches, 4 forked dead vine tree produces much vines, etc.

p.s. Due to start difficulty, posts, and personal experiences, I have tweaked/reduced the "jade" of all bars on the hourly tick, a tiny bit...In the spring season (starting season) the jade is minimal in the next update. This should also help reduce the amount of time needed for searching bark, and late evening struggle with sleep. A tiny bit of relief but not much.

p.p.s. The 4 forked dead vine tree gives ample vines and can make water fast with 15 vines + 1 stone...but you need that BOTTLE.
edited 1×, last 20.01.15 05:11:28 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Bottles are key!!! I agree! I keep thinking we should have broken bottles and cans around the beach, and good ones every now and then that we can use. At the beginning they should be a heaven sent item (and you can create dozens of them). Plus if you can work it out, it could be paid ad items Cmmm dude, when r u going to let me be your partner?

And yes, big yes, obviously with experience comes knowledge about each item in the island. But that requires an aside guide.

Dude, have u seen the upcoming Stranded Deep in Stream? That shit looks awesome. I am not sure if I am going to be able to run it, I could not run The Forest. Heh, we'll see.
edited 2×, last 20.01.15 05:56:42 am

old JJ - On Corn Shuck and Corn Seeds + Seeds / Fruits

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Hey JJ,

I am curious as to why you have cornseeds and 10 x cornseeds (id 279) in combinations_food.inf repeated 3x?

1. Somewhere centre of file
2. 3/4 way in file
3. Almost 90% down in the file


If this is the case, i tested editing the first one, to say generate corn seeds x 10 per shuck (which is pretty logical instead of just 1), it does not work.

But if i edit latter ones, it does.

Pls check this....


On a side note, you cannot compose poop with coffee seeds. Missed this out?

And PS: Cant u also poop with plums and other fruits such as coconuts, bananas etc...? Let me check pooping now. hahahha.

I found also cotton seeds + poop not working. Cocoa + poop also not.

Love throwing this poop thing into your face now. hahahahhaha.

PS: I have a thought about making 1 bucket of poop as 12 portions of compose instead. Then u can do 1 seed to 1 compose, instead of always 12 at a time..... yes this is a lot of codings and should be shit work, but hey, its realistic. hahahha.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

yes i have seen it. I also saw an early version video quite a long time ago in alpha...unless they changed it, your simply stuck in a raft out at sea...that is the whole game, stay alive on a raft?

there is duplicate combos of many things that use multiple tools such as the knife...1 combo for each flint, iron and steel knife.

I have not made the fertile cotton or fertile bamboo no.

only poop from plums or being sick.

and yes, I thought about dividing the compost so you can fertile 1 per seed, good idea.

old Cooking Level 5 to 6 and others

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Hey JJ,

I realised when leveling from cooking skill 499 to 500 (or for that matter 498 to 508), the skill did not unlock.

Check it out.


And on the compost combination, icic.

Maybe one day once u r all done, we can arrange them all properly, then put description to help future modders?


On the poop, yeah 1 compost or 12 compost per 1 bucket is good idea no doubt.


On planting, I noticed at 300+ farming, i still cant plant stuff like tomatoes (fertilised),..... isit problem? Or have i got to wait till (fruit bearing trees) before i can do tomatoes etc....?

Ah and my bad for not noticing the id of the required items for the duplicate. Just found it strange initially. heh.... thanks for clarifications.

JJ and on that unity version of stranded, it has improved slightly. But yeah, nothing much still. VERY far off imo.

Unless their codings are the same as this, in terms of items, then probably i wont bother with it for at least another year...... hahahaha.

If it is, then it would be great as i am sure we can easily port things over....
edited 2×, last 20.01.15 10:06:24 am

old On Flint

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Hey Bunny,

Do you know you can start a fire w/o flint initially?
And about getting flint for knife... maybe you may wish to leave that for later....?

Try getting a hammer first?
Then upgrade mining.
Then get flint from mining perhaps?



U know i was watching on cable the other day, a survival documentary, and i do rmbr from my survival training during army that u can create sharp enuf 'flints' from thin stones....

Chipping at the edge of thin stones can create edges just as sharp for cutting up things like meat. Can we 'use' stones to do that? Maybe not 1 is to 1. Either a chance (1 in XX) or maybe just save the randomness and use 10 or 20 stones to create 1 'sharp edge'?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Yeah, got the hammer, trying to fish with insects but end up eating most of them I find to get my hunger down for casting.

I did find a piece of flint on this map where I got a decent start, but there is one claw monkey, possibly two, a shaman, AND a bowman guarding it. The rare flint seems to be the bottleneck for my advancement out of early game. Biggest map, too.

old supply boat

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Il sorry if it had been answer in the past but is there really something in the open see? i'v built the supply boat and, run strait south for an hour, i didnt find anything.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

sorry no. the change log here on page 1, and in the mods main folder says: the ship was added but incomplete. It will be 1 of the 2 ways to escape the island...when it is completed.

There is nothing out in the sea...when you escape in the future updates you will not have to go far before your "Escaped menu/page" is displayed, and your "OSR" score is posted.

You will have better success in the next update, the "relief" I posted above in the p.s. should really make a difference!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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The flint should not be too hard to obtain. You either get lucky finding it while looking for a good site to camp, or you mine for it.

I would not fish until I get at least 100+ hooks (and thus XP) and 100 insects, plus enough food and water to spend 1 or 2 days fishing, while cooking.

Before that I would stick to minor critters, if you are good, birds, and maybe a sheep if you really need it.

Once you are done fishing you should be good for a week of hard work, probably mining/forging for your first tools and weapons, i.e. the scythe (for crops), weapons (to kill a couple of natives and get a bow or potion), or probably better: nails for shelters (health) and fences (defense, sheep and birds).

Note, before advanced weapons, try going on a killing spree with simple bow and poisoned arrows. That should clear your 1 day radius area and make your life easier.

BTW JJ, I think the first level of fences should not require nails, instead it should require vines or cords. We should be able to put up a barricade before iron.

I did notice an abundance of life in the last version. Not sure if this is impacting performance. I would take it down a notch across the board.
edited 15×, last 22.01.15 08:07:54 am

old Dried up well....

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I found a potential new issue, that or I am missing something. I tried to find out if anyone else posted anything similar, didnt find anything though, so here goes.
My well dried up.
It used to be that I could dig out the dirt, and it would go back to good.
Is this no longer the case? Cause I have dug at my well now about 50 times, and its not clearing up.
Does it have to anything to do with what mode you are on? Or was it something changed that wasn't put in the change log? Or did I catch a new bug/glitch?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Didn't find flint or ores in my last map, besides the one that was guarded. (and you need a knife to make arrows to poison) I've tried mining one of those water rocks for several days before with no luck. Am I just the unluckiest survivalist player? As I mentioned before, I can either find flint, or a good camp site, but never both.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

the idea of breaking rocks with a random chance of finding a sharp rock, to make a knife, is about the same as currently hitting any rocks and randomly finding flint, to make a knife. It simulates this exact scenario i think.

hmm, I will go over the start spawn rates of units...I play big map and thought it was pretty ok...maybe the normal and small maps need a tweak to reduce number. Idk, I will check it out however.

Hey thank you , good find. Yes I messed the well up cuz I was fixing it so when it rains, it adds water to the well filling it back yes it is broke currently (very sorry for your extra digging ) √ fixed

Now building the Well starts out with 14 drinks. If it rains anytime it is below 14 drinks, the rain adds +1 drink every hour it is raining filling it back to 14 drinks. If you use ALL the water you collapse the well filling it with mud, and have to dig next to it removing the mud.

Additionally, the "age" of the well is checked every midnight update, if it is over 4 days old there is then, a random chance (1 in 5) it goes dry and fills with mud...where you are required to dig out the mud.

I have scripted all rock to produce fint shard along with the regular flint. The random is set to 3% shard vs 1% flint. I also found that a couple of rocks did not produce flint at all...if anyone was beating on it to find flint they would never have found I also made sure ALL rock can produce flint when hitting them.

I also added a few pieces of shard to spawn lying around on the ground when a new map is started.

Due to this change, I have reversed my decision to reduce flint breakage in the To-Do list, as of late.

To All,
Be sure to check out the To-Do list on page 1. I may also be posting this next update before the last Friday of the month. Check in there for exact "release-time" and upcoming changes/fixes.
edited 2×, last 22.01.15 04:29:07 pm
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