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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi diver,
The mod has had difficulty increased slightly over time yes. Couple things that might help is to "avoid" all hostiles until you have several bamboo spears to "throw"...also, make your first camp temporary and right near your spawn area...and can climb several of the trees and larger rocks to escape hostiles. Throw them spears from a safe location. Avoid bowman for the first 2 weeks! Or until you can make iron spears or iron arrows.

There really are to many variables and scenarios to make only 1 plan ALWAYS work, to get your self at a self-sustaining level. You might take several losses before you figure out exactly whats most important, given the actual resources and terrain your dealt, when you start a new game.

That IS what I love most about The Survivalist...every time you start a new game, it is not the same as the last.

Most of the strategy in the beginning is avoiding hostiles, once they "see" you, you have little chance to live. So do not go "inrange" of for other hostiles, climbing a big rock or tree can give you the time to stop and think, and look around for an escape route. Only RUN when you have to escape!

thank you for posting! Good luck!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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The game as is, has no known better version. To wait for all bugs, fixes, improvements to be done is to wait forever, as the game could always be improved, and JJ is always thinking of ways of dong so.

All known annoyances are truly inconsequential. More a matter of cosmetics than required fix.

I would strongly suggest to play it and enjoy it as is.

old One last question...

User Off Offline

OK, one last question:
Do coal deposits appear in every island, or did I just get an island with no coal? I've taken a map and some charcoal all over my island looking for this, charting every landmark I found. So far I found 3 iron, 2 gold, and 1 crystal, but I can't locate the coal...

old Coal

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Coal does not spawn automatically. You have to increase your mining skill to the point where you can use an iron shovel to prospect for coal deposits.

There may be a section on prospecting in the guide, but basically you equip your iron shovel, left click a few times to select prospecting for stone/coal, and then stand in one spot and right click to prospect. Eventually you will find something and either a stone or coal deposit will spawn under your feet.

FYI, an easy way to increase your mining skill is to combine excess stones with a hammer to create pebbles.

old On Coal

User Off Offline

user Nobodyishome has written
Coal does not spawn automatically. You have to increase your mining skill to the point where you can use an iron shovel to prospect for coal deposits.

There may be a section on prospecting in the guide, but basically you equip your iron shovel, left click a few times to select prospecting for stone/coal, and then stand in one spot and right click to prospect. Eventually you will find something and either a stone or coal deposit will spawn under your feet.

FYI, an easy way to increase your mining skill is to combine excess stones with a hammer to create pebbles.


Your info is not so accurate.
Actually, if your mining skill is high enough, you can find useful ores (including coals) in ANY deposit, including common stones.

You can also get occasional coals from iron deposits too, rarely.

Meantime, you can simply try luck mining, but the rule of this game is to keep mining till abt 350 to get useful ores from most deposits. happy mining in other words!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi guys n gals!

After a nice holiday break I will get back to working on the mod this week. I will try to post what I have by Jan 15 or so.

Thank you all for your continued posts and interests in this mod. Hope you're having fun with it!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi user JasJack67!

I found a bug in the script Sheep (male) id=81.

You missed a few lines in the section on:changeday, there is no increase of wool (+5) and don't work Sheep Breeding.

on:changeday {
          if (count_stored("self",48)<20){
               local $id;
               store $id,"self";
               freevar $id;
               if ($tmp1==20){
               if (random(12)==12)
edited 1×, last 06.01.15 08:35:12 pm

old Aloha Jack Again!

User Off Offline

Heya Jack,

Ah i am back for a while again!
Finished all my final exams, final year project and even got married! hahahhaa.

How was my excel spreadsheet on Google Drive?
Have you seen it yet?

Awaiting your nx patch.

old All my love

User Off Offline

Hey guys, just wanna say keep up the good work i brouth DAYZ 3 dayz ago and i only play 1h on it cause i had to hut beehive . the survivalist is the best game mod i got the chance toi play!

PS: a leave bucket would ne Nice to pick up somme rain in the bigining

Pardonner mon anglais

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I just started playing this and, although I'm pretty sure this was asked before... why does my game lag when I start either walking or sprinting? The game runs smoothly when I'm walking or running, but the transition from one to other (when I press the button to sprint/walk) freezes my game a bit every time, and it's annoying.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey hi, welcome back! Yes I have the spreadsheet saved and am lovin it! Helps me find "free" ID's easily when I add something new too!

Thank You! I know that was a tedious job and I appreciate your contribution greatly!

Welcome! Glad your having fun! A leaf bucket would only give maybe 1 drink of can simple crush 15 vines or 30 leaf, with a rock, to get 1 bottle of water. Or hollow a rock with your hammer to catch rain water (same idea as making a leaf bowl to catch rain water).

not a bad idea...I just think it should be the biggest challenge in a survival game to get clean water. Adding more ways to get water will make it to easy on med-hard mode.

here is the script when you hit the shift button:

on:keyhit01 {
        if ($run==0) {
    	    player_speed $s2g_sprint;
            if (gety("unit",1)>0){ 
		        msg "Running!",3,1000;
		        msg "Fast swim!",3,1000;
	        player_speed $s2g_walk;
            if (gety("unit",1)>0){
		        play "gasp.wav",0.5; 
		        msg "Walking!",4,1000;
		        msg "Slow swim!",4,1000;

I have re-written this script several times to make is as optimal as I can...i do not see any way to make it faster, so it is an issue I do not see a fix for.

There is not a lot to the script, and I see not reason why it should lag, or any way to improve it. What it contains is all necessary to make walk run work and nothing extra.

To All,
I need to push back the release date of the next update until the end of the month...just have not gotten enough done that I wanted to...please be patient and I will release what I have done the last Friday of January.

old On Excel

User Off Offline

Aloha JJ,

Glad the spreadsheet helps.

It will continue to remain opened in sharing for you and I.
Pls feel free to update it along the way.

Once you have finalised this MOD in the distant future, I guess u can include in the MOD documentation. haha.

Maybe once you decide to start balancing, I can make the effort to add 4 more columns or more to each item, so that it includes the hp, stam, hydration, nutrition etc, so that everything is in one glance, and can be sorted in that sense, to balance for better food = better quality. Heh. Wink.

Still enjoying my job transition, pending my final results for uni this couple of days, and also playing some android games. heh. Let me know if you have a beta of the next version of sorts. I can start a new game and quickly check and beta play!


old sprinting patch

Super User Off Offline

yeah, the massive mod used "hold down" the key to sprint, many players posted that it lags there game...though it works ok for others like myself. I never had a problem with sprinting. So I changed the key to "toggle" run on and off.

I found that holding the key spams the engine which conflicts with the mod and all of it's build. Massive Mod was not finished and has broken scripts/bugs... nor did it have the many features that make The Survivalist what it is today.

The engine is very sensitive now because of the overload of content/scripted you saw the script I posted, for that to lag the engine is working very hard.

Yall wanna try this sprint patch, let me know if you think is lags less. After testing I believe it is a better script even with no "walking"-"running"-"swimming" text.

> game.inf

just download and copy/replace the game.inf in the sys folder.

Here is the simplified script for anyone interested, will definitely enhance the lag when hitting the SHIFT key to run or walk.
on:keyhit01 {
      if ($run==0) {
    	   player_speed $s2g_sprint;
	   player_speed $s2g_walk;
           play "gasp.wav",0.5;
edited 5×, last 19.01.15 12:47:38 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Tried playing this again, but I seem to be having the same problem I do in the let's-play. The density of the hostile mobs just seems way too thick.

game 1: Spawned in the middle of a group of piranha

game 2: Two steps onto land and right onto a scorpion

game 3: sneak past a seemingly endless line of claw monkeys, and when it finally looks like I found a place to get started, I turn around and there's a lion in my face

game 4: spawned right next to a native

Think you can lower the density just a little? I'd love to actually be able to check out the additions I've missed. I mean besides the mosquitos which in game 3 I managed to make it far enough to encounter.

Also, tick lag is still there. Sorry.

old MystBunny

User Off Offline


Maybe i can suggest you start on a larger island?
Or perhaps a HUGE one hahaha. I never had such a problem when not using my super-god-avatar....

Then again, even when i used, i never encounter such a sad state as your predicament.... but then again, i always use the largest island possible..... heh.
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