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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Finally I can play this game again.
Great work with lags and great new ideas.

The hut prematurely unlocks before Hunting 150
Insect Repel Cream doesen't work
Some lag when eating "carving need" type food

99% finished mod? I hope that's not the end
Need retexture some animals (wolfdog, wolf, bear and sheep(male sheep- ram))
Need more vegetables (beans, carrot)
More dishes
(Baked beans with meat- 3 beans+1 tomato+ 1 meat- cravings+ 3 vegetables + 2 red meat or white;
salad= 5 grapes + 1 corn + 1potato + kinfe
cravings= 5 fruit + 3 vegs )

after 5 day should be full list of cravings
Fruits (6 to fullfill after 2 days again in list)
Vegs (6 to fullfill after 2 days again in list)
White Meat (8 to fullfill after 2 days again in list)
Red Meats (5 to fullfill after 4 days again in list)
Seafoods (5 to fullfill after 3 days again in list)
Calciums (2 to fullfill after 1 days again in list)
Grains (10 to fullfill after 3 days again in list)
antioxidants (10 to fullfill after 4 days again in list
after 30 days (display in list)
Alcohols (6 to fullfill after 5 days again in list)
Salts (10 to fullfill after 5 days again in list)
Sweets (6 to fullfill after 3 days again in list)
Caffeine (5 to fullfill after 4 days again in list)

If some carving have status red other have 50% penalty of foods filling you less. This is my fast wrritng idea, i know that this need balnce.
Hope you undersand and like idea.

old skill level-up checking

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Hey Jas,
I see you changed how and where the skill-ups are calculated to reduce lag, but your conditionals look like they are only built to work for skill increases of +1. Since you can get +25 points for some actions, you could go from say 70 to 95 and your skill should increase to level 2. However, the scripts are only checking for a level-up at 74, 149, 249, etc. If you don't hit those numbers exactly, then it skips the level-up and you don't get it until your next skill increase.

old A Blast for You

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user CaneCorso has written
Well u guys now really wasting ur times , Stranded 3 will be out soon , be sure that all S2 players will leave it and join S3.
well hope u understant wat I mean correctly lol

Well, I should really give you a good heads up for your inappropriate, ignorant, insensitive, inconsiderate and unappreciative reply.

I guess 699 days here on this forum, and your probably never play this mod player, u should just leave this thread and see just how much stranded 3 can do for ya.

Survivalist mod is an extensively expanded, coded, debugged and improved mod, on top of the best mod previously known (massive mod). The original stranded 2 i dare say, was not even 1/3 of what survivalist mod has now; let alone all the debugging and added features added.

If you think stranded 3 is good, pls go ahead. IMO, its going to be based on the original contents - which is really limited but nonetheless innovative and inspiring. And I guess once tat is stable enough, you will see a HUGE amount of this mod there as a NEW mod.

If you did not follow unity's development on stranded 3, you will probably not know that alot of the codes here ARE IN AN EFFORT so that it can be AND WILL BE somehow replicated there.

So, before you "un-intelligently", inappropriately, ignorantly, insensitively, inconsiderably and unappreciatively reply, think.

I guess we do not welcome unconstructive comments like yours.

And yeah, u will see me less than 1/2 year membership, but you probably did not know i existed even on the first stranded version. hmmmmph.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗


user Nobodyishome has written
Hey Jas,
I see you changed how and where the skill-ups are calculated to reduce lag, but your conditionals look like they are only built to work for skill increases of +1. Since you can get +25 points for some actions, you could go from say 70 to 95 and your skill should increase to level 2. However, the scripts are only checking for a level-up at 74, 149, 249, etc. If you don't hit those numbers exactly, then it skips the level-up and you don't get it until your next skill increase.

This is insightful! I ran a new game and verified that for skills like cooking and sorts..... The +25 for some actions does skip unlocking..... And in some cases, premature unlocking such as the chicken coop and docks.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

And on this +25 skillsets, i been looking at it closer jack.

The Grain shaft + knife x 1 = nothing. But i have gotten +1 cooking and +1 planting weirdly at other occasions.

But the x10, x25, x50 all are weird.
x10 gives +5 +5
x25 gives +10 +10
while x50 gives +25 +25

Weird rite? Isit meant to give more xp when in bulk?
If thats the case, why x 10 and x 25 are not proportionate? O.O

and why the sometimes can x 1 with xp, but sometimes x1 is nothing??
Check it.
edited 2×, last 09.12.14 09:01:05 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I disagree with you that this mod was a waste of time...I think the 1000's of downloads it has gotten over the last 2 years also emphasizes this same disagreement.

This mod is not is a mod of S2 massive mod...If you never played this mod and you never survived 100 days on hard simply have no business even making any claim to this mod's value, in time.

It is my time to waste if I feel like it...survive 100 days on hard mode and get back to me...let me know if you had FUN!

What ever The Survivalist is when it is done, I will likly release it in many here understand that what they are playing here in The Survivalist will be available in S3 unity when Peter finishes it.
I believe Builder_2.0 may return for a piece of that action too!

Great info and ideas...alot of content, so I will say I review posts here often for reference while we move forward, so thank you for helping out!

Most of the new skillup system, the achievements, and craving systems are newly implemented. It is all working enough to upload the lastest as I you guys could play and report bugs, helping me finish them faster, with fixes coming quicker. Meaning I know there are still a few the skillups are not falling on numbers correctly, sometimes the craving shows nothing...instead of NONE like it is suppose too, The achievements resetting when starting a new game resets them, but displays the wrong text in red (achieved) until you re-start the mod...few other things.

hey, good we got it back to a playable state, that old lag was dreadful. Ill fix the hut unlock now. Will keep thoughts in mind when I finalize these newer systems. Thank you!

I will continue to review the ideas and bugs, and fix the current state before moving forward. Thank you all for you time and interest and hope your having fun playing.!

There is alot added to the mod it is time to concentrate on making what is already implemented bug free and 100% finished. I pushed the mod out a bit early because I was excited about the performance and reduction of lag more than anything. Enjoy guys and have a merry Christmas!!
edited 1×, last 10.12.14 09:34:07 am

old Aloha Jack Again!

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@user JasJack67:

Heya Jack! No worries!

You will see me getting as much info as I can cramp into my schedule. hahaha.

But i am also planning for my wedding on 28th Dec and the chinese banquet in 1 Jan, so i will be mia once a while. haha.

But on a good day like now, u can see my inputs alright.

Meantime... do consider what i share.
Esp on the list of items and ids. That will help all codes testings for the helpers here, esp ME ME ME! Hahhaha.

Meantime, I did saw your reply on the ID, and yeah, i agree with u.... if we did not evolve from the massive mod or from stranded 1 and 2, I will be just as lost as any new aspiring coder. hahaha.

Since this is a bitch for us, let me do the honor to try sort things out in an excel spread sheet. Maybe i might even put this as a Google Spreadsheet for us. U and me.

Can u pte msg me your email add? (prefers gmail if u do, since i be using google drive). I will start with a couple of spreadsheets tonight.


PS: AND good counter blast to that person i blasted too. HAHHAHAHAHA. I love it when ppl dun follow a forum close enuf, track its history and sends down some noobish comments like tat. I bet he cant even survive the first season on normal. HHAHAHA.

OH btw, i am just playing for playability, bugs testing and nice feel. My super avatar is a natural killer God on the move hahahahaha. Maybe once we have reached the end scenario, i will start a new game with a normal avatar w 5 breads and 2 water. hahahahha.


I finished mapping all the 400 items and 432 objects in the various items and object files.

Took me a good 5 hrs. I think i am the only mad player who have done this.... lol.

Its on an excel spreadsheet on my google drive. Pte msg me Jack with the email account you want to access it from pls.

Just fyi, i see you have some sorti issues with material and group. I guess we can sort that out..... and this should pave way for me to find all your food at one go, and list them side by side, balance the weight, hp, thirst and portions of sort in future, once i have this amount of time again. hahahhahaa.

Meantime, wait for your reply!
And now back to game!
edited 2×, last 10.12.14 05:55:50 pm

old Some Stoof again

User Off Offline

Hey JJ, so I did a bit of research about cleaner water quenching your thirst more and came with these facts.
Distilled Water:
Spoiler >

Filtered Water:
Spoiler >

Now for the none water stoof:
Spoiler >

old On Random Events

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Aloha Jack,

Yes, today i finally got back to the game a bit and focused on getting events. Trust me, i got a deer event, a bear concurrently and then another deer immediately after all in the same night, and then i get natives, mozzys and a whole more deers and other events in those short 1 day 1 nite! :X

Thankfully i am a 1 hit 1 kill avatar, and i am only in my first 30 days .... isnt that a bit too much events occurrence ? hahaha. Not that i am complaining abt all the extra yummies .....

I did realised a very interesting behaviour though.
I am on an offshore island (i can provide u my save game if u like), and its round, reasonably small but big enough to have a paradise of sort.

Whenever events comes on, only a couple of animals appear on the main land, while the rest appears inside or underneath water and turning about rotating at the same spot (underneath the water). I will just go in and kill 1 shot for extra kills, but i guess the root issue is that the spawn area is too wide perhaps?

Maybe u can try getting a look at my save when u r online, or create an island to try that?

old Water rock problems

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Ive noticed something unusual. I downloaded the latest update, deleted all the old files, including saves, and started playing. I found an area with 2 water rocks fairly close together and started building my camp. When I went to go build my forge, I emptied all the water into my empty bottles for later boiling. I left one empty bottle. and emptied the water rock. I went to the other water rock and it too was emptied, which was weird because it had water in it just moments before and I did not drink any water from it. So I started traveling around my island. every water rock is empty. There is not a drop of water on my island except in leaves and vines now. I am on day for, so this is very distressing to my character who now has to expend most of his energy trying to get enough leaves and vines to make it day to day, leaving almost no time to hunt, build and forage.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
So I just "retested" this, definitely have a bug. I started another new island, this time a small one. I cheated a little to make this a "quick test". I gave myself a steel hammer, a map and some charcoal. I started making every rock on the island into a water rock in case it rained and they filled up. I found 2 existing water rocks that had water in them, and about 3 others that were empty. I gave myself 10 empty bottles and filled up at one water rock, then ran to the other that I had marked on my map as having water in it. Upon arriving at said rock, the water was gone!
edited 1×, last 12.12.14 02:13:30 am

old Where???

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About the potatoes, what do they look like exactly? Can anyone post a picture? The bmp files are super-small...
Also I'm looking for citronella, to make the bug repellant, can you tell me what it looks like as well?
Thank you for your help, btw =^-^=

I am aware of the "give item" cheat, but I'd rather do this the hard way and find it myself, you know? ;3

Ooh, and last question, how do I locate a beehive? Do they spawn on special trees, or are they quite hard to find?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

thanks again, looking forward to your spreadsheet on id's. I have sent you a pm with my email! I have also already fixed the event animals spawning under the water/offshore. √ fixed

I have added you bug report to my to-do list, thank you!

Hey thank you for the report...I have added your bug report to my to-do list on the top of page #1...the buckets currently do the same thing when you empty them...easy fix though, thank you for the report!

More >

Thanks bro for the feedback! The articles on water are interesting, I never knew this. Thanks!

Hi Pixie,
The Beehive is in the smaller redwood trees and spawn sometime after day 10. You can see a picture of the beehive and tree on page 44 The potato is a small patch of roots. Not to be confused with the big roots sticking out of the ground. The citronella comes from the yellow flowering plant...there is only 2 yellow plants so hit them both you will find citronella in one of them.

Yes, the beehive is difficult to spot...i forgot, i think i edited the mod to spawn them from day 1...if not, it's after day 10...i will have to check it.
the potato is to the left of the crosshair, the citronella is the yellow on the right
edited 1×, last 13.12.14 08:13:46 am

old More Bugs

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Aloha Jack,

How goes the excel sheet? Good?

Here's more bug ( ° ) and suggestions ( ∗ ) for ya.

° When having 2 x wooden grill side by side, under a bamboo hut, first round of cooking (at my level is 6 pcs food) is ok. After removed, and immediately placing new raw food (in my case small meat), only the first can hold 6. The second can only hold 1 and its GG.

° Occasionally when planting, placing number 2 stake gives only the stake, and the ground does not get 'tilled'. Only the stake appears....


∗ As a suggestion, making the placing of the stake (which should requires some digging) should give 1 x digging skill.

∗ As another suggestion, you can cut 1 larger meat into 2 smaller meat, and 10 x too, maybe cutting bigger fillet can be done in 10s too.


old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Having issues with the Kiln. Can spend almost an entire day just trying to find the "sweet spot" that allows me to add fuel to the kiln. Just repeatedly opens the main kiln window to add pottery.

Dont think I would call it a bug, but more an issue with hit boxes. I think they are overlaying each other creating the problem.In my opinion, it should be an incredibly easy fix though. Just adding a button to the already existing window for adding clay to the kiln that opens the "firebox" portion of the kiln would allow you to both fill the kiln with pottery, and give you the option to add fuel.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey yes I will make the large fillet to be cut by 10's just as the meats...good one!

yep, I will try to do something about the kiln for next update. You idea of putting the option n the menu will not work because the actual kiln and the fueling part are 2 seperate models being put together...but I will see about making the sweet spot larger or more accessible yes.

thank you all for your feed back and bug reports! Will have an update sometime after New Years!

old Can't wait to play this mod....however.

User Off Offline

Yeah i never knew of this mod till now it looks great however sadly i don't think i will be using it till the bugs are fixed based off the comments a good amount of people are having skill issues so i think i may have to wait for a update....if that's OK i mean i just hate bugs it's like the 2ed worse thing in video games that ruin games for me the 1st one being freezing nothing worse then a good game that freezes am i right

PS: I really hope you don't quit on this mod it looks great if not for them bugs i have seen far to many mods go under do to people just quitting and it sucks every time.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

you might want to go ahead and play it once...the current bug/s are really minor and do not hinder actual gameplay. The skills do actually work but need only a minor tweak for "increments"... so you get the "skill-up" at exactly 100 instead of 101, for example.

thank you for stopping by either way

old To Ryan

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user ryan7251 has written
Yeah i never knew of this mod till now it looks great however sadly i don't think i will be using it till the bugs are fixed based off the comments a good amount of people are having skill issues so i think i may have to wait for a update....if that's OK i mean i just hate bugs it's like the 2ed worse thing in video games that ruin games for me the 1st one being freezing nothing worse then a good game that freezes am i right

PS: I really hope you don't quit on this mod it looks great if not for them bugs i have seen far to many mods go under do to people just quitting and it sucks every time.

Hey Ryan,

Please do go ahead and try it out once (and continue to get hooked!). It is almost fully bug free.

What most of the stuff we are discussing here are new features and balancing related features of this MOD.

Of course, Jack is working hard on getting new features in and as well as improving the performance of the codes.

It is a very fine work (and way better than the original stranded 2 and its predecessor - the massive mod) already.

Hope this clarify.
PS: Yeah, i followed this game from way back in stranded 1 and then 2, and the various mods, finally ending up with its predecessor and now, survivalist mod. I can attest to its currently SUPERB playability state.

old Why so difficult..SOS

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Hi, I'm glad to see this Mod updated, but is the difficulties increased after this update?

I try the new games many times and I couldn't survive over 5 days in NORMAL mode.. there are so many horrible creatures

I remember it was less before, every time I wake up in day 3-4 there will be a craw money or naked guy next to me..
the bamboo spears are too weak to kill them..
please.. I just want to play in NORMAL mode..
What should I do?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user JasJack67 has written
you might want to go ahead and play it once...the current bug/s are really minor and do not hinder actual gameplay. The skills do actually work but need only a minor tweak for "increments"... so you get the "skill-up" at exactly 100 instead of 101, for example.

thank you for stopping by either way

I respect all the people that work hard on a mod or mods i really do and i don't want you to feel like I'm being rude. But i think i will just wait for the update that fixes the small issues. ( closest i ever got to modding this game was changing how many trees/fish/stuff there was in the map once just to play around i made the map all many trees....)
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