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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

great ideas Aedo!

I have already implemented the planting stakes idea...I added dirt around the stakes sorta resembling tilled ground. You can use your hoe to rake it out and remove it...or it settles in 3 days and goes away.

I like the idea of getting sick if your out in the rain for to long...maybe I will get that added too this update idk yet.

The pirate was not removed no...he is moved to the game.inf file in the changeday script.
edited 3×, last 18.11.14 06:07:01 am

old New Update Posted 11-24-14

Super User Off Offline

Happy Thanksgiving To All!

Latest update is posted! 11-26-14 Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures, as usual.

us EDIT: The latest download 11-24 was re-uploaded on 11-26. I had found 2 things that improve a "lag-tick" i created by accident. Also fixed the repel to repel mosquito.

Your saves are semi-compatible. I recommend you start a new game for 2 reasons. One: to get the full effect of all the game changes. Two: so you don't report a bug from saves...a new game will reveal worthy bugs. (The new achievements, endgame statistics, and cravings will not be accurate in saves...but the game will still play as normal.)

Be sure to review the change log. Due to the huge amount of work, and content, put into this update, and the MAJOR latest game changes... I am posting the current change log below.

All fixes/changes: update 11-26-14 Thanksgiving Update

The below marked stars ∗ are very important game changers this update.

√When you die you will see stats like: how many times you splint, bandage, or got poisoned...and how many units you killed etc. All totaling in your survivor final score.(complete)
√Achievements re-added and fixed...but will be different from the original. Also I made a bunch of "new" achievements, like around 50 instead of 18.(complete)
√Intro music and ambient music when you start, sleep, die, or escape.(complete)
× ∗ ∗ ∗ New Model added: Supply Ship-will unlock at Survivor Skill Level 7, which is at 150 days. Once built and stocked, you can escape the Island.(added but cannot escape yet.)
√Skill system and display in the menu enhanced. All skill currently will have 7 levels and stop accumulating points at 1000...accept for the survivor skill which will still rise as it is a key attribute in your final score. Also each current level 1-7 is now displayed in the menu next to each skill.(complete)
√Palisade walls and gate texture changed to match all other fencing type structures.(complete)
√The wooden House now requires an additional 2 glass panes when building it, because I put in 2 glass windows. It is now temperature controlled like the greenhouse...meaning it can be used to cure or prevent frostbite in winter.(complete)
√Tweaked bars to deplete more thirst in the heat of mid-summer and more hunger in coldest mid-winter, while moderate in spring or fall.(-1 to -4 per hour)(complete)
√ ∗ All event units have a set AI course to directly go to the player for the first 20 seconds of any event. Expect more interaction of event units during events.(complete)
√ ∗ Native event added to the events. (only after day 21 above easy mode) The pack of natives are a mix of amateur and expert bowman. This event is no joke and can kill you quickly if unprepared or carelessly engage.(complete)
√Corrected some remaining spelling errors throughout the mod.(complete)
√Bug: When throwing a bottle of water to put out fire or anything thing else, it makes what ever it impacts "wet". This state of wet never goes after 30 seconds the state is removed, removing the white particle you may see bouncing around when something is wet. (complete)
√ ∗ New models: Planting Stakes- made by notching short wooden handles, and used to plant stuff.(complete)
√ ∗ You now have to use a planting stake to plant something. First you place a stake, then you plant your seed inhand, when you USE the stake. Instructions in the diary and item descriptions of the new stakes.(complete)
√ ∗ New combo: short handle+ knife=PLANTING STAKE
√ ∗ Bamboo can now be planted as a crop. Harvesting it when it is young at 4-6 days old, it yields more sugar and less bamboo. If you harvest it at full growth it yields more bamboo and less sugar.(complete)
√ ∗ New ITEM added: Cotton Seed - plantable as a crop. (complete)
√The cotton bush will provide cotton seed along with cotton. When killed it also will provide seed along with cotton.(complete)
√ ∗ The cotton bush is now a plantable crop from cotton seed.(complete)
√New UNIT added: Mosquito - will randomly be an annoying bug for a few hours, on clear evenings of fair weather.(complete)
√New ITEM added: Citronella - can be harvested from the yellow flowering weed plant. Used to make insect repellent.(complete)
√New ITEM added: Insect Repel Cream - use to combat mosquito swarms. (complete)
√New COMBO added: citronella+starch+water=INSECT REPEL CREAM (complete)
√ ∗ ∗ The below, new "cravings" stat for foods, will be in their description when clicking an item in your rucksack. As with the damage, health, hunger, and thirst stats.(complete)
√The entire mod's scripting was re-formatted for legibility, junk removal, and performance.(complete)
√The texture on the wooden house DOOR fixed.(complete)
√ ∗ ∗ 3 New Models: poultry food items added as loot from any fowl/bird units. Raw & cooked models: leg, breast, and full bird...the full bird that can be cut into legs/breasts use knife. See: Diary-Operations for details(complete)
√A few new cooking combos: chicken soup, chicken vegetable soup, chicken dumpling, chicken sandwich, fish sandwich...using the clay pot & water at a fire. See: Diary-Crafting for details.(complete)
√ ∗ ∗ You can now become "sleep deprived" if you stay awake to long without sleeping. After 3-4 days staying awake on coffee or sugar, you become sleep deprived and eventually lose consciousness. Sleeping 9 hours refreshes you fully, 6 hours partially, and 3 hours a little. If you do pass out you will always sleep 9 hours and be fully refreshed, unless you pass out while in the sea, then you sleep 3 hours,risk drowning, and take heavy damage.(complete)
√New combos: You can now upgrade all arrows and spears. StoneArrow+IronTip=IronArrow (etc) IronSpear+SteelTip+SteelNail=SteelSpear (etc) Added to the Diary/Crafting (complete)
√ ∗ ∗ New statistic added to the display hud. "Craving"- What your body is craving. Will begin after the first 3-5 DAYS on the island. Not satisfying cravings will make food and drink 50% less effective per bars until you satisfy the craving. Explained on page 62 Craving or See ingame Diary-Operations for details.
√The Long Bow can be made using the steel machete just as the iron machete.(complete)
√ Steel Knife breaking bug, not subtracting the knife. Fixed. (complete)
√ The fish habitat will only last 6+ days instead of 2 weeks. After 6 days it is random 1 of 3 days that it will be destroyed by the sea's elements, like waves.(complete)
√ Double checked all objects for proper range detecting the player. Fixes objects when built close together and they stop working until 1 is destroyed.(complete)
√ Water Trough watering radius was not set correctly for auto watering after being filled by rainfall. Now it is set the same as when adding a bottle of water to the spout, or auto watering. (both 160 meters)(complete)
√ A bug with the water trough and water rocks filling to many bottles.(complete)
√ Fix sounds stopping after death. Like breathing or heartbeat stopping.(complete)
√ ∗ The iron grill will unlock at cooking skill 1000. Was not unlocking last 10-10 update. (complete)

Enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving! I will be looking forward to any feedback after you play and make it to winter season.
edited 2×, last 25.11.14 11:28:46 pm

old Latest update

User Off Offline

Jas, absolutely loving your mod and some very cool additions in the latest update - thanks again for all your hard work.

I just downloaded the new version and tried it out, but I am experiencing a large amount of lag compared to the 10/10 version which was almost lag free. I am also still getting lag when "using" the ground.

Mosquitos are annoyingly realistic. I used some repellant but I had to apply it a second time before it worked and they went away. Maybe I didn't wait long enough? I'll test it again.

Here are a few other items I noticed:

- When taking iron off the forge, the gloves only keep you from getting burned if the iron is glowing red. Iron
that has not yet heated up or has already cooled down will still burn you even if you're wearing gloves.

- The Compost Bin does not correctly check the number of leaves you have in inventory when making compost - you can make compost with just a single leaf.

- the new fish sandwich combo removes the wrong unit when you fail and burn it. It should remove 3619 instead of 4890.

- the boiled lobster combos do not return an empty bottle (no "find 106;" lines)

- making coffee does not remove the fresh cup of coffee when the mug cracks. It takes away the mug unit, but that is taken away anyway when it turns into a cup coffee. Maybe have it remove the cup of coffee instead? Or maybe have it check inventory to see if you have more coffee mugs and remove one of those first and if that check fails then remove the cup of coffee?

Also, just a funny story:
     I started my first game with the new update and was stung by a scorpion in the first two minutes. I didn't want to give up so, while poisoned, I found branches and stones, built a fire, and ate some charcoal. Whew, cured! Then I went out to look for food and supplies. Everything seemed quiet, but suddenly I was taking damage, so I turned around and, a native, an expert bowman native, a claw monkey, and a lion had all apparently been following me and are staring at me from about 15 feet away and closing.
Survivor rating... F-
edited 1×, last 25.11.14 03:23:26 am

old Lag patch for 11-24 / New Download 11-26

Super User Off Offline

us EDIT: The latest download 11-24 was re-uploaded on 11-26. I had found 2 things that improve a "lag-tick" i created by accident. Also fixed the repellant to repel mosquito, and survivor skill text stuck reading level 1.

If you do not want to re-download the mod here is a patch that will fix the 11-24 version:
11-24_Lag_Patch w/ mosquito repel fix & w/ survivor skill level fix Download the new update 12-3-14

download...unzip...copy/paste the 3 tiny files inside, into your "mods/sys/" folder.

Hiya Nobody,
Great! glad your having fun with it! Thanks for your feedback...i did find a couple things that improve the lag or do the patch above.

I will keep your post for reference for fixes asap.
EDIT: Everything you mentioned in your post above is fixed now √
edited 10×, last 04.12.14 12:33:04 am

old Patch

User Off Offline

Jas, thanks for the tip and the patch; lag is much less and much smoother to play.

I like the idea of the hostile event animals seeking you out because it makes it challenging, but it is a bit odd for the deer to do it. I was at my camp when a deer event came up and six deer charged me and then proceeded to frolic around the camp.

I like the cravings idea too. People do need certain vitamins, minerals, etc. to survive and will suffer from a variety of disorders if they are malnourished. I know you are still working it out, but some of the items should cross categories. For example seaweed, crab, and lobster are rich in calcium. Berries, potatoes, and plums all have antioxidants. Seaweed is also a good source of protein and salt.

I see that you fixed the previous infinite water bug with water rocks and buckets, but you can still get a massive amount of water from them. As long as you don't close your inventory, you can fill every single empty bottle in your possession from a full rock/bucket. Once you close your inventory the rock/bucket changes to empty. Also, any bottles filled that exceed your carrying limit do not display a message or drop to the ground, they just disappear.

When you toggle shift to run, it increases your stamina drain even if you are standing still. Also, if you toggle shift and then sleep, your speed when you wake up will be your running speed, but stamina drain will be at the walking rate.

My insect repellant still does not appear to be working. I'll keep trying it.
edited 2×, last 29.11.14 05:52:49 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey good finds bro!

Some items I am still "tracking" for disappearing when you over fill your rucksack yes. Some items tend to re-spawn in the very center of the island when they disappear. Take a look on your map and go to the center and see if you have anything there. let me no please?

Having the menu open and filling all bottles is a bug i cannot fix, I will have to figure out a way to fill bottles from outside the menu only, i guess. thank you...hell of a find there!

I repellent should work, it's working in mine...I will look at the patch, maybe it's not working in the patch, sorry.

run/walk/sleep i can go fix that right now! thanks.

old Some Stoof

User Off Offline

Hey JJ, I've been playing the latest update for a few hours now and it just gets more fun with every update. Though I found a few hiccups though. Here is what I found so far.

Spoiler >

Now for the none ploblems...

Spoiler >

Welp thats all I can think of now lol, good job and thanx for all your hard work!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I like the idea of house on the water. Maybe get the hut (since we have plenty of land buildings) and tweak to build near shore on shallow waters. It should require lots of labor and time, since the foundation of the building will take place under water. Similarly, you should limit how deep you can build the dock, so as to force player to look for appropriate locations.

While multi-complex building would be nice, I have never pushed for it because as it is, is close enough, and I usually try to get creative designing my camps. Having said this, it should not be too complex to create the models using the already existing buildings. In my opinion, this would be most useful when building pens and fences/walls of different sizes/shapes. This should be relatively easy to code and would save time/frustration while designing camps, i.e. no more crooked fences.

As to the net, I have never liked the concept of causing no damage when harvesting resources. Net should be pretty useless, and only used for catching insects, long shot for birds, and maybe somehow to aid fishing (i.e. % of fish not escaping if net on ransack). And I would stop using it to catch chickens, instead I would rely on the use of traps (alive), and snares and the old fashioned weapons (dead). You should also make it extremely difficult to catch it with bare hands, ideally with a chance of getting it alive or killing it in the process.

I would introduce snares as the primary method of hunting well into the game (by reducing the accuracy of all range weapons and increasing animal flight/speed reaction). And maybe blowguns as an early alternative to bow (instead of water+branch/bendable branch, just requiring bamboo + cotton/wool and knife). With regular darts for small game and mildly poisoned ones for large and hostiles (and this mainly to slow them down, but eventually causing death).

Also, I have meant to mention this before but I always forget, we should be able to throw rocks and sticks at animals with our bare hands, although chances of hitting should be very low.
edited 14×, last 01.12.14 08:59:22 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hello Hyper!

1. the fish habitat is suppose to be under water yes, it provides cover that fish naturally want to cling too.

2.You can fuel the kiln after filling just have to find the sweet spot pointing at the black coal pile (just tested it). Some times rotating it when you build it can make the sweet spot hard to hit.

3. I re-scripted the ai and the event animals so they will act differently..doe will come near and then flee, while aggressors will hunt you when in range.

4.yes agree i think i can fix this.

5.why would boiled water make u less thirsty then water?

6. I have just fixed this today, skillups lag about 90% less now.

7. The water texture makes up 90% of the surrounding terrain, and it is annimated. That is a lot of texture to cover. I keep mine set midway too. I don't know why this engine has this issue.

8. yes the events and a few other things clear on they were not intended save targets.

9.tap twice REALLY fast. I lowered it for next update.

p.s. the net was never changed...i only changed the text. Left click to hit something, or right click to catch something.

Aedo Aedo :p

How bout I put the current house and the dock together and you can build it out in the the dock would form the floor of the house and have the posts holding it up?

Hey yes I am considering add models for fencing so you can pick a horizontal section, or vertical section, or a diagonal corner. this way you just set it and build.

You can throw rocks! Just put it in your hand and left click. I had not thought about throwing sticks though

Check out the To-Do list on page one all...another pretty big update coming up, I may post it tomorrow cuz it so much darn better as far as running smoothly. Really fixed a number of things to process faster.

thanks for the feedback guys!
edited 3×, last 02.12.14 11:11:20 am

old New Lag Free Christmas Update Posted

Super User Off Offline

A New Lag Free Christmas update 12-06 is now posted.

I resolved the long standing issue with the Hourly Tick!!! Hoorayyy! 100% lag free! I also managed to get rid of 100% of the lag when +1 skillups are awarded. This is the best performing upodate in the history of the mod. Enjoy!

Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures.

Be sure to review the change log below in the "more" tag...because some new things may kill you if you are not aware.

More >

Enjoy! and Merry Christmas!

p.s. This will be the last update until next year. 2015
edited 6×, last 06.12.14 10:11:36 am

old I am Back!

User Off Offline

Aloha Jack,

I am back from all my researches and final exams! I am officially free! Plus i am not working. So i am going to do some testings on your mods now. Starting with 6/12/2014's.

Lookout this space for more of my findings.

Meantime, I see you struggle with aligning your text for skills. hahaa. I am too. U cant use tabs and ... and spaces are a bitch.

Curious, did you break the fishing skill help? I click on all skills ok, except for fishing.... you might wanna check that.

I also find the caves are a bitch too small. Consider this code: (Note Ori Scale 1.8, making it 15 is more logical as it becomes big enough and nice. I just dunno how to ensure trees and stuff gets placed there on start default hahaha. Try it, it is awesome look!)

### Cave
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Meantime, i see you tried balancing the shark and whale.
As backed by facts, sharks easily have 50 teeth each.

Whales on other hand, can have from nothing at all, to 250.

On the oil they have, I think whales should have more than just 100 oil in game - which is 2.5times of shark's (40).

Studying this, we know whale has also more than just oil, in fact almost 50% of its body = fats (triglycerides). Maybe a whale does have only 100 oil, but maybe it should contain like 300 fats? While the shark? I am ok with 40 oil and not much fats, but the teeth = 50 and more please.

Okie, after campaigning for my fats and teeth..... onwards to others. hahahhaa.

Alas! I noticed shark liver u scripted? (id=4936)? Neat.
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

<Reserved for More here....>
edited 4×, last 07.12.14 02:27:01 pm

old Fishing Skill Patch

Super User Off Offline

hi odie, welcome back!

Thanks for the report...When you fish you will see a new Fishing skill appear that works. So you will see 2 fishing skills in the list, one works, one does not. I just fixed it, thanks! √

I will check out expanding the cave, I already made it a tiny bit larger, but I don't know about scale 15 lol. And yes trees would spawn through it.

Good school is done for you, have a nice break and enjoy!

Here is a patch fix for those who do not want to re-download the mod. To fix the fishing skill to display properly and work when you click it...for any NEW game started:


Tiny download. copy the 3 files inside the folder into the mods\sys folder and choose "replace".

old Update

User Off Offline

Aloha again Jack.

Okie, great i see that you have settled the fishing skill.
Unfortunately, if you have an existing game, this fix will display 2 x fishing skills (the non working one still there in middle 3/4 way down, and the working clickable to help link bottommost). A new game though, is a complete fix.

With that resolved.... lets see...
Your shark loot is not entirely accurate.
Your shark liver is not there.

Under shark.
Current loot:

I suggest adding:
aka Shark's Liver
and changing everything to:

and for the Shark's Liver id=4936
store $id,"unit",1;
so that a shark can give 40 basic oil, and 50 x 2 oil (or should it be fats actually?).

That means a whale should have a WHOLE lot more oil...
maybe 500 oil? considering that whales have 750hp and shark only 400hp.

More to come. hahaha.
Hey, consider adding alot more tooth lei.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Okie, on skills unlock.

So far:
• The pottery 150 level does not unlock properly. It takes 151 to unlock that level.

• The chicken coop also prematurely unlocks before lumbering 150. I have 139 and i realised chicken coop is already out, once I have my distiller to be exact. It might be unlocked even earlier, i need to get a new game to verify.

And speaking of skills, do you know you can use barehands to hit fishes and get both hunting and fishing skills? Yeah, my God avatar can hit a range of well, very far....

Spoiler >

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
And yes, mosquitoes are way too irritating. What are Citronella anyway?? O.o

I found it in:
### Weed Plant 22 - Citronella ###
name=Weed Plant 22

Out of so many weeds, how on earth would someone find enough of this on a large island? o.O Gosh......

If i did not remember wrongly, any leaves + saliva (or water) crushed and rubbed onto skin does drive away insects such as mozzy well enough.... Why so complicating this 'cream'? o.O

And surely mozzy leaves u after you leave the area.... your mozzys behave more like a bee swarm than mozzy.... really not realistic enough. I suggest they 'MIA' after short while....

PS: This is mozzy, not SAND FLIES..... reminds me of my army days....hahhaha.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
PS: For the record, my normal, large island, normal terrain mode avatar is rigged so that i can test functionalities faster. It carries the following from the start:

Spoiler >

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

And about the cave, yeah, i experimented with a number of scales.... 30 is insane. Can see from miles.... 20 was as close as i tot was nice, but i guess 15 or even 12 is good.

And on number, I still think small island can do with 1 or 2 caves, medium 5-7, and large maybe even 10-12 caves.....

Caves could be either even in water (sub-terrain caves) or mostly on land. Or have 2 3 types of caves (cave 1 2 3, not difficult to replicate) with different sizes. I propose 8, 12 and maybe 35. This way, you have interesting diversity with minimal codings.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Speaking of codings, jack, do you have a listing of all the IDs of the various items? Even as a seasoned player and tester of the stranded 2 and its codes, i find it nightmarish to trace certain items....

I am on the verge of trying to ID every single bugger down. As seen above in my avatar items (in spoiler), I only IDed my most popular and impt startup items for testing....

I think that will really help beta testers with coding knowledge white box test your mod. Just my 2cents worth. Okie, 330am.... time to slp!

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Okie back...

I cant help but notice that under my fav bamboo house, rain are coming thru, though i can lit my campfire. But my torch wont work when i am under a bamboo shelter either.
edited 5×, last 08.12.14 11:39:32 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

OK, I have a question, so far it's going great (I'm finally at my first winter!)
I just read that the pirate (for trading) appears later in game, I'm, as I said, at the first winter, and have leveled up in almost all skills. Is there a particular date/location in game where he shows up??? I've stockpiled so much stuff to sell to him, I even found a crate with 24 gold coins in it too! Help? It's a pretty big island, and I'm not nomadic in my survival games...

old On Pirate

User Off Offline

user PixiePrincess501 has written
OK, I have a question, so far it's going great (I'm finally at my first winter!)
I just read that the pirate (for trading) appears later in game, I'm, as I said, at the first winter, and have leveled up in almost all skills. Is there a particular date/location in game where he shows up??? I've stockpiled so much stuff to sell to him, I even found a crate with 24 gold coins in it too! Help? It's a pretty big island, and I'm not nomadic in my survival games...

Hi pixieprincess501,

There is no particular date or location in the game for pirate.

In fact, he can spawn anywhere (on land that is), and even right from the start if i did not rmbr wrongly.

If you killed it, he should respawn in about a wk (7 days or so)..... i need to really see the codes in detail for this and my eyes are failing me at 332am....

As for being not nomadic, i hope u r not on LARGE! It can be way too large to hunt him down, but yes i can almost assure you he is there.

As for small or medium maps, u can still try.... *wink* He is somewhere out there.... may the force (ahem, compass and direction sense) be with you...

PS: Which version are you playing btw? It helps all of us who are trying to help if you state your version... I guess u made it to winter = quite an old version?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

The pirate has a 1 in 4 chance to spawn/de-spawn any given day, starting on the very first day.

Finding him can be a challenge sometimes...especially on larger maps...because he de-spawns and is not even present on the island sometimes.

I generally take my tent and some food/water, and search the island for a few days camping out in different locations. When I find him I expel all the food/drink needed to RUN back to my storage, gather my trade-ables', and RUN back to the pirate before midnight (he may de-spawn again). Having some coffee&sugar with you may help with exhaustion.

You could take a boat travel around the island and dock every so in check the back and move the boat. Can carry all the supply in your boat.
edited 1×, last 07.12.14 10:58:36 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Well, I've been playing up until now the last update version of the mod, but since we got a new update, I'm starting another one (I'm playing the big map, flat, in Normal mode) I'd still like to know this, tho, which is why I'm still asking ^^;

I just learned to make a map as soon as possible to mark my different campsites and food sources, but yeah, it's still hard to move around all the time, since I need to keep an eye on the distiller and keep my character alive with shelter/food.

BTW, out of curiosity, where do you find potatoes?? Do you dig for them?

I'm sorry 'bout all the dumb questions, and thank you for your help =^^=

old Aloha for Princess + Bugs for Jack

User Off Offline

user PixiePrincess501 has written
Well, I've been playing up until now the last update version of the mod, but since we got a new update, I'm starting another one (I'm playing the big map, flat, in Normal mode) I'd still like to know this, tho, which is why I'm still asking ^^;

I just learned to make a map as soon as possible to mark my different campsites and food sources, but yeah, it's still hard to move around all the time, since I need to keep an eye on the distiller and keep my character alive with shelter/food.

BTW, out of curiosity, where do you find potatoes?? Do you dig for them?

I'm sorry 'bout all the dumb questions, and thank you for your help =^^=

No questions is dumb. They are just inexperience which will go away with time. Dumb are those who assume and dun ask or too proud to ask, only to find out they are wrong - pride.

Potatoes - Find them as a plant, 'kill the plant' to get. Its a bit hard to spot though. But yeah, keep hitting weeds like plants until u get it. Or go to the /gfx folder and look for
Spoiler >

For big islands explorations (like i always do), u wan to setup a base, fortify it, pallide it, fence it, etc. Then stock up on alot of water, food, fruits and etc, build up, explore a bit. Then go further. IMO, always note your orientation.

Then make a map = good. Then make and carry some charcoal (duh u dun need make, u have tons!). Then try first by going around the perimeter of island, u will get alot of shells, starfishes, coconuts, bananas, etc. Monkies and crabs and meats and all. (which should keep the journey going). Learn to run if u can, imo it covers much more ground quickly at expense of food and water.

Mark interesting sites. (Lions, landmarks, etc.)

I always try to find an island with an offshore island for that purpose.

Then again, i am always white box testing hahahha. So i always have a map on hand of sorts....from the start.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
JasJack67, look at my previous looooong post. The bugs' all there. Still accumulating my bugs list....

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Okie, let me continue here.

I have tested mining so far to 350. Unlocking 250 not as intended. It seemed to only unlock at 260? Maybe 251 like the earlier skill bug. Maybe its <=250 or <250? Could you check?

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Next confirmed bug.

If u have both salt water (in bottle) and unboiled water (as a batch) in distiller, it will only do the water to boiled water.

Here's how to recreate my scenario (yes i have 4 distillers side by side proven).

• Setup distiller over campfire.
• 1 oil and 10 branches as fuel.
• put 7 bottles of salt water first.
• Put about 20 or 25 bottles of unboiled water next.
• Start the fire.
• U should get the water reasonably early.
• burn until u get 18 charcoal from 10 branches and voila, salt water totally undistilled. Fire died.

Scenario 2...
• Setup distiller over campfire.
• 1 oil and 10 branches as fuel.
• put 7 bottles of salt water first.
• Start the fire.
• Let it burn a while and u should see some salts.
• Put about 20 or 25 bottles of unboiled water next.
• U should get the water reasonably early but no more salt.... and ....
• burn until u get 18 charcoal from 10 branches and voila, salt water totally undistilled. Fire died.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Next another confirmed bug.

If i have snow suit, i pick up non-red iron, i still get burnt.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Okie more bug.
You have snow suit = have gloves.

Using snow suit to pick up any hot stuff (forge example) will get u burned.

Not sure abt food yet, cos i haven bothered cooking much. But i know that using knife will solve that problem.... though it should not just be knife.
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Yet more confirmed bug.

I been testing kilin. 350 pottery skill+ now. It should unlock lantern base. But its not. Ah well.....

Baking is now though, as intended.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Curious, why would crafting a gun wooden stock gives 5 lumbering, while the stockgun 1? o.O rationale?

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

And oh, isit me or isit balancing for experience w.r.t. the items such as hitting bamboo not = lumbering skill....? o.O

I believe it is more like its woodcraftsmanship?
If thats the case, TIMBERRRRRRRRR should give a fair bit more than 1 lumbering skill rite? o.O Food for tots...

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

I am so lucky.... built my camp on an offshore island, right beside the tree where the honey is.... on a super high tall tree... and yeah, bug.

Hit honeycomb (with my super long range....barehands yeah 5000 range).... pop comes the hive... and 10 bees...

Kill bees. (normal behaviour there).

Get inactive hive.

Combine with knife.... got empty bottles.... voila.
Get 3 honeycomb only.... no honey? o.O

Description says got honey.....

Nvm.... i check your scripts.... u need to crush it with stones...

But imo, when cutting hives, u should get some honey already.... (for realism).... then when u cut the combs u get more honey....
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Okie I confirmed that bugs are solved from previous versions including:

∗ Grills, Distillers too close to each other not acting individually.
∗ Signages are now proper. Can have multiple signages with different msg.
∗ House, Hut, Monkey Schools functioning correctly.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

You may wish to add to diary - Clothing Items to help from getting frostbite in winter. (gloves+boots+pants+coat=snowsuit) and parts are from

Pants and coat
--> skins,chords,wool,and feathers + knife of course.

I still am looking for gloves, boots!! zzz
Nvm found in codes, its skin + chords + wool only...

Then why does feather description suggested its for gloves? o.O Bugged?

Okie, 549am here. Gosh, today's testing even later than yest! Time to hit the bunk!
edited 8×, last 08.12.14 10:49:36 pm
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