
I have a handful of steel knives now as when it breaks it multiplies.
steel knife breaking & multi is fixed

Thanks for the reports, will be fixed for next update Nov.
the invisible bear is a funny one. but i really think your being attacked by a snake or a bee during the event...I am sure the bears are not invisible.

_______________Edit: Craving
I will be adding a new stat to the display screen, along with season, temp, run/walk. This new stat will be your "Craving". What your body is craving to have a healthy balanced diet and to satisfy eating happiness, leading to healthier body. As long as the "craving" is displayed, all foods you eat NOT of the craving type, will fill you 50% of it's current value. Once the craving is satisfied, all foods will fill you normally, as the current value...until the next craving appears in the display hud.
Cravings will begin at the end of the 1st week of survival on the island. A message will inform you of as each craving is being displayed on the hud.
Current cravings will be:
Seafoods, Red Meats, White Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Sweets, Alcohols, Antioxidants, Calciums, Salt.
Why this stat should be good for gameplay:
If you do not make bread and just fish, you can have a ton of fish after a year on the island. When your body craves Grains you may have to make bread/bread items to satisfy the craving. This does 2 things...makes you spend more time making breads then fishing, (stocking less fish)...while also doubling the consumption of all other foods not of the craving type. (again stocking less foods)
The above is an example that works across the board with all foods...this also will give important reason to work other skills...rather then being able to survive the island on just a couple of foods of choice. You can still choose that, but the penalty will be food/drinks fills you 50% less due to eventual unhealthiness. The body needs a variety of Vitamins, Minerals, & Proteins to stay healthy and function efficiently.
This all will compound difficultly in keeping bars full after a week on the island, along with the upcoming taming of natives...where you will be required to feed them if you tame them to your tribe, (additional food/drink consumption = less food stocked) or they return to being hostile or maybe die.
There will be a partial craving type/food list in the diary to get you started. Like: Calciums= Sheep milk, Coconut/milk, Soups w/milk, Whey, Cheese.
edited 12×, last 29.10.14 03:38:00 am
BTW, I just played 90 days. I had not seen the largest raft, I like it.
Not much left for me to do by day 90 (beginning of winter)
Now if you stay awake buzzed on coffee & sugar for 3+ days... you will begin to experience sleep deprivation. If left untreated by not sleeping 9 hours, you will eventually lose consciousness passing out for 9+ hours of sleep.
if you pass out in the sea you could die from drowning if your health is already low, and you will take heavy damage.
see the "to-do" list on page one for more details.
Heya Aedolaws,
I have downloaded your save and will check it out, thanks!.
As for food decay, it has been debated in the community that it is not possible to script without degrading the games performance... due to the nature of tracking the age of every food and updating them as they degrade. Example: If small meat rotted in 4 days...Instead of 1 stack of small meat... we would have fresh meat, 1 day old meat, 2 day old meat, 3 day old meat and rotted meat. Doing this with all foods would be incredibly confusing in your rucksack and storages, and take up a huge amount of space. It also has to be updated every midnight switching and tracking the models to be deleted and replaced. It is just something that will probably never be done.
My end goal with some of this new stuff is to have the cravings, and the caring for tribe members, causing more consumption. A lot of what now is extra foods late game, will be needed more to maintain cravings, and tribesmen. Also the event animals will additionally be hitting some types of food storages and crops too, soon. This should take away the need for food to decay over time, as it will likely be balanced then, to be consumed before it would rot (is my hopes).
edit: Love the island you have...where you put the traps and breed kiwi and harbor chickens & idea. There will be more to do late game when you can build your tribe and "Native Events" are added. Walls and fencing should become more important, and offense/defense tactics to thwart Natives will be necessary. Also then, if you start a family you would need to protect n feed them too. plus the endgame is still missing, where your goal to escape the island would also be a ongoing goal.
I have downloaded your save and will check it out, thanks!.
As for food decay, it has been debated in the community that it is not possible to script without degrading the games performance... due to the nature of tracking the age of every food and updating them as they degrade. Example: If small meat rotted in 4 days...Instead of 1 stack of small meat... we would have fresh meat, 1 day old meat, 2 day old meat, 3 day old meat and rotted meat. Doing this with all foods would be incredibly confusing in your rucksack and storages, and take up a huge amount of space. It also has to be updated every midnight switching and tracking the models to be deleted and replaced. It is just something that will probably never be done.
My end goal with some of this new stuff is to have the cravings, and the caring for tribe members, causing more consumption. A lot of what now is extra foods late game, will be needed more to maintain cravings, and tribesmen. Also the event animals will additionally be hitting some types of food storages and crops too, soon. This should take away the need for food to decay over time, as it will likely be balanced then, to be consumed before it would rot (is my hopes).
edit: Love the island you have...where you put the traps and breed kiwi and harbor chickens & idea. There will be more to do late game when you can build your tribe and "Native Events" are added. Walls and fencing should become more important, and offense/defense tactics to thwart Natives will be necessary. Also then, if you start a family you would need to protect n feed them too. plus the endgame is still missing, where your goal to escape the island would also be a ongoing goal.
edited 3×, last 29.10.14 09:48:13 pm
I would appreciate if you could set all plants of one type to produce at the same time and I suspect that would help a lot with smoothing out game-play. Maybe sync all adult plants of a type at the end of a month/season.
Edit: Just found an odd glitch I had 340 bottles of grape juice when I filled a barrel the extra 40 disappeared.
Speaking of bottles it really is to tedious making a large batch now with the kiln. The most tedious part is mining clay though so how about improving the likelihood of getting clay when you mine it? Or you could make bottle making just one clay.
edited 1×, last 31.10.14 12:25:16 pm
Thank you for the feedbacks! I agree about the cravings not starting for the first month instead of first week. I thought the same while thinking about it, when working on the scripting the last 2 days. If you craved alcohol after the first week you likely are not able to have any fermented yet, and could take a few days to make. (for example)
Hey also, take a look in the very center of the island and see if your 40 bottles of juice spawned there? This may be a old massivemod bug I fixed for other storage objects...where if you over filled them the extra items would spawn in the center of the island.
You may need a map to locate the very center? Please let me know if you find them there?
I will be enhancing clay skill soon as I get the 1000 skill model implemented, yes. Might be next update.
It would be good to have a look at something that is grounded in facts:
After which, I believe the root cause for cravings practically would be to have a balance of nutrients.
If that is the case, may i suggest revolutionalizing this craving to a nutrients bar instead.
Having this said, it could also be :
protein level (nutrients level - supplicated by protein rich food such as meat, nuts and other nutritious food),
sugar level (hypo count - supplicated by glucose / sucrose rich food such as fruitos in fruits and other sugar stuff),
water (thirst level duh),
vitamins (even A, B, C, D 4 bars) level (replenish by Vit D in sun, C in fruits, B for mixture).
How is that for practicality?
I do not see how craving for a random stuff will be logical (much like magic portals in the original survivor.) Imagine craving for whale meat? o.O Or craving for pirahnas (well nvm, craving for wine? o.O) I AM SURVIVING HERE!
2 cents worth here....
Btw, i am leaving my job in 2 wks, having my final presentation for my FYP in 4, exams in 5. So if you are releasing your next version, pls PM me ok? Or email me.
I will find time (and should have a bit i guess) to quickly use my God avatar to test those old bugs, and see how the new features work out for me.

edited 1×, last 02.11.14 06:13:53 am
I will take a look at the buckets and check out missing bottles when overfilling the barrels.
reall interesting article, thank you!
The craving will only effect you when you have not eaten a "type" food listed under each crave type/food list.
You will not crave whale meat, or a piranha...but Seafoods. This "seafoods crave" will only randomly show up if you have not eaten any seafoods listed, in it's list, for more then 3-5 days. If you eat seafoods from the list regularly you will never see a seafoods craving.
same for the other types. If you eat redmeats regularly you will never see the redmeats craving. etc
If you do have, say, a redmeat will take eating that type satisfying food a few times, before it is satisfied. This will be represented when the craving is posted in red text, after eating 3 small redmeat OR 1 small redmeat and 1 large redmeat, the text changes to yellow...then eating again changes it to green, then finally disappear from the hud eating once more.
after 3-5 days of not eating a "type" food, all those "type" craving will be chosen 1 at, no craving type will be chosen if you are eating that type regularly. Then it stays as a craving until you make it change from red, to yellow, green and then go away...all by eating the right type.
does this make sense? or am I still missing something? Seems we are both on the same page here? The actual craving type is only representing the nutrient deficiency AND/OR the pleasure of taste... based on the same idea as that article, i think.
example things:
"I have a sweet-tooth" or "A person saying that are craving chocolate". Satisfying this crave makes them happy, and can lead to better mental condition, and over-all health. By satisfying a Sweets Craving?
Your muscles can begin to get smaller if your not eating proteins(among other things), your body will crave that type food with proteins, represented by the RedMeats craving. Or you may be vitamin D deficient and crave foods with D such as Milk...the Calciums Craving etc.
all just representation, representing all foods consumed...I just put them into "basic" groups under a "basic" category.
Seafoods, Red Meats, White Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Sweets, Alcohols, Antioxidants, Calciums, Salt...i think they cover all foods in the game? (btw I will be adding a chicken leg and chicken breast model...used in looting all fowl type units, birds,chickens,rooster,kiwi models for them both too)
reall interesting article, thank you!
The craving will only effect you when you have not eaten a "type" food listed under each crave type/food list.
You will not crave whale meat, or a piranha...but Seafoods. This "seafoods crave" will only randomly show up if you have not eaten any seafoods listed, in it's list, for more then 3-5 days. If you eat seafoods from the list regularly you will never see a seafoods craving.
same for the other types. If you eat redmeats regularly you will never see the redmeats craving. etc
If you do have, say, a redmeat will take eating that type satisfying food a few times, before it is satisfied. This will be represented when the craving is posted in red text, after eating 3 small redmeat OR 1 small redmeat and 1 large redmeat, the text changes to yellow...then eating again changes it to green, then finally disappear from the hud eating once more.
after 3-5 days of not eating a "type" food, all those "type" craving will be chosen 1 at, no craving type will be chosen if you are eating that type regularly. Then it stays as a craving until you make it change from red, to yellow, green and then go away...all by eating the right type.
does this make sense? or am I still missing something? Seems we are both on the same page here? The actual craving type is only representing the nutrient deficiency AND/OR the pleasure of taste... based on the same idea as that article, i think.
example things:
"I have a sweet-tooth" or "A person saying that are craving chocolate". Satisfying this crave makes them happy, and can lead to better mental condition, and over-all health. By satisfying a Sweets Craving?
Your muscles can begin to get smaller if your not eating proteins(among other things), your body will crave that type food with proteins, represented by the RedMeats craving. Or you may be vitamin D deficient and crave foods with D such as Milk...the Calciums Craving etc.
all just representation, representing all foods consumed...I just put them into "basic" groups under a "basic" category.
Seafoods, Red Meats, White Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Sweets, Alcohols, Antioxidants, Calciums, Salt...i think they cover all foods in the game? (btw I will be adding a chicken leg and chicken breast model...used in looting all fowl type units, birds,chickens,rooster,kiwi models for them both too)
edited 2×, last 02.11.14 07:55:09 am
I am still recommending we remove alcohol as food type.
Personally in real life, i am allergic to alcohol, as many ppl are. One can live w.o any alcohol and in fact better off.
Personally, maybe you can implement a few more bars to represent protein level, glucose level, vitamins level, minerals level and nutrients level? hahaha. Then for easier coding, u can consider each type of food that can increase X value for each of those bars.
So now, u do not manage only 3 bars (health, thirst and energy), u need manage something like 8 - 10?
But those latest depletes much slower la.
PS: But of course, it would be good to balance the current food before adding more values to the food. heh.
edited 1×, last 02.11.14 04:52:51 pm
I understand people are allergic to some foods( like alcohol), but I think it is important for players to make alcohols... barrels and ferment wine, rum, and beer...they are also trade items for the trade pirate, cure frostbite in winter, and makes fuel for the lanterns & end game signal fire. Other cravings will lead players to do a more variety of things ingame also. (if they chose to satisfy cravings)
There is a little known fact from studies that find having a small amount of alcohol per day is healthy for your heart/body. I am not saying alcohol is a food group, or that it is required to live. It would simply be a "craving"...if you satisfy it, your player is more happy and thus more mentally stable and ultimately more healthy. (represented by: after satisfying a craving all foods return to relieving bars as normal (mentally and physically healthy)...during a craving foods relieve bars less(something is wrong mentally or physically), unless they are of the craving type)
There are several reasons I wanted to implement this stat in a very simplified way...To add several more bars would mean re-coding the source code and re-compiling the game .exe. I can not do that as far as making stranded 2 mods. I simply do not understand how blitz works or compiles the S2 source code. The source code is much different then this scripting mods.
Some of the other reasons are:
1) Players will not be able to survive very easily on 1-2 types of food throughout the entire game.
2) Players will experience many more aspects of the game by choosing to satisfy cravings, such as fermenting alcohol, having to hunt for different types of food, growing a variety of crops, and about 30 more other things.
3) It is known that if you are in a survival situation, anything that can make you feel "normal" (like having a chocolate chip cookie(sweets), or drinking a couple beers to relieve stress(alcohol), (satisfying cravings))...helps in mental strength, leading to better over-all health.
4) The cravings also represent your bodies lack of some important nutrient...from NOT eating a variety of foods.
When your body is lacking something important, it will function less efficiently(thus other foods will fill you less) If you lack salt(salts) your body will experience muscle cramps for example. Or eating a bit of charcoal helps cleans the body(antioxidant).
5) It will help balance the "skills" as fulfilling the cravings leads to having to work other skills, in order to fulfill them.
6) Remember, fulfilling a craving will be optional...but there is the penalty of foods filling you less, choosing not to.. A craving will change after 3-5 days as long as there is something else to change too (something you have not consumed from a certain group of foods for 3-5 days)
p.s. sorry for the long posts guys...just trying to explain in detail...I think once implemented it will make more sense when you play...and see how it works.
EDIT: Here is the current list of 12 cravings(added caffeine):
##########RED MEATS############
Raw Red Meat lg -2
Raw Red Meat sm -1
Grilled Red Meat lg -2
Grilled Red Meat sm -1
Raw Steak -2
Grilled Steak -2
**Beef Stew Soup -3
**Steak Burger -3
****Cheese Steak Burger -4
Grapes -1
Berries -1
Plums -1
Banana -1
Grape Juice -2
Berry Juice -2
Plum Juice -2
Tropica Juice -3
Fruit Punch -4
Coconut Meat -2
**Berry Bread -3
**Banana Bread -3
**Tropica Bread -4
**Berry Pie -4
Sm Mushroom -1
Lg Mushroom -1
Brwn Mushroom -1
Red Mushroom -1
Poison Mushroom -1
Seaweed -1
Potato -2
Tomato -2
Raw Corn Shuck -1
Grilled Corn Cob -2
**Mushroom Soup -3
**Potato Soup -3
**Tomato Soup -3
**Beef Stew Soup -3
Raw Bass fish -1
Raw Rainbow fish -2
Raw Angel fish -1
Raw Sunfish -1
Raw Piranha -1
sm Raw Fish Fillet -1
lg Raw Fish Fillet -2
sm Grilled Fish Fillet -1
lg Grilled Fish Fillet -2
Sharkfin Soup -3
Raw Lobster -3
Boiled Lobster -4
Starfish -1
Clam -1
**Starfish Soup -3
**Clam Chowder -3
Grain -1
Flour -1
Bread -2
**Coconut Bread -3
**Berry Bread -3
**Banana Bread -3
**Tropica Bread -3
**Berry Pie -3
**Steak Burger -3
****Cheese Steak Burger -4
##########WHITE MEATS###########
sm Raw White Meat -1
lg Raw White Meat -2
sm Grilled White Meat -1
lg Grilled White Meat -2
sm Raw Egg -1
lg Raw Egg -2
sm Cooked Egg -1
lg Cooked Egg -2
Chicken Soup -2
Egg Omelet -3
Slime Omelet -3
***Cheese Omelet -3
Coconut Milk -1
Sheep Milk -2
**Mushroom Soup -2
**Potato Soup -2
**Tomato Soup -2
**Clam Chowder -2
**Cheese -4
****Cheese Steak Burger -4
***Cheese Omelet -3
Weak Wine -1
Average Wine -2
Good Wine -3
Excellent Wine -4
Weak Beer -2
Average Beer -3
Good Beer -4
Excellent Beer -5
Weak Rum -2
Average Rum -3
Good Rum -4
Excellent Rum -5
Salt Water -1
Salt -2
**Cheese -4
****Cheese Steak Burger -4
***Cheese Omelet -3
Chocolate Chip Cookie -4
Cocao Fruit -1
Cocao -2
Chocolate -3
Sugar -1
**Honey Comb -3
**Honey -4
**Beeswax -1
Health Potion -5
Antidote -4
Heal Herb -2
Strong Heal Herb -3
Golden Herb -1
Bitter Root -3
Charcoal -1
**Honey Comb -3
**Honey -4
**Beeswax -1
Coffee Fruit -1
Coffee beans -2
Hot Coffee -5
boiled water
hemp leaf
crimson leaf
note: some items will satisfy more than 1 type craving, such as a Cheese Steak Burger having cheese for Salts & Whey to make cheese has Calcium from the Milk, and steak for Red Meat(****4 cravings)...or Banana Bread having banana for Fruits, and Bread for Grains(**2 cravings). etc.
This list will be in the Diary somewhere fitting.
edited 10×, last 10.11.14 03:49:17 am
Thanks for the update. We see how the nx update goes i guess?
Curious then, will cravings be like events? (maybe longer duration), where it will wear off?
...and yes a craving can last 3-5 days if you do not satisfy it. That is 3-5 days of all other food "types" filling you 50% LESS than it will be increased difficulty over-all if you choose not to satisfy cravings. It will become pretty common to HAVE to eat some foods at "half-filling" though, sometimes.
it is NOT like events, in that, the scripts will "target" specific cravings because they have a value of 0. (you did not eat anything listed from a single type craving above, for 3-5 days.)
I decided to start the cravings earlier then 30 days. After 3-5 days you will have possible cravings for the most common items under the cravings listed above. The additional following will only be craved after 30 days: Alcohols, Salts, & Grains. I decided this because some form of all the other cravings, foods, are not difficult to acquire from day 1. So at the start your cravings will likely be curved by foods of +1 to +2 per eat. Later, nearing 30 days (OR SOON AS YOU CAN) making advanced foods curves cravings from +3 to +5.
edited 2×, last 10.11.14 03:51:29 am
Maybe you want to give some thought to the matter, especially since you have been working to improve natives concept.
BTW, you are becoming a master in building up anticipation.

take a look at the To-Do list on the top of page 1 for all new stuff for this next update...COMING SOON! (Nov 15-24)
Aedo heya!
Cool man, will look it up! I have taken a step back from the native interactions per to-do list...just not sure yet what can actually be scripted to function right without affecting performance.(still testing stuff)...I want to get the rest of the to-do list done to end game...then will decide what native relations will work.
Knowing in the end you can/will escape the island, doesn't make much sense to spend to much time creating relations that do not give merit toward survival. My latest idea for relations would be requiring you to tame 2 natives to help build the escape ship and to operate it's sails, taking them with you when you leave the island.(for example)
rather then some scenario of having a child to raise with a female native (although I am still adding her for something)
Cool man, will look it up! I have taken a step back from the native interactions per to-do list...just not sure yet what can actually be scripted to function right without affecting performance.(still testing stuff)...I want to get the rest of the to-do list done to end game...then will decide what native relations will work.
Knowing in the end you can/will escape the island, doesn't make much sense to spend to much time creating relations that do not give merit toward survival. My latest idea for relations would be requiring you to tame 2 natives to help build the escape ship and to operate it's sails, taking them with you when you leave the island.(for example)
rather then some scenario of having a child to raise with a female native (although I am still adding her for something)
This mod looks great, but it flickers and blackscreens. My display driver even crashed once while trying to start it.
It seems awesome, I'd love to try it.
Are the basic graphics changed or is this some basic problem I'm missing?
Again, original Stranded II runs flawlessly (1024x768,untouched settings).
Thanks either way.
In stranded 2 thus this mod, there is a script command "use ground". When you look at the ground and press E you ALWAYS use the ground in this mod. It is the basis of planting things such as when you have Berries in your hand and hit E pointing at the ground to plant them. You "use the ground".
This "use the ground" script for planting checks every plantable item until it finds the one you have in your hand, and if you do not have one in your hand, it has checked ALL 25 or so items...and counted them in your rucksack to see you have at least ONE to plant.
So...when your running around the island and go to pick a mushroom...or pick up an arrow you shot...etc., and you MISS the target, YOU USE THE GROUND and this script runs automatically checking every plantable item...and you do not even have any intent to plant, or have a seed in your hand.<<<PROBLEM>>> You can feel the lag spike of this script running every time you look at the ground and hit E.
I have made 4 types of "Stake" models, from the short wooden handles, where you notched them out with your knife (knife+handle=Stake). Stake 1 has 1 notch for planting flowers...Stake 2 has 2 notches for planting crops...Stake 3 has 3 notches for planting bushes...Stake 4 has 4 notches for planting trees.
The change would be you poke a "stake" in the ground where you want to plant something. When you hit E with a stake in your hand you stick the stake in the ground. Now "USING THE GROUND" only checks 4 stakes and there is no lag...vs...currently when you hit E some 25 items are being checked instead of just 4.
The <<<<CHANGE>>>now...once you have placed all your stakes where you want to plant, you USE THE STAKE with the seed in your hand INSTEAD of USING THE GROUND.
Now when your running around the island, with no intent to plant, and you "miss your target" like picking a mushroom...the command "useground" only checks for the 4 stakes (items), counting them in your rucksack to make sure you have at least one. This does not create any lag You feel nothing of lag when you hit E while looking at the ground.
You can more precisely pick up smaller stuff like arrows, insects, shells...and your guy does not suddenly lag/warp a few feet to the left or right when planting, or picking up stuff.

You have 2 processes now instead of 1 process, to plant one thing. (1 mark with a stake, 2 plant with seed in hand)
The stakes can be pulled up and replaced, and they each have their own range. Tree stakes will only be able to be placed far apart while a Crop stake can be placed fairly close together. This all gives way to "designable" gardens to make straight lines or perfect circles, or what ever you think of.
When you approach any "stake" and always get your stake back.
The stakes can be used for any other ideas you come up with, like a type of "guide post" you place them in a path to a location...or mark an area out to build straight fencing, or aline other buildings...just anything you can think of. They might look cool at the entrance of a dock or along your boardwalks, or even bordering along stepping-stones.
greenblu, heya,
i do not know why some peoples computer will not run this mod.
I seldom get reports of this, but some few people have troubles. If you skim back 30-40 pages there is some posts describing resolution to some issues, but try right clicking and run as administrator...or right click the .exe icon and properties to run in compatibility mode for another system? idk? re-download?
what you got windows 7 or 8? vista?
i do not know why some peoples computer will not run this mod.
I seldom get reports of this, but some few people have troubles. If you skim back 30-40 pages there is some posts describing resolution to some issues, but try right clicking and run as administrator...or right click the .exe icon and properties to run in compatibility mode for another system? idk? re-download?
what you got windows 7 or 8? vista?
edited 8×, last 15.11.14 05:22:35 am
Perhaps, you could go one more mile and add tilled fields. Basically same function as stakes in terms of searching. But it would allow for pre-loaded sizes (1x1, 4x4, 16x16, inside the greenhouse, or whatever). It would require new graphic (the tilled ground) and the use of a hoe to till the area (sort of like a building) and give the following benefits: if fertilized seeds are used, then 10/10 plants would grow; if not fertilized then 8/10 -- and if a tilled field is not used, if only the stakes are used, then fertilized planting 6/10 and unfertilized 4/10. Not sure if it would be a lot of work, but a concept to keep n mind as you work towards your own gig.
Similar concept for fences. Would be nice to open menu, choose size, and get to work on pre-loaded pen models (small, normal, large). Then make some sort of feeder for sheep, which would increase rate of production and reproduction; and maybe even a shelter, which would decrease rate of casualties (same for chickens). Perhaps make the large and extra large models with these already attached. You could use existing models, with light variation (i.e., water through and hut).
Also, could you tweak shelters a bit so as to force player to make sensible decisions. Maybe you can (1) increase costs to all, (2) downgrade the rest afforded by each and (3) likelihood of breakage. If so, then I would work to differentiate between the different tree houses. For example, the simple one (no roof, breaks often, penalty to rest), a medium one (normal), and a heavy one (sturdy and expensive one, bonus to rest).
I think you should reintroduce building collapsing and catching fire, getting infected by bugs, etc. And maybe even if rain + no shelter = likelihood of catching a cold, or bitten by animal, or hurt in an unknown way.
Maybe introduce a different new tool: a saw. With corresponding new uses and items.
Last thing, did you remove the pirate. I added him back, but can't be sure if it was never gone or if it was m adding that coding line with id 37.
edited 6×, last 15.11.14 06:48:41 pm