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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Now with 90% less lag!

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I just got the 10/10 update. I started a new save with 9/26 and have slept since starting 10/10. There is very little lag now (brilliant!). I have found some broken/weird things too, though.

I am unable to find the option in the build menu for the iron grill. I have 1,093 cooking skill. I've tried using all the different hammers even though I suspect they all share the same build menu. I also have tried crafting it at the forge with all combinations of hammers and iron/steel nuggets/bars.

The hand net now sets the mode with left AND right mouse buttons, making it impossible to catch things.

The water trough auto-water watering area is smaller than the area watered manually watering the trough.

Yeah, and I cannot get the dog to stay or come. In one of the earlier updates I think I got it to hunt something.

This isn't really a bug or anything, but the crate spawns seem lacking, now, especially playing on a huge map.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Bio!

Yes i missed unlocking the iron grill, I just fixed it today and edited my to-do list adding it.Sorry.

I only changed the net text. Left click to beat on stuff with 0 damage, or right click to catch insects as before. I only changed the text. however I will double check it!.

I will look at the other things whistle was working idk why it would not be now. should right click to set stay or go...and blow once...or right click to set come or attacks and repeatedly blow every few seconds to make him perform.

thank you for the reports! glad you have better performance!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Jack, what do you think about blocking gaining skill points after reaching maximum level (1000)? This cosmetic change may better show your mastery, and looks much prettier (rather than e.g. 6000 in cooking and only 1000 in lumbering - you know what I mean).

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi g! yes i agree.
I actually do plan to have the skills max at 1000. I just will not have it all completed until I figure out what 1000 will unlock for the other incomplete skills.

I have some ideas, but nothing is final yet. I will need to make a few more models and purposes for them. So yeah, the skill points will max at 1000, and stop accumulating, and stop being awarded.

I may however add even one more skill level for those who are really serious and play long term islands like I do. Where the skill would stop at 5000...but there is no leveling between 1000 and 5000. I dont no yet.

thank you for your feedback!!!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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You're right about the net and the dog.

Right clicking DOES catch things and left clicking does 0 damage to objects.

I forgot to press "E" on the dog once I fed it! Stay and come DO work. Is the "go" command just for getting it out of "stay" mode? I'm having trouble getting the dog to attack things. How does that work, exactly? I set the command by pressing "e" on the dog and choose native, it just runs stupidly around in circles while the native kills me.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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yes the dog is a bit tricky til you get used to it.

For "come" or to "attack" the main thing to remember is to blow the whistle every 2-3 seconds, this will make him obey, and come to you, or go to the target you selected to attack it. When he is near the target blow the whistle to make him attack the target.

"go" makes him not "stay" anymore, yes.

go & stay you only need to blow the whistle once.

p.s. edit:After 2 years here in this thread, I must say; "i love all you guys!" Sometimes when I am bummed out, I login and read your guys posts, and it always cheers me up. Thanks!
edited 1×, last 15.10.14 01:19:47 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work! This game becomes more and more amazing every update.
And your quick response to each reported bug/problem is incredible.

That said, I have realized a few things (might only be me, but just want to mention it):
- Spawn rate of fish is very low
Playing on huge Island, and walked around the coast of half the island and only found 2 Piranhas. Seems weird. I circumvented the problem by leveling fishing to 75 without catching anything and building habitats... but I also rarely find turtles or crabs. (I know you wrote in the change log about adjusting the spawn rates, but...)

- Trough overflow
The trough collects water, alright. But in all my games, it never stops collecting water. (Once I filled >250 bottles with water from 1 trough and was still able to drink three times from it). And as Biomimicry already said: The watering area from the trough is smaller than the area watered when you manually put water in it (don't know if this is intended).

- Confused Sheep
This has now happened with several sheep so far. When I try to push them to my home from somewhere on the island. They sometimes start walking just in the direction they are facing instead of away from me no matter from which angle I hit them.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Quote are very welcome! and thank you!

Will look at the spawn rate of fish again. It is important to have a reason to build the fish habitat, the dock, and the very effective fish attractor. Also note, each day will vary and is dependent on a in real life, we do not see or catch fish every time we go out fishing...the next day we may see and catch many. The randomness is setup to simulate this very aspect of fishing too, it is updated every passing of midnight...even if you sleep it.

The water trough? yes I will check out the watering radius, and there is a problem with both trough & water rocks...filling to many bottles. I will definitely fix this to work better.(added to the to-do list)

The sheep I will double check, but they should work. The only thing you might be doing wrong is you need to have a VINE in your hand. You repeatedly whip them with a vine to make them obey.

as always, thank you for the reports! I'll go and fix the trough and water rocks right now

edit:After taking a look at the water trough, I think you are not standing at the trough "spout" when you add a bottle of water. If you do not stand at the spout your message will say "watering the ground" which only waters the ground at your feet a small 50 meter radius. If your at the spout it will say "watering the trough" where it is dispersed by the trough increasing the radius 160 meters.

as for the "filling to many bottles" I will fix it by next update, I have to do some script work there. edit:(fixed) √
edited 3×, last 16.10.14 02:01:55 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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A vine? Oh, I always did it using the net. Hmmm. I will try this, thanks.

Regarding the watering by trough: Yep, that's right, if you water the ground it is a small radius. But the trough (if filled with water by rain, for example) waters the ground automatically (~100 -120 radius). But if you add a water bottle to the spout, the radius increases to 160. Biomimicry and me were just wondering if it was intended, that the automatic watering radius of the trough was smaller than when you add water to it.

That remark about the fish makes sense. I almost never saw any fish swimming around, so I was a bit wondering. Could be that I was just unlucky with the random spawn amount of fish. It is only a problem in the beginning, though, so don't waste too much time on it. As soon as you have a habitat or two, the income of fish is quite OK (and you can always build more habitats...).

Swarms of fish, usually, attract bigger predators (sharks and whales) in nature.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ok I found what your talking about and yes the radius was not the same for auto watering vs manual watering. I fixed the water trough, now if it has rain water in it, it will water 160 meters just as if you add a bottle.(fixed) √

sorry I misunderstood...the auto radius was only set to 100, not 160.

thank you

p.s. btw...turtles and crabs spawn near the cat tails reeds at the shore, the most. Every midnight update there is a 1 in 4 random chance 1 will spawn near it...and another random chance at any shoreline anywhere. They are also a "trappable" unit. So again it is random and unpredictable...but they do spawn.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hey JJ, quick note man: This last version is great. Your obsession with fixing the lag is paying off. Thank you!!!

I also noted the changes to the fishing tech tree, I like it, I think it makes more sense. Also, I noted less fish, hostiles, crabs and turtles, but I like it.

I do not have any major complaint. Damn!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey bro,
As always, good to see you! hope your doing well.

Glad the performance is noticable! Seems really good compared to the past when I started messing with the skybox dynamic changes. A lot better as far as windows 7-8 goes.

Far as spawning units...I made it so there is a randomness to the beginning start units count. There is not always 1 of everything but a random chance they spawn at start...this way each new game should feel a bit different at the beginning. You will not always have a turtle by the reeds at start, but sometimes get lucky. Or you may have to find a bottle fishing if your lucky, or figure out a way to kill a monkey/lion for a bladder bottle.
For examples.

Talk soon...I will try to get the planting menus finished so we can plant cotton/bamboo (etc) and the skills all up to 1000 by Nov update. Have a great Halloween!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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How do you make the Iron grill? Cant find it anywhere.

It still lags for me but before in the last couple updates it was unplayable so at least I can play it again now. I did buy a better used computer just haven't gotten everything moved over to it yet so hopefully then it wont lag.

Oh I haven't found Coffee or Cacao trees yet and have searched quite a bit. Really miss the coffee trees.

I wish I didn't have to wait so long to get the fish traps used to depend on them a lot now by the time you can get them your fishing skill is so high you don't need them.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hello everyone, I'm really enjoing the game and the mod, thank you. My question is about potatoes, I've read about it but never found (because I don't know what it looks like in the game), can you tell me plz? Do you need a shovel to get it?

And I have a bug: often I get the broken leg message when walking (or maybe even standing), but I wasn't falling or even running. On easy difficulty it was rare, but now I'm on normal and it happens quite often (so I just reload).

And about watering plants: looks like you removed the vanilla red/blue 'sparkles' and replaced it with crops turning black, but for some reason it is not obvious for me (probably the black colour resets to normal yellow after reload, I'm not sure), so it is always a surprise when my crops are dying (but I'm reloading and water them).

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi, the iron grill is not unlocking yet. It will unlock in the next update, sorry.

More then 1 coffee tree will spawn on larger maps next update.

Hi, the potato looks like small roots in the ground.

The broken bone happens when you stand directly in the impact of hitting something or shooting a weapon.(also when jumping/falling long distances ofcoarse) Simulating you hit yourself with the axe or a shot deflected and hit you. Don't stand in any "impact zone" when hitting stuff with a tool or weapon.

I will check the crops color on reloads...shouldn't be a problem i never see this happen. Fertile crops do not change and do not need watering...only regular seed. Maybe confusion? I will look into it.

As always, thank you all for your continued feedback!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user littlejohn has written
I wish I didn't have to wait so long to get the fish traps used to depend on them a lot now by the time you can get them your fishing skill is so high you don't need them.

I understand your wish littlejohn, however, I think this way is better because as it was (unlocked at first level) I would exploit the shit out of them from week one = no need to explore/gather/hunt.... Regardless of the change, the fish nets are extremely profitable buildings (resource/labor investment vs. returns).

Maybe we should bifurcate the concept to have a separate lowest level fish trap (unlocks at first level) and a highest level fish trap (unlocks at last level).

The more primitive one could be something as simple as a bunch of cords/hooks dangling from a floating branch -- combining: 4 cords, 3 hooks, 2 branches and 3 bait and requiring to be resupplied with bait every day (live or fake; and btw JJ, fish nets should also require this). The primitive passive fishing system should be WAY less efficient, i.e., only captures small fish and with a high likelihood of breakage/entanglements, and attracts piran~as?, in short: hardly worth the effort.

user littlejohn has written
One of the most common crops in the tropics and it is also grown in a lot of temperate regions is sweet potatoes would be nice to see those.

Maybe just change the name of the potatoes to sweet potatoes?
edited 7×, last 22.10.14 07:01:41 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I have come across an odd problem. I have 3 kilns they worked fine for a couple loads but with my most recent attempt using them only one will finish the bottles. They others use fuel but never finish.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I think the range on some objects is set to high...all 3 kiln are detecting your player. Try destroying the 1 kiln in the middle...then the remaining 2 should both work.

I will check the range of all objects for next update, and fix them so they only detect you if you are "very" near.

(added to the to-do list) Please let me know if that works for you, above. Thank you!
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