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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi there,

First of all, thanks for the work on this mod. For a long time I was searching for an offline game similar to Wurm and thanks to you I finally found it.

It seems that the greenhouse script was broken in previous version and current 9-22-14 version seem to be also affected. When you close the door it doesn't reset the "cropsfroze" event, at least if you have more than one greenhouse. Effectively, the crops freeze even if you close the greenhouse. I believe, that changing:
[\mods\Massive Mod\sys\objects_buildings.inf:4043]: freetimers 0,"cropsfroze";

(located in on:use event/else statement of greenhouse, line 4003 in earlier version) to:
freetimers "self","cropsfroze";
fixes this issue. From what I understand the old freetimers 0 should reset event on all existing greenhouses (objects?) leading to another bug, but for some reason resets none.

Keep up the good work,

old Breaking News! update posted 9-23-14

Super User Off Offline

BREAKING NEWS!!! Today I have made the biggest discovery ever with regard to the tick lag in our mod. PLEASE re-download this latest update for the best running experience ever...the tick lag is GONE! I am so excited to have found this discovery!!! I promise you all you will not regret the hassles of re-downloading.

Be sure to start a NEW game after downloading. Sorry!

Please report back to me here with your own experience.


Hey guys...i broke a couple things when fixing the lag. You can either re-download the mod or the patch below. If you do not see your players speed in the top left, you got the bugged version. 15 people downloaded the bugged version.

Patch_9-23 tiny folder 40kb only takes a second.
edited 15×, last 24.09.14 03:50:11 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi again,

After some investigation I bring report&solution to Cookie Messiah bug
Spoiler >

uncooked food dummy has:
[\mods\Massive Mod\sys\objects_stuff:2204]	on:return {
		store $id,"unit",1;
		msg "No place for the food on the fire!",3;
		speech "negative";
		free "object",currentid();

should be:

(you always put one piece of dough and similar things so you should always get only one on a fail). It doesn't mess with the objects itself so you still get 12 cookies on a success. Just in case I checked other dummies but the amounts are ok for the forge (1) and the anvil requires multiple objects to be returned so they seem to be ok.

Great work with the lag fix!
edited 1×, last 23.09.14 11:25:03 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

It works!

I still get a tiny hint of a tick when the sky changes, but I can live with that.

Large islands play fine for me now. That's so awesome.

I know what I'm doing all night.

Awesome work.

old Optimization Patch for 9-23 update

Super User Off Offline

Here is a patch to further greatly optimize my latest discovery in lag resolution. It also includes the latest fixes for the few bugs listed in the above posts.

1) Tiny download, 1 folder, 5 files.
2) Unzip the folder and copy the 5 files (right click copy)
3) Paste the into the mods\massivemod\sys folder (right click paste)
4) Choose yes to copy-over/over-write the files
5) Close all windows, done.

OptimizePatchFor_9-23 59.06 kb tiny file

p.s. The patch I removed above is also included in this Optimized patch. This Optimize patch was also added to the main mod download on page 1, at the time of this post.

thanks for the help in pointing out exactly where to find the bugs. Makes my life a bit easier while I get more done elsewhere in the mod.

Good to hear, enjoy!
edited 2×, last 25.09.14 07:45:10 pm

old timers

User Off Offline

I have tried the new version and it does play very smoothly now even on a large island. Nice job.

However, there is something odd with how the timers are working especially during the midnight switch over. I always play on hard and food used to take quite a while to cook, but now it seems to be done very quickly. Also, if I put it on at 23:00, it is done as soon as the clock strikes midnight. In addition, my fire just burned through 20+ branches in a matter of hours (in game) and produced only five charcoal.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hey Nobody, good to hear! I will look into cooking stuff over midnight, probably need to tweak something there yes.

yes the fires burn much faster now, every check (per game hour)it subtracts:
10 paper/7 cotton/3 fat/5 bark/5 branch/5 bamboo or 1 oil.
However, 1 log burns 2 game hours...burning logs when able should become the normal.

I did change this so players would try to conserve more by putting out fires when not being used. Keeping a campfire burning 24/7 would require a lot of gathering work and material. I will however consider upping the charcoal production...but consider you can get more charcoal from multiple campfires too. Prior to this update it was nothing really to fill a campfire pit up with branches and leave it burn forever...this change should make "tending" a fire more important. I am play testing these new things too, if it needs adjusted we can do it for next update np.

and yes cooking small meats is faster now, large meats take longer and dough even longer.

p.s. Sorry I forgot to add this info to the change log
I may still tweak some things by end-game. Also, I hope you added the patch above, it reduces even more lag, but maybe you got the latest download I posted today that already includes it? If your not sure just add the patch it will do no harm.
edited 3×, last 24.09.14 06:00:50 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I know, I bug reported quite a few things already in my life. If possible I will try to solve simpler bugs on my own and post solutions here.

You understand, that in this fuelling mechanics, when we cut down a tree (~9 logs) it won't be enough for a day (18h)... unless we split the logs into branches which as you posted should be enough to fuel for 54h (1 log=30branches making 270 in total). Maybe increase the time for a log to 6-8h? Or increase the amount of logs generated during lumbering and prepare for following Greenpeace protests

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ok guys, I am going to post this last patch for those who wish to have the balanced cooking, campfires, and torches.
This patch will be offered in the next update as is, if you wish not to bother with it now.


It is 1 folder with 2 files inside, unzip the folder and add the 2 files the same way as the above patch.

It will make the fires burn as follows;

1) The tinders burn fast and produces no charcoal.
2) The branches, bark and bamboo will burn 2 hours per check.
3) logs will be for long burns, 7 hours per check.
4) The charcoal was increased from 1 per check to 3 per check.

It will make the cooking as follows;

1) Small meats random 1-2 game hours
2) Large meats random 2-3 game hours
3) Doughs random 3-4 game hours

Adding the Optimized patch above AFTER this patch, it will over-ride and void this patch. This patch should be added LAST.
edited 1×, last 25.09.14 07:45:59 pm

old File blocked

User Off Offline

[Edit] ok ,problem solved, great mod and keep up the good work.Also ,a question: Will i need to start a new game after you will release a new patch/update?
edited 2×, last 25.09.14 06:44:41 pm

old New Latest Update 9-25 and 9-26

Super User Off Offline

Latest update posted 9-25-14
I will be breaking to test play the latest and will post what I have for Halloween. Please continue to post and bugs or issues you may come across and I will continue to check in here for that info & respond.

(NOTE: I need to test play the performance fixes when reaching late game play, to see if the tick lag remains playable, or goes downhill.)

This is the last update until October 31 The Halloween update. This current 9-25 update includes the additional following list of fixes to the 9-22 update: (see page 1 for more details)

√ ALL posted and known patches are included and up-to-date.(complete)
√ Event animals will spawn near the player much more often, though sometimes you still have to hunt them. Serious danger when they happen to spawn near you in multitudes.(complete)
√ Cookie dough bug returning multiple dough fixed. (complete)
√ Greenhouse bug fixed where after leaving the door open and killing crops, it would not toggle back to normal.(complete)
√The campfire and cooking was re-balance since the timers were altered for the tick lag fixes.(complete)
√The scale of the rainbow fish was lowered.(complete)
√The day/night ambient audio fading at eve and dawn has been touched-up to transition better.(complete)

This update IS compatible with the recent 9-22 and 9-23 updates. Your "saves" can be transferred from the "saves" folders.


EDIT: Latest update posted 9-26-14

Forgive me for the multiple uploads, I am sorry. After playing the new version I found the cooking and forging skill points be very annoying when they are awarded. (that lag-pause)and many of the other skill points that create that jittery lag behind the menus when receiving skill points. Like when you make 25 wooden arrows or when cleaning out the kiln, or making 10 clay bottles.

ALL THAT LAG IS GONE NOW TOO!!! Please re-download this final update until the Halloween update is released. It includes the following additional fixes to the 9-25 update:

√ After test-playing the latest 9-25 update, I decided to re-upload it with a fix to any lag caused by the skill point system. Re-Downloading this 9-26 version gets rid of all lag associated with the + skill points when you are awarded them.(complete)
√ All combinations have been enhanced getting rid of lag from gaining skill points when making "multiple" items.(complete)
√ Due to skill points lagging...Skill points awarded from cooking and forging will be awarded when you pick the food up off the grill, or the red hot nugget up out of the forge.(complete)
√ The lag when cleaning out the kiln has been fixed.(complete)
√ The event animals sound file being interrupted was fixed.(complete)

Thank you guys so much for your patients, and your feedback/bug reports. I can only apologize for not having the discipline to make you all wait very long for updates when I really find these new ideas making the mod run so much smoother. I just can not wait to post them so you all have them too.

This update IS compatible with the recent ones. Saves can be transferred.
edited 4×, last 27.09.14 04:36:41 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hey JasJack!
I have some questions:
In the mm ,or not sure if in this one too ,there used to be random crates spawning with random goods near the shore ,are they still spawning? or the chance is pretty low now?
If i don't have any sheeps on my island,will it randomly spawn one day?or do i need to do something in order to get to it?
(if any of these questions would spoil anything for anyone please do not answer)
Thanks for the new lag fixes also.Have a nice day.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Crates spawn on the shoreline randomly every few days yes. It is just a matter of traveling around the shoreline to find them.

Any extinct units will re-spawn at some point yes...every new game spawns at least 1 of each unit,tree,bush, ore rock, etc. minimum, at the start.

The crates also can bring back things that have become extinct...for example...if you copped down all the banana trees, you have a chance to find bananas in a crate(you can plant them at skill level)Same for the coffee tree, there is beans in the crates etc... The crates contain some 35 ? different items at random.

The Traps also can bring back extinct small game, like monkeys, or chickens etc.

Every night at the midnight update, everything on the island is counted, if something is extinct it can be spawned automatically. It just depends on if the random number comes up that will spawn them. You might get 2-3 sheep in a week...or you might get 1 in a month..or 1 could even spawn 3 months down the road. Everything is random so it will never be the same each new game.

p.s. The only things that can be permanently extincted currently is the un-plantable bushes like the cotton bush or bamboo. They will also be plantable soon as i finish the planting menus. Everything will be plantable. (you can still get the cotton off the sheep though currently if you killed your cotton bushes. All crops (food bearing) plants can be brought back from crates or planting it's fruit though.)

p.p.s. The Hand Net does 0 damage. It can beat on objects without destroying them...however it is slower as a penalty...good for collecting items from important plants like the cotton bush, or ore rocks, without destroying them.
edited 4×, last 27.09.14 07:08:40 pm

old On Balancing Items

User Off Offline

Hi JasJack,

I have been super busy again with my Final Year Project in uni and have been super sick last wk. Whole wk 4/5 days mc.

Hence, I have some time to help you test the game.

Here's some of the quick start up with my god-avatar and arrived at:

1. You can forge steel ore (sprinkle coal ore) and get steel from soft iron on forge w/o the relevant skill levels.

2. Similarly, you can forge ALMOST all sorta tools - Eg, steel tools, you can wield them wo the skill lvls too.

3. You will notice an unfired forge's items (such as iron ore) can still burn you, if you have no gloves, even if you have not heated it at all. (Built from scratch, first put on of ores). Even with a snow suit on you (which is assumed to have gloves), you can still be burned. Same for cooking. (which is another few more bugs).

4. The balancing of coal versus coal dust is imperfect. You can get +3 forge for every coal, but +2 for every coal dust. Yet you can get 6 dust out of every ore. Is this intended?

5. The balancing for large fillet versus small, and large meat (such as the drumstick meat) versus small meat. You should get only either a very small penalty, or simply exactly halved stats (in terms of hunger and thirst quenching).

6. You can still wield steel items (such as in my case, i start with steel shovel and iron items), even though my skill in those (mining / forging / etc skills) are all at 0. (

7. The kilin in some way do not need fuel to sustain once its fired up. So far, 1 oil has sustained at least, well.... tons of items.... Bugged?

8. Considering how juices should be able to be able to quench thirsts more than berries, and able to supplicate 'hunger' and fatigue, i believe the berries to juice ratios (various items) requires balancing later; much like fillets, meats and steaks.

9. I have been shooting down alot of birds (yes, i have a god-weapon) and noticed that black birds, parrots, yellow birds and eagles' drops (their feathers, meat ratios) are unbalanced. Requires some further look at.

10. I cannot help but noticed that the whale versus shark's drop is also pretty unbalanced, in terms of the meat they drop. I think seriously, a whale should have a whole lot more meat (and fats, not oil direct for that matter). In contrast, the shark should drop really alot alot of teeth (i know they have well over 40 in fact), which should compensate for the (and ideally lesser) amount of oil they should drop. Sharks are pretty lean. Though the entire body can be eaten (hence alot more meat than current). Hence, in comparison, our whale should be a WHOOOOPEEEE amount of meat!!

11. I cannot help but notice the natives attack on sight so far. Archers or not. Has the 'frdly native' been activated yet?

12. I have map from start, and start on hilly large maps always. I never seemed to have found the ONE CAVE that should exist.... maybe large maps should have more than 1? :X

13. Prospecting is correct now. The various functions work. And can only be started once mining is leveled up.Good job.

14. Claws and Teeth among monkeys, claw monkeys, various birds, pirahnas, lions, sharks, bears should be considered for balancing.

15. Turtles are not dropping the shells yet. Confirmed.

16. Key performance is very significantly noted. The lag is almost not noticed already. I have been using this lappy for the last 4 years and been playing stranded 2 thru its various versions and mods. Up to this latest 26/9/14 version, all have some lags. I always played on lowest settings. 1024x768x16 bit, all low settings. Now with the same machine, i can play 1024x768x24 or 32 bits, with very decent settings and its still faster than the old settings. VERY good job.

17. I feel that the weapons and tools break too often. In real life they dun really. Consider that.

18. Breaking down a bamboo house returns nothing. I hit and destroyed various buildings and realised no drops. In real life, destroying any buildings should return some materials. Consider this.

19. Stone walls should be doable. I understand there is a thread somewhere about this somewhere. Is this implementable?

20. I think at some point, sugar can be considered as a stop bleeding agent too, other than blossom flower. Its medically sound. Consider this too pls.

21. My crates (hacked ALOT ALOT) all dropped bread? Is this bugged? ==> Incorrect. Finally after 10 over days i start getting decent stuff like seeds and coins.

22. Torch fuel, its really too short. :X 1 oil can hardly last. I think should last longer....

23. Okie, your wooden grill is not resolved. I have 2 but only one is usable after first round of cooking. Similar to your tentage bug.

24. Chopping bamboo does not up lumbering. IMO it should.

25. Just a feedback. The charcoal when used at the forge is so dark it cant be seen.... have some form of glow or something pls.

26. The kilin. There seemed some bug with the mug. I have >1 mug unfired. Put into first one, although it says 1, its all gone. What i did was i made 2 mugs. Have 1 already done in inventory. Goto kilin 1, put mug, voila both went in. Both came out fine.

27. Double signages also not fixed. First one ok. 2nd one onwards = no matter what you write, ends up with 0.

28. You can make a lamp base no matter pottery level.

29. There should be some way to 'snuff out' lit lamps w/o breaking it and losing the fuel. (maybe you can drop it but not break it or have it return the fuel, or something like use and turn on, use and turn off.)


For now this since I only played 2 days technically.
I haven tested the fish tools, barriers, storages and vehicles components. Will move on to test those as I progress..... Making nails now. For you to further work.

edited 3×, last 04.10.14 07:25:56 am

old Halloween Update 10-10-14 is now posted

Super User Off Offline

Thanks for the feedback! That is a really good list and I will review it as I continue to update. Some of the things I am aware of, I just need to figure out a script to fix them. The balancing issues will be re-balanced as we move forward too. I know they still need tweaks and I will keep your post as reference.

thanks much for the test play and really helps me get things closer to done, faster!

To all,
I will be posting an update earlier then Halloween. I have some personal issues that have arose and I will not have much time this month to work on the mod. This October update will include what ever I have finished in the To-Do list on page one, at the time I post it. (likely by next weekend, Friday)

I have managed to get rid of even more tick lag and making combinations in multiples lag. The latest update has real good performance, but this next one will finalizes and optimize that new scripting idea I had, and it makes the mod even run smoother then the current update.

Thank you all for your feedback and I hope you continue to enjoy the mod gameplay!

us EDIT: The 10-10 Halloween update is now posted. Download from page 1 or any of my signatures. Is compatible with the last 09-26 version. See change log on page 1 for details.
edited 2×, last 10.10.14 01:42:36 pm

old Thanks JasJack

User Off Offline

Happy Halloween Jack.

Thanks for update.
I hope i can find some time to test this out over the month as u take a break.

I will probably create another God-avartar armed with necessary equipment to quickly test this.

I will try to update the bugs and findings accordingly (from the last list i gave) with a new list.

No promises. I am in wk 6 out of 12 for my FYP. Will update you soon.

Tim aka Odie

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Well there, hello

First of all, I really want to thank you Jack, Builder and all the others that made the mod possible in the first place.

Second, I've been playing the mod since the 2013 releases as the game fits my needs for a survival-type game pretty good. With all the new Updates (I never really bothered to check out if there are updates or not and so on and so forth, only tested some versions), alot has changed. I just registered in order to ask if there is a way of turning the Events in higher difficulties off or not?

I tried searching the web, searching the forums but didn't find anything regarding that and as I suck at searching code, I'd appreciate an answer, even if it isn't possible, that'd be fine.

The problem I have is simply that I don't really like the events, they seem to fit in perfectly fine for the most part, they add to the atmosphere, but still I can't get warm with them.

I'm now asking this as there wasn't a way of turning events on or of back when they were introduced.

Thanks in advance.

old Halloween Update is now posted!

Super User Off Offline

To All,
The 10-10-14 Halloween update is now posted. Download from page 1 or any of my signatures. Is compatible with the last 09-26 version. See change log on page 1 for details.

Hi Pr0man, welcome!

thanks for the feedback! I have put together a special file for you here. Download it, copy/paste it into the mods /sys folder and choose "copy over/replace". It's a tiny file only takes a second.


This will change things so you have no event, but 1 of each event animal will occasionally randomly spawn if they are extinct(wolf,wolfdog,bear,deer,bat,clawmonkey) the other animals. The tamable wolfdog will only spawn very rarely too.

be sure to copy/paste only the file game.inf after you unzip it. This file will only work with this 10-10 version. I will consider a toggle button to turn events on or off in the future. Enjoy!

hey thanks again! Good luck wit your FYP. Thanks for the tests too!
edited 3×, last 11.10.14 03:05:13 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Assassin moder
User Off Offline

Spotted few bugs:
You still can change sprint/walk state after death causing a breathing sound and also after death "heavy eyelid" works too..
You can simply fix that bu using s2 cmd if and s2 cmd lives for player unit and set sprint to be disabled after player death.

e.g for sprint:
on:keyhit01 {
	if(lives("unit",1)==1) {
		local $x,$y;
		if ($run==0) {
			if (gety("unit",1)>0){ 
				 player_speed $s2g_sprint;
				 msg "Running!",3,500;
				 player_speed $s2g_sprint;
				 msg "Fast swim!",3,500;
			if (gety("unit",1)>0){
				 play "gasp.wav",0.5; 
				 player_speed $s2g_walk;
				 msg "Walking!",4,500;
				timer 0,700,1,"checkhour";
				 player_speed $s2g_walk;
				 msg "Slow swim!",4,500;
				timer 0,1,1,"checkhour";

It almost always says "no respond" after generating new island or loading saves.. It's unplayable, previously versions were fine.
Also some scripts are not so clearly like sprint script for example.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Heya Assassin!

hmm that is odd...I will look into it. Should load the same I am playing the very update I uploaded. Yes, "if lives" will work for the after death script! Nice1.

If anyone else is having a problem with this update please post.
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