Porblem with Environment in Editor Mapalbachersont User Offline 06.10.12 08:09:13 pm Hello .... I have a problem with the environment,exactly with Env_Room. When you put on the map does not work ... why? Look at pictures ..........in SPOILER Spoiler ]
Re: Porblem with Environment in Editor MapDevGru User Offline 07.10.12 08:10:35 am How are we able to see the shadow or the env_room on black tiles? Btw check if you have the lighting turned on.
Re: Porblem with Environment in Editor MapMisho User Offline 07.10.12 08:40:12 am The map has to be 100x100 or smaller.
Re: Porblem with Environment in Editor MapExecL User Offline 07.10.12 09:10:16 am You have to have ur graphics on advenced and med for it to work.
Re: Porblem with Environment in Editor Mapdragon_soldier12 User Offline 21.10.12 05:29:45 pm graphics or you exceeded the 100x100 limit.. check your option or else you will never be able to fix the problem
Re: Porblem with Environment in Editor MapEndDead User Offline 21.10.12 05:32:02 pm If the light engine isn't on, Go to cs2d > Options > Graphics > Lightning - High (Depends on your computer)
Re: Porblem with Environment in Editor Mapdragon_soldier12 User Offline 21.10.12 05:33:32 pm this should help check if the lighting is in off, if it is.. CHANGE IT TO somewhere where you wanted it to