
BTW: I have the editable version of the original one (dunno how o-o i think cause its the old version, i got it from loong time...)
So if you want it for any reason, PM me
By the way im not sure if its the newest version of Escape Del Virus or the old one..

Okay! After 1 month when u creat this theard, U still not uploaded this map!
do you ever played escape del virus k? it's a really big map. It's hard to make the sprites and the map. it took months to make it to Unknown soldier (the creator of the map)
0.3 changes list:
New red monster
Changed VIP`s chase tunnel
Big red moster`s chase now working
After 0.3, I`ll upload map on US.
edited 1×, last 08.12.12 07:18:33 pm

Good news. It's gonna be the best map of this..year?

Good news. It's gonna be the best map of this..year?
rpg_mapb. Chosen by the Brazilian community.
so... No.

Good news. It's gonna be the best map of this..year?
rpg_mapb. Chosen by the Brazilian community.
so... No.
Who cares?

I just develop my own map
Suddenly my IP port get opened and now I got my own server for testing! Yeaaaa-haaawww!!!

>Be so offensive to Arab's
>Posts IP publicly on a forum full of Arab's

>Be so offensive to Arab's
>Posts IP publicly on a forum full of Arab's

Admin/mod comment

Admin/mod comment