You have a big problem, dude. Racism causes discrimination against people for reasons that have nothing to do with their abilities or loyalties. This means that the ability of some people to contribute their best to society are lost, and because of the resentment that this irrational discrimination produces, there is more unrest and less stability than would otherwise be the case. In general, there are two groups of people, those who desire change and those who wish things to remain the same. Seldom does the twain meet and the opposing conflict existing between the two groups is what causes progress to be a slowly moving social phenomenon which could be considered the distilled product of the forces of both groups.
I am nazi. I am racist. I am a national socialist and these are my political views. I like lots of things (you said that I don't) and even in file archive here, on Unreal Software, I have rated good many files already. This map is piece of fucking shit. It is trash. It does not matter where does this guy come from - Turkey, Brazil, or whatever, even if he was from United Kingdom I'd say that this map is trash because it is. I'll tell you more - in real life I got nothing against people from Turkey and Brazil. But here, on Unreal Software, many people don't like them (including me) because they are mostly idiots (like you). I hope you understand that it's not a big problem that you're from Turkey, big problem is that you're an idiot. You are likely to rate shit files (uploaded by Turkish people) good - you are the racist here. Didn't you notice? You defend every idiot just because he is from Turkey, so who's suffering from racism now?
I'll also tell you what - my best friend is Turkish.