I'm Azgarech, a fellow CS2D player since the early beta (or alpha ?), when the Galil and the Famas weren't implemented yet (it was a long time ago), i redownloaded the game to test the new features, and particularly the new map editor
I'm here because i thought of a new style of gameplay for CS2D, which is based on the Info_TeamGate, Func_GameAction, and Trigger_Move entities, as well as the gas mask
Since, there's the possibility to place a TeamGate entity which kills everyone who walk on it unless they possess a gas mask
By using this property, you can make a map with a Bombing Run gameplay (taken from Unreal Tournament)
The goal is simple : the players fight to take possession of the gas mask, placed in the center of the map, they then go to the opposite team's goalpost, where they pass the TeamGate, behind the Gate, there's a Trigger_Move entity which triggers the GameAction allowing the team who have scored to win the round, as well as triggering another GameAction to kill everyone (so the gas mask is not carried over to the next round)
This explication can be complicated to understand, therefore i'm currently working on a test map that will contain all the base components of the game
I'm looking forward to answer your questions/take your suggestions