Some things from Stranded one I would like in the new one:
- The change in ambience sfx when day turns to night.
- the muzzle flash and bullet fx when you fired a weapon.
- The dust that appeared when you landed.
- Fall damage.
That would be nice.
ponds should be washed more animals elephants buffalo say that the lion is very tired and put tigers that could really use more dangerous and faster than most construction vehicles and a volcano
(sorry, I didn't find newer thread in the topic)
Inspired by the modability of S2 and packaging systems like ubuntu, I'm suggesting a packaging system for S3.
(versioned) packages could contain predetermined files, e.g. models, scripts,... and mods could be no more than like a metapackage: define a need of a file list, even with different people's work (I mean, with copyrighting system, so if someone wants not to let others use his/her stuff...).
A map/map pack/advanture could need a file list or a mod (with version, of course).
This could solve the constant who-made-this argument, e.g. the game could show the list of contributors on a splashscreen. And language files could be like attached packages. With the proper updater/package downloader this could make easier the life of mod makers and users.
I already mentioned this to DC, so asking everybody else, what do you think about this?
It would be very helpful to have some basic animation features like camerapaths (maybe with different colours) instead of the infos and especially a keyframe-system to move objects, items and infos (you could animate a light or another state ).