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English Corrupted .map file

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old Corrupted .map file

User Off Offline

I've tried to replace all sprite names in a map file so that I didn't have to rename all the shadows I've made (because the shadow image is in the wrong folder), but it seems the map file got corrupted in the process.

Luckily I have backup, but is there ANY way I can rename all folders in a map file without having to delete all old shadows and replace them with new ones in the editor?

old Re: Corrupted .map file

User Off Offline

I think it broke during notepad's 'replace'. It took longer than it normally would and closed itself.

Well of course it was the replace.

old Re: Corrupted .map file

User Off Offline

If you replaced it notepad, it got corrupted, becouse .map haven't text files format (as *.lua,*.txt etc.). There is no another method to replace, maybe with LiveMap Editor, I don't know.

old Re: Corrupted .map file

User Off Offline

You clearly have no knowledge on the subject Bolt. I've edited most of my maps with Notepad.exe replace function.

old Re: Corrupted .map file

Reviewer Off Offline

You still have a backup, right? Use it to make another save (Or just copy it), change it's name and try editing it with notepad again.

old Re: Corrupted .map file

User Off Offline

Well I'm talking about Headhunterz' Businessmod map (which I'm working on..), and he has the only backup I know of.

I don't know if it's impossible to delete the file, but when I run it with CS2D it seems to give an error or something causing it to close the whole program.


Another thing I've noticed is that maybe one to two-third of the .mapfile is deleted, since it shows a sprite in the middle as last data.

old Re: Corrupted .map file

User Off Offline

Hmm... You've said:
I've tried to replace all sprite names in a map file so that I didn't have to rename all the shadows I've made (because the shadow image is in the wrong folder)

You didn't have to rename, becouse the shadow image was in the wrong folder?

BTW, @
[...]can rename all folders in a map file without having to delete all old shadows and replace them with new ones in the editor?

I don't think it's possible.

old Re: Corrupted .map file

User Off Offline

I've found the problem!

Notepad.exe deletes all nils when using the replace function, you can't use it for maps since they almost EXIST of nils.

The way to edit a map is by using some more advanced program e.g Programmer's Notepad.

old Re: Corrupted .map file

User Off Offline

It's good to know, I hope all mappers will enjoy your work and also will use this method.
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