Softpedia fake account?
Softpedia fake account?
5 replies Idk what's happening, someone made me an account with my e-mail adress on Softpedia and stole my maps and skins? Look;
Us.de file | Stolen
The same is with my Map Pack Volume 1 and 2 and with CSP_Reborn and CSP_Hornet. Weirdest part is that they were uploaded at 2 AM today, and got 17 downloads already.
I guess someone posted the links on some CS2D fansite and made a fake Alistaire account aswell, but I can't find it anywhere. Also it's uploaded by someone called NobitaZZZ, who uploaded GTA cracks and shit aswell. What the fuck? Only brainless people would upload others' work. But anyway, maybe Softpedia can answer for those. Maybe we can do something to fix this. I found my fake account too but from gamebanana with all my maps from us.de They sent e-mail with info about uploading my maps