EDIT: If there is, for Stage 2 (what was stage 1) I'd enter ctf_Bakara or something, and for Stage 3 (or is it 4?) I'll enter de_CS2Dtown...which is coming out pretty soon. But I doubt there's any point in entering at this date ;P.
Wow, Mapmaker, your judgement is pretty detailed.
I'm glad to be the winner. When i registered I didn't imagine that I can win this, because I haven't really much experience in making maps. When I came to the last stage I gave all. It was worth it.
Thanks to all who commented on my file and liked it. Sometimes it has surprised me, especially Yates surprised me with his comment.
Also thanks to Mapmaker for this contest. I've tried it several times to make a defuse map but it's not easy to find the balance, a nice design etc. Now I've done it and I'm proud of my product, even more to win the contest with it.
Thanks for offering this contest. There are not many people who do that.
This should encourage us to spend more time in our maps. I've used a lot of time to make this map. Only then you pay attention to many details which makes a good map.
When I look through the file archive of CS2D maps I can see that about 90% of all the maps published here are bad. We shouldn't upload stuff just to get comments and "likes". That's nonsense. Don't do things by halves. Think about it.