- In the first stage, everyone can come up with an existing map made by him/her only if map's type is found in the list of allowed map types. You can post only 1 ( one ) map that will or will not take you in the next stage. All maps that respect the rules will be added to a list among with their mapmakers' names. For more details of how to publish your map for the contest, click right here, yea here.

- In the second stage, everyone will be able to vote one map from the list of qualified maps of the first stage. Each user will need an account on our forum and also it will be able to vote only once for only one map. Attention! We're supervising you! If you create multiple accounts to vote for one map, that map will be disqualified and so do you. At the end of this stage, the first 3 mapmakers with the most voted maps will go into the next stage. They will have to make a map with given files by us in one week.

- In the last stage, the 3 mapmakers who got here will be given a pack with files. Using that files they must make a map with the details below. They have only one week!

- After their maps are done, they'll have to publish them into the specific topic. Their maps have to contain all elements we gave. All 3 maps will be evaluated by me. Every detail will be pointed and nothing will be left undone. At the end of the last stage, the winner will be announced and he/she will get the prize.

- a poster on our events sub-forum with your map uploaded on our cloud.
- a 3 months CS2D server provided by Oxy2D.com.

- no multiple accounts.
- no stealing.
- no more maps per post ( only 1 allowed ).
- respect rules and deadlines.

- Stage 1

- Stage 2

- Stage 3

The winner will be announced in maximum 1 week and a half.
Thank you,
edited 2×, last 18.05.12 01:55:27 pm