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Few cs 2d maps
27 repliesDownload links in description.
1. Your maps suck.
2. Youtube videos are NOT made for fucking slide-shows, upload PowerPoint shit somewhere else.
3. Upload your maps on the File Archive, no thread is needed for this pointless matter.

3 facts you may want to consider:
1. Your maps suck.
2. Youtube videos are NOT made for fucking slide-shows, upload PowerPoint shit somewhere else.
3. Upload your maps on the File Archive, no thread is needed for this pointless matter.
1. Your maps suck.
2. Youtube videos are NOT made for fucking slide-shows, upload PowerPoint shit somewhere else.
3. Upload your maps on the File Archive, no thread is needed for this pointless matter.
I can make a video how i want and these were my first 5 maps. It's not powerpoint so post your dumb comments somewhere else.
Shitty maps.

I can make a video how i want and these were my first 5 maps. It's not powerpoint so post your dumb comments somewhere else.
You should upload those crap maps at the file archive whatsoever, and yes the video sucks balls.
I mean; Who the fuck would watch a title of 15 seconds, then horrible screenshots for 30 seconds and after that drama, also watch the same text with a totally overused background song - for 3 fucking minutes.

I can make a video how i want
And i can comment what i want.

these were my first 5 maps.
"And not a single fuck was given that day..."

It's not powerpoint so post your dumb comments somewhere else.
Slide-show = Power point piece of crap.
Post your stupid slide-show videos somewhere else.

Song sucks too.
You have no taste. Green Day rocks.

Seriously critics are the ones who can't make anything.
And that's why they are critics. They do not criticise the work put into the map, as they couldn't know, they just simply like it, or don't.
Welcome to Unreal Software.

Seriously critics are the ones who can't make anything.
Have you ever visited this? Most critics are the ones who makes better stuff. Look at Yatess skins.
Professional has written
Seriously critics are the ones who can't make anything.
Your maps suck. Now go ahead an tell me that I can't do anything, so I can laugh back at you. If it weren't for critics I would still be making shitty 3-tile maps such as yours.

What to improve on? Pretty much everything. There are many awesome maps on this site, just study them.
Your maps suck. Now go ahead an tell me that I can't do anything, so I can laugh back at you. If it weren't for critics I would still be making shitty 3-tile maps such as yours.
Professional has written
Seriously critics are the ones who can't make anything.
Your maps suck. Now go ahead an tell me that I can't do anything, so I can laugh back at you. If it weren't for critics I would still be making shitty 3-tile maps such as yours.
Rude comment - rude answer.
Instead of word "s*ck" you could use "bad".
Anyway i need make bigger maps and that's all?

Rude comment - rude answer.
Instead of word "s*ck" you could use "bad".
Anyway i need make bigger maps and that's all?
Instead of word "s*ck" you could use "bad".
Anyway i need make bigger maps and that's all?
Really bro just look at maps with high rates in the file archive, you see the fucking difference between yours and them? DO YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE?
Your maps are totally fucking ugly and the way you talk to e.g Time, a pretty good mapper, is totally respectless. Shame to you.