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English The CS2D Mapmaking Guild

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old The CS2D Mapmaking Guild

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Hello everybody! Mapmaker speakin' ...

• How's it goin' folks? I hope fine. Well, let me introduce you today the CS2D Mapmaking Guild. You may be wondering what's this? Let me explain it in a few words : it's a CS2D mapmaking community, for short, a new Mapmaker Gaming. We are trying to make it even better than the old community, you see, so we're gonna have events and a lot of new stuff this time. Servers? For sure, we'll try to arrange some deals with some major CS2D servers providers and see what we can do.

off-topic And about that, would you like to find out the truth about Mapmaker Gaming?
Spoiler >

• I'm really sorry for what happend in the past, and I hope we can make up again and give me your support this time. Also, the board's a lot more secure this time. The main features of this project are mentioned below.

You can ...

> Publish your maps and get comments/ratings ( you can customize how others evaluate your map(s) )
> The better maps you make, the more chances it has to get into the Hall Of Maps.
> Get involved in events/other projects.
> Post your software related to mapmaking.
> Meet other mapmakers.
> Learn and/or teach others what you know.

And a lot more ...

> You can find the forum at the following adress. Keep in mind, that CS2D mapmaking is just a small part of this forum, we're also gonna have software there and so on. Anyway, everything is written clear and you should not have problems with the board.

∗ ∗

Thank you very much,
Mapmaker, founder of Mapguild.
edited 1×, last 17.04.12 04:39:09 pm

old Re: The CS2D Mapmaking Guild

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user Yates has written
It's just an extra forum where people can upload their maps because they think they will more views.

• No, it's not. It's a way to get all mapmakers together and also a way to promote CS2D and its community for more players. Getting all mappers together will result into a great team and maybe awesome maps.

@user Suprise Thank you sir.

old Re: The CS2D Mapmaking Guild

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user maPmaKer has written
• No, it's not. It's a way to get all mapmakers together

There are maybe 10 good map makers here, you just invited a load of kids which don't have the skill. You'd be better off to make a closed group of map makers.
user maPmaKer has written
and also a way to promote CS2D and its community for more players.

Get the servers and we'll talk later.
user maPmaKer has written
Getting all mappers together will result into a great team and maybe awesome maps.

As said above, you invited a load of kids. I'm sure the actual mature and good map makers will not even stay for a week.

old Re: The CS2D Mapmaking Guild

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@user Yates - I think there are people who you'd like learn more about mapmaking and who are mature aswell. And if there are gonna be kids, no problem. A game is mostly made for children and also, the staff will take care of their speech and so on.

@user Alistaire - It's your oppinion, I didn't tell you what to do. Just trying to get all mapmakers in one place.
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