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English Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

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old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

Obviously Exactly Myself
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user Phenixtri has written
Alright I said it before ill say it again here is a bit of a list for what I think needs to be implemented.

Right off the bat ill start with the weapons and their behavior.

The SMGs need some basic work at bare minimum the UMP needs an over haul badly. But in general they all need some damage increase against non armored targets.

At least give the UMP-45 the same ROF as the MP5 as right now its more of a semi auto carbine.

the MP5 should have a ROF of about 800 rounds a minute while the UMP should be 6-700 rounds. Now on to the AUG and SIG 552 which need some minor fixes.

Both the AUG and Sig 552 needs to have a faster ROF while not zoomed in with a bullet spread somewhere in between the AK and M4.

While zoomed in both guns would have their current ROF but their accuracy should be reduced abit to half of what they would be un zoomed. They currently have pretty much perfect accuracy.

Both the Glock and Famas need their alt fire fixed

their 3 round burst fire modes need their own 3 and 2 round fire sounds and separate single shot sounds for regular fire.

The Famas's accuracy while in burst mode also need to be increased as it behaves like a rapid fire super shotty as it already is. its accuracy should be like the M4 or somewhere in between the M4 and AK just like the AUG and Sig 552 mentioned above. The Famas burst mode also needs a good 1-1.5 sec delay between shots as well

The shotguns only need a reload fix IE have dynamic reload for them where the player has to load each individual shell 1 by 1 just like in all CS games.

As for the sniper rifles they can be fixed abit as well.

Both the Sig550 and G3/SG-1 need to have less accuracy when no zoomed in like say closer to that of the M4 & AK or somewhere in between those 2. The 2 rifles would only have their near perfect accuracy while zoomed in.

The same goes for both the AWP and Scout

The AWP only needs to have a slightly faster ROF and weight decreased with reduced damage and accuracy while not zoomed in for balance. you could also reduce the magazine size from 10 t0 5 as the Real .338 magnum AWPs only come with 5 round mags not 10.

The scout just needs a 1 -1.5 sec delay in between shots as right now its like a semi auto sniper rifle.

AL throw weapons aside from the snowball & Molotov need to be able to break through glass obstacles and walls when thrown at them as well. And for added lawls when any of they hit and enemy player make them do 1 damage just like in CS 1.5 and 1.6 Just for fun you see.

Now last but not least the machine guns.

The minigun needs to behave like the current M249 being just as heavy and having the same accuracy.

The M249 on the other hand needs to be slightly lighter and slightly more accurate. Its accuracy should be some what better than the AK with a tighter bullet spread and it would be golden.

If possible adding the cut beta M60 would pretty much complete game along with all the other cut beta weapons and stuff.

Also the armors should also have the same layout as the player gfx thus allowing the armor to have sleeves. It would be a nice visual improvement. Also the Kevlar and Kevlar and Helm equipment should also be visible like other armor when equipped. again just visual improvements that would make the game a bit higher in quality.


     As for the NPCs they should be organized and modular allowing the map maker to choose what team they are on with yellow neutral being the default.

They should be customizable in terms of weaponry, equipment, health, & Kevlar armor value "only if Kevlar is equipped". Their AI should at bare minimum be the same as the current AI for player bots. Also when neutral other neutral turrets and buildings would be basically on their side. Would be cool if they could also build and maintain buildings like regular bots as well.

Also the soldier NPC needs to have the same gfx layout as regular players as then it would make it easier to code them to basically function like bots essentially giving them the same AI.

For flexibility in mapping its should be possible to place multiple NPCs with different names and attributes. This would work great for survival and wave maps as well as single player maps and mods.

Thats really some of the more important things I can think of atm. there are some map editor improvements that can be made as well but they are not on top of the list of things that need to be improved in my opinion

I wan't an agree button.

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

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well unlike people who simply spam simple one sentence demands I go in depth with all the details and back up my points

If there is anything that I need to better clarify then point it out ill fix it when I can.

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

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The AWP only needs to have a slightly faster ROF and weight decreased with reduced damage and accuracy while not zoomed in for balance. you could also reduce the magazine size from 10 t0 5 as the Real .338 magnum AWPs only come with 5 round mags not 10.

AWPers profit?

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

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Ever since the release of the Max engine,
hostages weren't able to teleport with you if you walked on a teleport tile, it would be nice if this was fixed,
because many cs_ maps have teleports.

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

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user BlazingStan has written
user Xlucam14X has written
NPC Gargantua and more ammo for m134

More ammo for M134? Seriously,1200 ammo is enough,god dammit!

And,how Engin33r said, > No more NPC's.

But I think,maybe we need to add something like new building?

Bomb building. After building,it drops 1 charger.
If you activating it,building will explode. Its something like Satchel Charger,but it can be used only once. Also,enemies can use it too,they just need to take that charger

Or something another...

Despite Engin33r be the moderator of the game and he did not own the game or site then the one who sends and DC.
He should get his ass shut. For he does not send anything, not in the game and not on people.

Game suggestion: Should support other audio formats

Admin/mod comment

Get your own ass shut. /ohaz Rules §5.1 - Show good behavior and simply don't be a stupid asshole

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

User Off Offline

Hah,and,you want M134 to have 9999 ammo?

And,also Engin33r is moderator,he can easily ask DC without problems.
I think,that DC said that already in suggestions.
And,you are not boss there

But lets stop off-topic,and stick to the point of thread.

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

User Off Offline

DC should add different ammo types for weapons.


Glock uses 9mm ammo.
Shotgun uses shells.

But there would still be secondary/primary ammo.
And command should be:

mp_defaultammo <0-1>

0=Uses normal ammo types(Secondary/Primary)
1=Uses different ammo types(9mm, shells, .45 cal ...)

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

User Off Offline

A small thing in map editor - you could see the up-left pixel coordinate of tile like,

(0,0) - (0,0)
(10, 10) - (320, 320)
(50, 50) - (1600, 1600)

I think this would help little with setpos and other scripts.

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

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user Jela331 has written
DC should add different ammo types for weapons.


Glock uses 9mm ammo.
Shotgun uses shells.

But there would still be secondary/primary ammo.
And command should be:

mp_defaultammo <0-1>

0=Uses normal ammo types(Secondary/Primary)
1=Uses different ammo types(9mm, shells, .45 cal ...)

Super idea! I it,it is good,because it is like in CS 1.6...
And,how DC said,he wants CS2D look like 1.6

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

Moderator Playing CS2D

user Xlucam14X has written
Despite Engin33r be the moderator of the game and he did not own the game or site then the one who sends and DC.
He should get his ass shut. For he does not send anything, not in the game and not on people.

Actually, I've seen the atrocity that the CS2D suggestions thread became and it was 70% weapon suggestions, 10% NPC and weapons editors suggestions, 10% vehicles, 5% voice chat and the rest was actually good ideas. So I do believe you're the one who should, in your words, 'get [your] ass shut'. You didn't suggest too many useful things either from what I see - at least I do something useful.

old Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D

Reviewer Off Offline

user Xlucam14X has written
Despite Engin33r be the moderator of the game and he did not own the game or site then the one who sends and DC.
He should get his ass shut. For he does not send anything, not in the game and not on people.

Game suggestion: Should support other audio formats

No idea what you just said.
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