
improve all skins.
Wat. The point of cs2d is to be a fun, cartoony alternative. And I think the defaults have been working just fine forever. And what is improvement? Higher detail? MORE cartoony?
But again we could easily do this our selves and submit it to DC to replace the old ones.
Like say a default weapon skin contest would be a great and fun way to do this. dc and the admins could be the judges and such.
Someone says something --> game crashes without any error messages.

It would be much better to make skins and custom content be both client and server side only the server content would only be used if sv_pure like in normal CS game is on.
sv_pure would by default be off so people would be able to use their skins on other servers but while sv_pure is off the weapon scripts are set to the default CS2D settings IE custom scripts would only be usable by the player on their own servers otherwise its either default CS2D settings or the custom scripts on someones elses server that would have sv_pure on.
server side scripts for the weapons and other effects would also be a good idea.
This way its non lua based only accessible via rcon IE only the server admins would be able to change anything and changes would not go into effect until the map changes.
Basically a system like CS:S has with its scripts on the weapons allowing changes to certain aspects of the existing weapons like :
weapon name
damage per shot
ammo per clip
ammo reserve
ammo type "if that's ever implemented would be cool to have it like CS 1.6 does IE 9mm, .45, .357 Sig, 5.7mm, 5.56mm, 7.62mm exc."
rate of fire "limited from 1-1000 rounds per cut down on lag"
& accuracy rated from 0 "perfect" to 10 "current AK or M249 bullet spread"
Doing this would still be alot of work but the end result would satisfy everyone's needs and would make gameplay, mods, and custom maps more dynamic.
Never knew.. thanks anyway

add a hunting gun and fast zombie thats my ideas
add a hunting gun - Dude download a skin or make one yourself... if you want it to be realistic wait for EngiN33r to finish his weapon script.
fast zombie - did you ever HEAR of LUA SCRIPTS?!? - Like : Zombie Plague,BioHazzard or a cmd mp_zombiespeed ? huh?
I guess not

I do this but do not know if others do, but when I press tab. I veiw my score wondering,"Hmm I wonder what K/D of this score is." So I am wondering if you could add a another part to tab that keeps track of our K/D.
But the scoreboard already shows K(ills)/D(eaths)...
I guess you mean the K/D ratio.
Math, math and math.
Example: You got 21 Ks and 7 Ds, your K/D ratio would be 3.0.

and just pressing a button another window apears and you can get redirected to the server hes playing

What if you are in-game when a friend on your friends list conect`s to cs2d,a litle window on left chat apears saying "{USERNAME} is now playing cs2d"
and just pressing a button another window apears and you can get redirected to the server hes playing
and just pressing a button another window apears and you can get redirected to the server hes playing
Wuz suggested by me got rejected.
Move along...

He obliviosly add something awesome like shades&lights+ with huge pack of bugs and thats all.