Resident Evil 5 2D Beta!
Resident Evil 5 2D Beta!
5 replies Project Resident evil 5 2d Beta
Images of the last mission, with wesker, in volcano

Sorry but it looks very UGLY!
ahhh... Omg you placed a sprite on a map ...
Master, can you teach me!! Did somebody notice that ""last mission"" map is almost EMPTY !!!111
Japa_Doidoo add more screen shoots. [sarcasm] Oh my gawd,he just putted Unknown Soldier's Monster sprite! [/sarcasm]
Nah. This guy just wanted to make something like a project. He is just learning,I think. Lets stop flooding this thread and try to help him
Japa_Doidoo,this isnt a Resident Evil at all.
If you want to make the project,you must have at least skills at -
1. Mapping.
2. Skinning.
Or,you must find good skinners/mappers,and put them in credits after it done.
Also,you must make a lot of weapon skins / sprites for maps,to make an project. Otherwise,its just a map/skin.
Not a project at all
So yeah,hope you will understand me,and try a little harder.