

In most (if not all) cases reading such threads is pointless and by removing them threads of more interest could be shown.
Why should a good thread at the bottom of the list disappear just because a new trash thread arrived?
Instead of implementing this as a mandatory filter for all users it could also end up as a setting at the list or in the user's settings so everyone could decide whether or not to pay attention to trolls or idiots.
And it wouldn't affect the purpose of the list; it would still show the recent activities in the forum.
Maybe that decreases the amount of trash threads created every month as well by lowering the visibility of them. It's at least worth a try

edited 1×, last 17.08.16 11:51:28 pm

prevent postings that contain such stuff. e.g.: You can't even write a letter many times in a row.
Well at least they got permaban, that's nice to know.

edited 1×, last 20.08.16 01:43:55 pm

@@@@@@@JP ARMIA 100%@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@JP ARMIA 100%@@@@@@@
edited 1×, last 20.08.16 01:46:40 pm
I got that evil PM with full of @@@@.

Why he ******?
I wouldn't post it all because that symbols are everywhere.
edited 2×, last 20.08.16 06:32:38 pm


Yet,thanks for finding these proofs.
*spam fail,ban confirmed!*
edited 2×, last 20.08.16 02:23:22 pm
And maybe I should keep an eye on PM spam. I wasn't aware that such things are going on here (because I don't see the PMs of others unless I check them manually in the database which I normally never do because of privacy protection etc). I'll try to improve the protections to prevent that stuff in future.

And maybe I should keep an eye on PM spam. I wasn't aware that such things are going on here (because I don't see the PMs of others unless I check them manually in the database which I normally never do because of privacy protection etc).
You can always put a small button called "Report" on forums/file archive/PM's in order to report an incorrect behaivor from a specific user to Moderators/Administrators.