allright, I wanna request a map, because I am too lazy to do it myself. (Warning: you need lua knowledge to complete this)
The size: between 15x15 and 30x30
Tiles: I don't care, any.
What mode is like: SP (Single player)
What's in the map: this is the hard part, I wanna an Incredible mega awesome boss battle, featuring:

3 phases with different attacks on every phase,

random attacks (not the same attack pattern every time I play the map),

aimed attacks (example: the boss has a laser, and the laser aim to your position before shooting, you had to dodge it of course)

An health bar in the bottom of the HUD

one of the 3 phases (preference the last one) should have an very giant boss, 10 or 20 times your size.

one of the attacks should be a "smash the use key or die" attack, you can use that when switching phases.

one of the attacks of the giant boss phase should be one of his arms trying to punch you

Use your imagination for the other attacks, like, Missiles, swords slash, lasers, pushing waves, slow plasma balls, fire, etc.
Can you do that?