edited 1×, last 07.10.11 03:45:41 pm

More mission maps
21 repliesGod this threads are annoying!
Bomb Defuse is awesome and now stop making such polls. Useless and overused.
Where is Yates if you need him..

Not again!
God this threads are annoying!
Bomb Defuse is awesome and now stop making such polls. Useless and overused.
Where is Yates if you need him..
God this threads are annoying!
Bomb Defuse is awesome and now stop making such polls. Useless and overused.
Where is Yates if you need him..
What about yates?
Sorry about making threads with poll in a row

You should be sorry for registering here and bothering us first of all.
I changed the thread, I have think of something.
Whatever, now you want more mission maps? Make them yourself.

Ok oxy is fine too hes like yates but better.
Whatever, now you want more mission maps? Make them yourself.
Whatever, now you want more mission maps? Make them yourself.
That's why I made this thread I'm asking for some mission maps with npc's I'm not gonna make a mission map after I made this thread!
First, you need inspiration, wai.. Haven't I already said this somewhere before?!
I'm not joking, this shit is Deja vu.

Yay I'm famous.
Yes, we all love you. NOW ACCEPT ME ON SKYPE GOD DAMNIT!

this guys threads are irritating.. and i dont think anyone will make u a mission map.. make it yourself.. (even though itll suck ass)
Then stop commenting on my threads. How easy was that?

Well if enough people PM me to ask when my TimeSplitters mod will be finished, I'll maybe continue it 

LOL I was from your clan, CSP. Legendary Reza from CS2D invited me in the clan.

edited 2×, last 08.10.11 11:34:45 am
I'm working on my mission pack,it will be done at the end of the month.
Missions are:
Mission-Bring the flag
Mission-The boat
Mission-Space Ship
Mission-Escape Red Nation
I might add more maps,but these are for now.
Be sure to check them when I upload some

Are you talkin' to me?
If you do,I didn't made any npcs maps(for now,I think).