Stranded II
Hello please change this in game
Hello please change this in game
8 replies Hello
Please change to better work.
when the character uses the drug to feel bad, is god think,
you did a good job making the person feel tired and Viza, without intelligence. Since I see that you are a great person, I have put this idea to put into practice pleasing you and help kids. In the game change: make the character feel bad before using the drug, and do not let him use it. Make the drug hit the ground without his use. Only the touch will be sick and feel bad. This will prove to be better than the drug. The temptation to try to learn how you will be eliminated.
God bless you
Is anyone else picking up the vibe that he wants SII to have the ability to throw joints or something like that? i agree drugs are not good in game but, isnt stranded 2 only for 14+ years old? Stranded is for anyone. Hence why you can just download it.
Weed is a part of the adventure mode, you can't take it away.
That would ruin SII completely! well, im not a big fan of drugs even thougt 90% of my friends smoke weed :-/
i dont think that anybody will start smoking weed just because of stranded 2
Considering in SII you roll up hemp leaves instead of buds, it won't really get you high anyway. Also, hemp is a breed of cannabis sativa that was bred for it's height and the fact that it produces almost no buds/THC/CNB/etc. Cap has done this 3 times already. To be honest, it's getting old and boring. Aah, I thought I had seen a thread or two like this one before. DC Admin
this is at least the third thread about this "issue" from you. it's spam. please stop creating threads and sending pms about this.
I won't change anything related to the "drugs" in Stranded II. threads or pms about this are in vain.
notice that I agree that drugs are bad - and that the game already shows the player that they are bad because they have negative effects.
making it impossible to consume drugs in the game is a bad idea because that way people will become curious and try them in real life. do you want that to happen? I don't think so. letting them consume the drugs in a virtual environment (the game) and showing them the negative effects there is way better. think about it!