for information on the map/mode!

Space Base-51 [Lua] [Custom Gamemode]
3 replies

What should I do?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Improve the map with given suggestions! | 83.33% (5) | |
Fix flaws, bugs and improve the mode! | 16.67% (1) | |
Make another map for the mode, the mode is fine! | 0.00% (0) | |
Improve the mode flaws, and a bigger map! | 0.00% (0) | |
The mode is great, just more maps | 0.00% (0) | |
Improve mode flaws, more maps, bigger maps! | 0.00% (0) | |
I'll create some maps for the mode and reply here! | 0.00% (0) | |
I'll create a map for the mode, and reply here! | 0.00% (0) |
6 votes cast
for information on the map/mode!

Space cake!
Sounds like a map idea

You should really learn to map.
I is sorry, my computer is broken. Can't help.