Stranded II
Find B3D Dependencies (skins)?
Find B3D Dependencies (skins)?
4 replies I'm working on my own private mod. I copied a model from another mod but it's all white and I'm not sure what bitmap was used for the skin. Whats a good way to find out without manually copying everything or using a paid program?
Thanks use "biturn" (free program) to convert the model into a different format.
the program automatically creates files which are named like the texture files.
go into the gfx folder and look for those. Thanks! It didn't want to save (admin rights, maybe?) but I figured out how to find it from that program. DC Admin
you can have that much easier (without using additional tools) actually. the file names are saved in the b3d files without encryption.
open the b3d file with a texteditor and search for common texture extension (Stranded II only uses bmp, jpg and png). you should find them at the beginning of the file. Oh, I didn't realize that.... I generally don't bother opening binary files in text editors as I get garbage. But now I see that