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English Swap kills.

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old Swap kills.

User Off Offline

Yeah, maybe some of you have already found out that a "Swap" is more than a teleportation
device, it can be used as a lethal weapon.
How? You have to point with the mouse at an enemy -- but do not click yet --
then you jump over the water, then, if your character is right above the water
you click the enemy. Result will be: your enemy falls into water and you stand
safely on the ground and your turn is still not over. Well, it requires a bit
practice to click the enemy while falling because the camera scrolls right away. But it is
not too difficult.
It is even possible to win a game in just one turn just with swap kills if the
server operator is dumb enough to put infinite swaps into the weapon set. It is
not cheating or h4xing but a good way to piss of all other players and you are
likely to get thrown out of the game (I know what I am talking about, tehehehe ^_^).

I think the swap ist just too strong. Now I have removed it entirely from my weapon set - you can't even collect in in crates.

I also think that it is not possible to fix this. One idea would be to allow
a swap only if your player is standing on the ground and not falling (into
the water). But even with this restriction you still can kill enemies by going
near to a mine (near water) and quickly swapping so the mine explosion hits
the enemy. The only solution is to remove the swap completely.

What do you think about swap killing? Will you remove swap from your server or
will you keep it inside? Do you have ideas to "fix" swaps? Just curious …

old Re: Swap kills.

User Off Offline

i have 0 swaps by default, and i have found any of them as long as i play
Btw, good strategy

old Re: Swap kills.

Admin On Online

yeah I wasn't aware of this problem when I designed this weapon but I faced it as well when testing it with others.

I fully agree. there is no doubt that it makes the weapon far too strong. the step that I took already for the next release is to make it end the turn.

I really like your idea of making swapping impossible while the own player is midair (jumping or falling). I guess I'll implement that as well.

old Re: Swap kills.

User Off Offline

I gotta disagree with the "mid air Swap" disable just nerf it a little don't ruin it.
I suggest adding a maximum range and ending the turn , just add a short 0,8 sec. delay before the actual swap happens (hell it can even be inconsistent say ranging from 0,3 to 1 sec) or the swap participants will get teleported a few pixels off (x or Y).

old Re: Swap kills.

Admin On Online

this is really about the point of view...
I'm not ruining it - you just think that because you didn't use it as intended.

the original idea of swap was to use it to improve the own player positioning by swapping the position with an enemy (maybe an enemy who is in a bunker vs. an own player which is close to drown).

it never was intended that people use this weapon mid air to instantly kill any opponent. that's just too frustrating for the enemy and too unfair in my opinion.

so I'll stick with what I said. you can (of course) keep the current weapon version and use it in your games. that's the great thing about Carnage Contest's scripted weapons

old Re: Swap kills.

User Off Offline

user DC has written
this is really about the point of view...
I'm not ruining it - you just think that because you didn't use it as intended.

the original idea of swap was to use it to improve the own player positioning by swapping the position with an enemy (maybe an enemy who is in a bunker vs. an own player which is close to drown).

it never was intended that people use this weapon mid air to instantly kill any opponent. that's just too frustrating for the enemy and too unfair in my opinion.

so I'll stick with what I said. you can (of course) keep the current weapon version and use it in your games. that's the great thing about Carnage Contest's scripted weapons

i thought it swaps only to allies...?
ether way i think thats unfare heres my thought
ending th turn wrecks the purpus in having a swaper
for example, you may have been waiting to do a devistating move with a passific character
so why not "swap" character instead of swaping position
or find some way to disable the clicking on enemy
so then you can only change character then use some kind of move in that area

i.e. setting mines, explosives, or bear traps or objects
or setting damage to a weak enemy
or were you want to place a sentry

ps apologies for the bad spelling
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