Is it possible to copy about 50 entity's in 1 go, before pasting every single one of them on another map?

Copy+Paste Entity's in groups - Possible?
6 replies

Is it possible to copy about 50 entity's in 1 go, before pasting every single one of them on another map?

Is it possible to copy about 50 entity's in 1 go
Is it possible to copy about 50 entity's in 1 go
Better question: "Can you introduce a better entity copy/paste system in v 0.2.0?""
I think it's better if you make a list of possible things to do with an entity on the LEFT (in the menu), then use it on the map INSTEAD of choosing what to do with an entity when you click it. You could use the rmb for copying and the lmb for pasting

Oh and I'd love the idea of having an option to copy multiple entities at once

Will it be possible though? Oh, this is probably something for Beta ideas.

Will it be possible though? Oh, this is probably something for Beta ideas.
I've posted it there several times, and it has been suggested many times too.. so I hope it's gonna be in 0.1.2