Stranded II
How to play Stranded 2.5 in windows 7 ?
How to play Stranded 2.5 in windows 7 ?
1 reply
i found some problem while i play stranded 2.5_en in windows 7,
the error while i try to play is
" Unable to initiale Graphics
Please check DirectX and GFX Drivers"
who know to fix this problem ??
before i play stranded 2.5_en in my windows xp, and its work cotrrectly, but i can't play in windows 7,, please help me !!!
i'm sorry if my english bad
have you tried to do what the error message told you? have you checked your drivers for an updated version?
usually the normal S2 runs fine on most win7/vista computers since DC compiled a new version of the game with an updated version of Blitz3d.
so that means if the exe of the S2.5 Mod wasnt compiled with the same version, this might cause problems on win7/vista.