what messages did you get, exactly?

what messages did you get, exactly?
At my PC, the installer runs correct and extracts the whole stuff. Sorry, I cannot help.
Usually, it should be there, since it is in the archive.
I have a suspicion what could be wrong, but I am not sure.
1 other question: I might be downloading the wrong files, could you post the links to both of the correct files please? I know this has been asked before, just double checking. Thanks!

prestosd has written
k Thanks for the tip!! I'll try it out...
1 other question: I might be downloading the wrong files, could you post the links to both of the correct files please? I know this has been asked before, just double checking. Thanks!
1 other question: I might be downloading the wrong files, could you post the links to both of the correct files please? I know this has been asked before, just double checking. Thanks!

Dunno what files you mean? There is only one release outta there:
Stranded 2 English v.
The German version includes all needed files.

Oh! I have the download for the English "Mod" now but could I have the download of the German version I have to install it on? Thanks!
prestosd has written
Good move.
Oh! I have the download for the English "Mod" now but could I have the download of the German version I have to install it on? Thanks!
Oh! I have the download for the English "Mod" now but could I have the download of the German version I have to install it on? Thanks!
The German version is included in Stranded 2, since it is the base mod.
If you have stranded 2, you also have the german standard mod.
Simply execute this setup and give it the path of Stranded 2, it will copy anything it needs automatically.

http://home.arcor.de/ewokchieftain/Stranded/stranded_2_english.exe Download this file for the english version (
have fun

mk: Thanks so much for the links!
bizzl: I downloaded, extracted the german version (23) and installed the English mod (linked to the german directory). Ran the game and it says:
"Invalid GAME Property 'falldamagefactor'" when it gets to %18 loading the materials
I think this is because of the german version being newer then the english mod.
I went to download the old version of the german game (22) and I got an invalid error thing. It's looks as if you don't host that file anymore. Where can I get it?
edited 2×, last 27.11.06 03:00:11 pm

prestosd has written
bizzl: I downloaded, extracted the german version (23) and installed the English mod (linked to the german directory). Ran the game and it says:
"Invalid GAME Property 'falldamagefactor'" when it gets to %18 loading the materials
I think this is because of the german version being newer then the english mod.
"Invalid GAME Property 'falldamagefactor'" when it gets to %18 loading the materials
I think this is because of the german version being newer then the english mod.
not sure wether the newer could make problems or not, i don't have it yet.
But with linked to the german directory, do you mean you perhaps unpacked it in "StrandedDir/mods/Stranded II"? Thats wrong! It must be unpacked (executed, to be better) in StrandedDir! To make it easier for you (since everyone seems to have had some trouble with my setup directives):
You know where the executable of stranded 2 lies, right?
Copy the Setup for the english mod there, then execute it and click on "Install".
That should work fine.
I do not think it is necessary to create a translated version for every new Alpha that DC releases. Unfortunately, that leads to periods of version inequality, like now.
But adapting the translation to a simple new version with only some bugfixes is more work than you could expect: Since DC does not make a list of everything he changes, fixes and potential incompatiblities with the new version can "lurk" just around anywhere and I must look it all through.
That is why I cannot keep up with the German standard version at the current speed of development. I will only update the S2 English with every big update that brings around new content. Once the game is fully developed and versions come out less frequently, I will of course handle the whole thing differently.
To always provide you a basic mod that fits, I have asked DC to upload the old version yesterday (I cannot do that myself, because it is too big for the traffic limit of my webspace). He announced to do that today. The link will be posted then.
^ Have a little patience - help is coming ^
I btw want to thank Jan Nìmeèek (dunno what his nickname is) who sent me a version that (with some limitations) works with
I think my new agreement with DC is the better solution. But thank you for wasting your spare time with good will.

Edit: DC wrote me that he has noticed that he unfortunately does not have v0.0.2.2 anymore. Could someone of you who still has it send it to him? Via ICQ or MSN file transfer or something (it's a bit big as an e-mail attachment)?
I have overwritten it.

edited 5×, last 30.11.06 09:19:45 pm