
Herbs had sometimes sunken away into the herb patch
That's why I've never seen the herbs! :S 
Ringwall has written
Would there be any way to fight back the locusts? It's not like you can make pesticide out of a leaf and branch
(Though I am opposed to pesticides myself).

DC seems to share your favorisation of organic agriculture

There isn't any efficient way to get the nasty little stinkers away. You can only kill them one after another - they are supposed to be a plague.

Just don't crop so many grains and you'll be ok...
Anyway, who would need to have such field? Yes, time is money, but taking care of large fields takes some more time too.
Admin/mod comment
use the message system for this!i downloaded s2 and s2 engl
i extracted s2engl. in my s2 directory
i "lounched" s2 english executable and then nothing happened.....it keept displating my desctop and my computer become too slow....then i tried to delete the english mod but it sed acces is denied then i restarted my comp and deleted it....now im with german version....
Admin/mod comment
your signature is ugly. using this image one time is already more than enough. but 3x this images is absolutely not acceptableHe wants to translate it on himself from bottom up again and use my translation as a little help for doing so.
So this is the end of this project. The official English gold version is coming. Until then, I'll leave this thread and the one for the mod starter branded as "important".
6/24/2007: The English Gold version comes out today. After DC was shocked by the shiploads of text that had amassed in the campaign files over the time, he changed his mind and had this done by me. So now it's a half-DC-half-Ewok-translation.

Technically, everything was already prepared for a release yesterday, but a little problem of communication caused a delay.
I removed the "important" branding for this thread and the "mod starter".
edited 2×, last 24.06.07 01:47:19 pm

By the way, will there be English speech on StranedII English?
cant wait!

DC's post: 24.06.07
Makes you think doesn't it

The download can be found here:
The words that say download at the bottom of the page


As in the 07 at the end is always the same, thus easily understood.