
I checked it, and everything seems to be alright... I rather think that you did something wrong.
So, again: both pieces of text in brackets are links. First install the German game, then execute the mod's installer and tell it the same path.
edited 1×, last 30.05.07 03:22:36 am

btw, did you run the file Stranded II.exe[/url] or [i]Stranded 2 English.exe? Because the later is the "on board"-starter for S2E
The other thing is that, in the Mod Launcher, it of course must appear as "Stranded II English", not just "Stranded II".
@ GolemCC: Alright. But I'll leave out the bugfixes. This is what's new:
### Beta - 21.05.2007
Some little changes in the adventure
'Escape' now opens and closes the menu
Command "model" does not set the yaw rotation to 0 anymore
Command "projectile" improved
Command "terraintexture" improved (generating, grass)
Command "freeentry" improved (deleting of all entries)
Command "loadmap" improved (there are more transfers possible now)
Command "freevar" improved (multiple variables)
Command "getstored" improved (type of item is optional)
Command "areal_event" improved (event limit)
Command "storage" improved (weight of items)
Sheep model changed
Unlocking of buildings ("buildtree") changed
Improved some scripts, definitions etc.
Changes concerning the agriculture skill
Screenshot function on F1
More waves of attack for "Tower Defense" <20, with another s p e c t a c u l a r boss fight!>
Items can now be stored in the sailraft <my idea, if I might add that :D>
Compass in the interface to make orientation easier
The player's direction of view can now be seen on the map
Pipette tool in the heightmap and colourmap editor
Idle animations for the lion
Agressive units now play sounds when they spot the player <just like the lions in Stranded 1>
Movement sounds for some units
Objects/Scripts for reproduction are now included in the random maps <these spawn structures, nests and stuff>
Object: Stance (buildable)
Object: Kiwi breeding (buildable)
Object: Trap (buildable)
Object: Hut (buildable)
Object: Herb garden (buildable)
Object: Moss
Object: Covering
Object: Bird nest
Unit: Firefly
Unit: Claw monkey <agressive>
Item: Bandage
Item: First aid kit
Definition value: buildingsite (buildings)
Definition value: firelightsize (game)
Definition value: firelightbrightness (game)
Command: camfollow
Command: ambientsfx
Command: text3d
Command: lensflares
Command: savemap
Command: locked
Command: grasscolor
Command: lastbuildingsite
Command: getsetting
Command: image
Command: compass
Command: skycolor
Command: cscr
Command: cscr_text
Command: cscr_image
Command: savemapimage
Command: lockcombi
Command: unlockcombi
Command: lockcombis
Command: unlockcombis
Command: loadmaptakeover
Option for mouse smoothing (is not included)

In S2E there is also a little starter app named Stranded II English.exe, which has the same icon as the main executable of S2.
You can use this to start S2E, too. Simple double click it.
To configure the startup (e.g. to run in fullscreen rather then in a window) goto mods/Stranded II English/tools and start startcfg.exe, which is a (more or less) selfexplanatory control panel for the starter.

I'll upload the last beta instead, which US doesn't host anymore, so that everybody can still play the English Mod (btw Stevie, already tried the link in my signature? ;)). I'll just hope dearly this doesn' exceed my webspace's traffic.

Here it is: < Stranded II 0.102 > [13 MB]
And S2E, again: < Stranded II English 0.102 > [2 MB]
And don't forget to get this one:

DC has announced that Stranded II will go gold soon, one of the reasons besides being that he has to go to the compulsory military service in July (every male German has to; one can refuse from ethic reasons, but then you must do an alternative service).
If I look at the time that remains I guess that will be the next one or the version after it.
This is the changelog, to show you what you're missing:

Changelog has written
### Beta - 06.06.2007
Vehicle sounds had not always ended properly
Flattening the terrain did not always work properly
Error with the assignment of ammunition
It had not been possible to edit the "exchance"-strings per strings.inf < It was this hardcode relic's fault that it always said "Austausch mit" in the English mod >
Definition value "range" did not affect units
Errors with the script and definition variables in the editor
Errors with Umlauts < Ä, Ö, Ü > and the sharp S < ß > in definition and dialogue buttons
Some error with negative values in the rucksack < didn't quite get what this meant >
Items with invulnerability-state do not rot anymore
Speed parameter for state "corona" had no affection
"Loadvars" and "savevars" lead to an error popup
Treehouse remained in the air when you felled the tree it was built on
Displaying order of script-interface-objects
Script command "image" (more IDs for displaying order)
Maximum sight range strongly increased
Kiwi breeding: increased building costs and frequency of spawing
Script command "skycolor" improved (mixture, fog)
Script command "loadfile" improved (output of the buffer)
Script command "store" improved (items are now attachable on the outside)
Script command "free" improved (deleting particles)
"Eat"-damage of units now depends on "damage"
No more dangerous animals at all in the easy endless game
Keine gefährlichen Tiere beim einfachen Endlosspiel mehr
Compass needle looks better now (broader)
Adventure a bit improved, new quests etc.
New single player map < the classical "mastermind" - you must memorise colours >
Units do not attack through obstacles anymore (depends on the height of their eyes specified in the definition)
New sounds for some of the units
Wells can silt up with the time < you can remove the silt with the shovel again >
Bow nets can go kaput with the time < pay a lump sum of building materials and they work again >
Too much crop now leads to a plague of locusts
Group separation in the editor (groups.inf)
The script parser can now calculate with floats (values with commas)
Variables can now also save floats and strings
Subsequent motion / turning of infos in the editor
Descriptions for all infos (editor)
Extra window for reading descriptions ("i"-button)
Unit: locust
Definition value: group (objects, units, items, infos)
Definition value: loopmoveani (units)
Definition value: description (infos)
Behaviour: plague (units)
Behaviour: plague_target (objects, items)
script command: buffer
script command: extendscript
script command: behaviour
script command: name
script command: debug
script command: inputwin
script command: length
script command: trim
script command: replace
script command: split
script command: extract
Event: separate (items)

EwokChieftain has written
every male German has to; one can refuse from ethic reasons, but then you must do an alternative service
There is always the chance of getting kicked (happened to me), though

wont work
GuestGreat Mod
I think I will pause for this version and not do a translation.
Gold will come soon... and I'm a bit tired of this project, so I am looking forward to finally get a version that the mod will stay compatible to for a longer time.

No more copy-'n'-paste-drudgery! Woo-hoo!

Let's see if I do this one... the tests are not over yet.
### Beta - 14.06.2007
Wrong path for the icon of the silted well.
Mistake in the dialogue with one of the natives
Seashells do not disappear anymore
Herbs had sometimes sunken away into the herb patch
Attempts to jump in the water do not increase hunger etc. anymore
Errors with certain operations with negative values
Mistakes with fishing and digging (event was not triggered)
It said "-g" instead of "0g" in the rucksack
script command "state" did not work
script command "info_spawncontrol" did not work properly
torches and campfire could be distroyed by fire
problems with time trigger infos
kiwi breeding does not have a fence anymore (caused problems)
the radia (pl. of radius) of infos are now visible from greater distance than before in the editor
placing of objects with shift in the editor improved
durance of planting & seeding increased
fishing improved (only possible in the water, there are now baits)
planting skill changed
improvement of the "endless game" random map generation
combination of the crate in the village of the natives (adventure)
placing script in the editor
the machete is now especially good for cutting bark off trees
some descriptions of certain objects in the editor
infos for the usage of certain objects in the game
Confirmation before packing a tent
Object: coral (spawn point for fishes)
Object: table
Object: desk
Object: poisonous flower
Item: worm
Behaviour: closetrigger (objects)
Script command: mkdir