
skiper has written
it sez:"unexeption eror at the end" sometinh like that but in the end
try to download it again.
I think it would be good to make a sticky thread for "General Mod Setup Problems Solutions". Or better, a general site there for, perhaps in the wiki.
EDIT: okay, done:
Sorry that most of the Control Links are German, though you should get throu everything

edited 1×, last 29.01.07 12:37:22 pm
Addition: I am advancing quickly. I just somehow kind of built in a strange but harmless malfunction: The player is now able to seed an infinite number of hemp plants with his bare hands

I dunno how I did that, but... why not.
That's an ability I'd like to have in real life. I could make a fortune with that.
2nd Addition: Did I already say that I am advancing quickly? Here you have it, I said it, I am advancing quickly. I'm so industrious at the moment, I can hardly believe this is me!

edited 4×, last 06.02.07 06:34:52 pm
I hope I can build a bigger ship in Stranded 2 like "The Flying Dutchman"...

Soma Cruz has written
I've been waiting for so long time...
I hope I can build a bigger ship in Stranded 2 like "The Flying Dutchman"...
I hope I can build a bigger ship in Stranded 2 like "The Flying Dutchman"...

Not in this "Mod", it is, except for the english language, identical with the standard mod.
In S2Ext is a bigger ship, but S2Ext is not in translation cycle yet, and I don't think it would be very soon.
Stranded II English [1 MB]
I was able to fix that bug I wrote about above.
There is a little incompleteness: The headlines of the entries of the diary and some scripted comments within the maps are still in German, because the game always broke down even when I only changed one letter or two of the particular files. I will contact DC about it as soon as he returns from his stay in Munich...
Have fun!
The problems with Singleplayer and Campaign btw are fixed, too.
One could argue that DC just added the inactive button to bait us and laugh at people who confusedly ask what is up. Alpha
The recent version of S2Eng should work fine with this.
geniustiong has written
OK. I downloaded it and installed it perfectly. But what the heck is this? that's no english! the only english you see inside this mod is when it is loading something.
Of Course you need to download and install the mod first. I only gave you the link to the standard-version, since this is required for S2Eng to work.
There is no "ready-to-go" version, since ECs webhost doesn't allow enough traffic for everyone to download.
geniustiong has written
This is still in German version. The next link you gave me(above). Nevermind. I don't think this is compatible with my computer. So thx anyways.
Did you execute the shortcut for s2eng or the strandedii.exe itself?
You have to use the shortcut. it should be in your start menu (s2eng still uses an old version of s2mklnk)
Since this is an important milestone, I will of course translate this version, especially because it marks the probable finish of the solo campaign.
I have one and a half week of holidays left for that from now on. This should be enough spare time.
edited 1×, last 05.04.07 04:58:54 pm
Now, for the sounds of the main "character", do you have an "actor" for it for the English version? If you would like me to, I can provide some sound samples of a translated version of the intro sequence, and you can see if it would be interesting. I'm planning on registering to the board, but I thought I'd just throw this one out there. I probably sound like some moron who thinks he's awesome, but I've always wanted to contribute to a game, and this is the only way I would know how.
you can check out my site: for videos I've done on Youtube to sample my voice until I get something more related done. Here's to hoping you don't already have someone for this and that you don't think I'm some random freak.

Hi. No I don't have an English voice actor yet and I would like to hear samples (e.g. "I cannot carry anymore","very good","that doesn't work"). thanks for your offer!
I don't know if you just offered this for the English mod but of course there will be an fully translated English download of Stranded II which needs this too.
PS: If anyone would like to translate the opening sequence as well for me, I'd love to try my hand at that as well, so I could give a shot at something "mundane" and something "dramatic".

buildingsite1.ogg:"I've set up the building site"
buildingsite2.ogg:"Building site errected"
negative1.ogg:"Gnah, it's not working"
negative2.ogg:"No way"
negative3.ogg:"That doesn't work"
negative4.ogg:"Uuh... no"
nospace1.ogg:"It's too heavy"
nospace2.ogg:"I can't carry anything more"
nospace3.ogg:"I'm fully loaded"
nospace4.ogg:"I cannot carry that"
nospace5.ogg:"It's too much"
(the german speaker says something about space, but that is unlogical, because in the game it's all about weight in gramms)
positive4.ogg:"It's working!"
And the four sentences from the intro, in separate files:
intro_a.ogg:"Everything began with a trip on my new yacht..."
intro_b.ogg:"I got into a storm and was driven off my course"
intro_c.ogg:"As suddenly a bolt struck down with force and caused an explosion aboard"
intro_d.ogg:"That shattered my boat apart in thousands of pieces"