in 30 minutes you'll have installer of SII - without drugs!

Say no to drugs in game
29 repliesin 30 minutes you'll have installer of SII - without drugs!
No drugs in game please
capwagner has written
Colleagues God loves us and desires our good, is written in Psalms: Depart from evil and do good, and will abide forever.
God be with you
God be with you

There he goes with the God-talk again!
capwagner has written
Colleagues God loves us and desires our good, is written in Psalms: Depart from evil and do good, and will abide forever.
God be with you
God be with you

Man, let me say what everyone wants to say.
And maybe this is flame, but everybody will agree with me, you are being stupid and ridiculous to even take this game sirously, so please.
And something about "God" if he was real, we wouldn't have drugs wouldn't you say?
But we do, so he isn't real!
If I see correctly you have a lot of flame posts in the comment bin.
This whole thread is stupid and DC will not change it anyway.
So, it will be trashed.. We just have to wait for DC..