I loved how you hated the use of drugs and drinking and showing that it is rejecting a good person, that's what you like about a person strong and firm in good deeds!
Not accusing you and who worked in the game, neither accuse any person who uses ok. However, even people of good character and responsible: you saw the messages and screens, which have posted videos! Not your fault, not mine.

Saw what?
They saw people who use drugs and have posted messages like her horrible showing that like drugs, and are using the game because of the drugs that destroy and kill the good people of this world.
The creators of the game stranded not to blame, the drugs are addictive and that kind which has in the game is one of the worst. Did you see the wonder that some drug users or people is horrible these drugs. The game is not made to use drugs, but drugs are a plague addictive, even in the game they influence young people to use as the game is fun, right? Drugs are not fun but the game is making fun of them: that weakened people. People who use drugs should NUMC may end up using because of a joke. So I still ask that you take the damn game!