

edited 1×, last 05.04.11 12:34:18 pm
RiT has written
1024*678 Resolution, would be good. 

You can make it to 1024x678 and higher.
But then the screen is too small!
TheKilledDeath has written
The only inaccuracy RPGs have is in the y-axis. CS2D is 2D, so it doesn't have any y-axis. Everything is completely right the way it is.4.Make RPG-7 to shot inacuate it shoot straight like a AWP!!!(fail)
Wait a minute...
Isn't the Z-axis what you are talking about?
In 3D, the Z-axis determines the height, and Y and X axises(axises?) are the forward-backward and left-right movements in 2D. But it's maybe different in different programming languages...
Starkkz has written
I think, DC Should add a Lua hook wich allows to see when a command is parsed as client.. for example..
I think that would able us to create console commands for clients.
addhook("clientparse","ClientParseHook") function ClientParseHook(id,command) end
I think that would able us to create console commands for clients.
this would mean that I would have to execute Lua scripts on the CLIENTSIDE. which NEVER happens in CS2D. the client does not even have the Lua scripts of the server - and I'm not going to change that. for security and other reasons.
that's also the reason why some of the other insane ideas here will never work. Lua scripted weapons for example.
you absolutely can't compare the Lua system of Carnage Contest (were you can script your own weapons with nearly unlimited possibilities) with the system of CS2D. they are entirely different and that has many reasons.
Danikah has written
Oh, sry, of course I wanted to talk about the Z-axis Isn't the Z-axis what you are talking about?

TheKilledDeath has written
Server hosters can do that themselves ( cs2d cmd sv_wpndmg , cs2d cmd sv_wpndmg_z1 , cs2d cmd sv_wpndmg_z2 )
@TheKilledDeath: Change the sv_ (server command) to mp_ (multiplayer command) and it'll work. TheOn1yLefT has written
1.make scout weaker it fucks totally gameplay!
1.make scout weaker it fucks totally gameplay!
Server hosters can do that themselves ( cs2d cmd sv_wpndmg , cs2d cmd sv_wpndmg_z1 , cs2d cmd sv_wpndmg_z2 )

@TheOn1yLefT: To be fair with you, the Scout weapon doesn't fuck up gameplay but the Laser weapon does.

mp_wpndmg_z2 [Zoom x 2] damage.
mp_wpndmg_z1 [Zoom x 1] damage.
mp_wpndmg [No-Zoom] damage.
1. Lua images stuff:
-Another command for lua image - freescale. that means you can scale image not just by x and y, but by more coordinates. Like that:

-add ability to show only part of image, like one tile of tileset.
2. Object things:
-add any command to set object's health, like

-add any command to move object, like

Vectar666 has written
but then each object would need a separate object ID, how would you do that?
(2) hador: each object (NPC) already has it's own ID (you can get those using Lua). so this would be possible. it's actually planned already.

Which triggers random (one of random list) things. It can be useful for many maps. Yea, this possible by lua, but not all know lua.
Ability to make half-walls in editor, So it would cut the wall/obstacle tile in Half and then merge the nearest floor tile into it. Haven't really thought about it, just something you may be able to develop.
@DC, put all texts in game into one or few .txt files. Like "help" files. I think it`s not so hard to ignore that. If you`ll release that - you can forgot about kids, who says "plz, peter, translate game to %LANGUAGENAME%". Kids will translate by their own or download current translation. There is already few translations for cs 1.6, then why you can release it in your cs? CS2d a little bit copy CS 1.6, right? Think about it: cs2d will be more modificatable and there no ways to use text changings for hacking. I`m right?
That would be useless. It's already possible (and very easily) with Lua. Why should DC add yet another entity type to the list? (which is already quite big, BTW)
addhook("trigger","_trigger") function _trigger(name) 	if name == "random_entity" then 		local x,y = randomentity(0,-1,-1) 		if x~=-100 and y~=-100 then 			local t = entity(x,y,"name") 			if t~= "" then 				parse("trigger "..t) 			end 		end 	end end
I highly doubt that would be possible. I've seen very few tile engines that support stuff like sub-tiles and other non-square shapes :S
You got my support on that square-blit suggestion

CS2d/sfx/weapons/moo1.wav and moo2.wav ...
(Turn on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDZBgHBHQT8 and answer)
Joaopcvcastro has written
@Fapicon, when i was 8 years old this song scared me a lot.
me too