
I don't understand you. there already are vortigaunts.
(If I'm wrong just tell me)
edited 1×, last 02.04.11 01:25:22 pm

And Vortigaunts that are in CS2D are most likely ones from HL2, they don't have green collars like Vorts from HL1, but they do attack player(ones from HL2 were friendly).
They were slaves of Nihilanth in first part, wearing green collars and bracelets. With death of Nihilanth, they weren't controlled anymore and could break the bracelets. Few slaves still exist in HL2, they were probably captured before they managed to get rid of collars.
But only real difference is in lore and graphics. And that they were friendly in HL2.
there already loads of weapon is cs2d why youd just enjoy it
EDT: cs2d is not an engine its an online freeware game its not for indie game maker you could just mod it like editing the skins or making some lua , id just told ENJOY THE CS2D
I have to agree with that.
But DC should add a enemy/friend NPC or npc vs. npc, that should be good

And add a jumping system, to jump over obstacles.
And allow more special characters, like those: ☢ ☣ ☯ ☭ ☮ ∏ ∐ ∑ Ϡ ant others...
P.S.: What does the OldRender entity does in map editor?
edited 1×, last 02.04.11 02:39:49 pm
Joaopcvcastro has written
And ad a jumping system, to jump over obstacles.
Do you know how that would ruin a lot of maps!?
Like glass.. HEY.. *jumping*
No, it's not cool.. If you can jump over any obstical it would ruin the total idea.
This is obviously why neither are implemented, think about it.

alluclone1 has written
I think there will need light for map editor and scripting. Like when you make on map editor dark map and add the light its like remove dark for limited ratio and its make that area to normal light level
There's already a tool for that called Shadows&Lights.
Mapeditor with Multiplayerfunction!
That would be awesome, more than 1 Player can edit a Map at the same time!

I think DC should add this
WnF Crazykevin has written
more than 1 Player can edit a Map at the same time!
*Places wall in corridor*
"HEY!!! Nooo! That needs to be an obstacle, twirp!"
"No! It needs be a wall. I have it in my design"
"Well I have a obstacle in my design!"
*places obstacle over wall*
*wall over obstacle*
*obstacle over wall*
etc etc etc
Then some sort of flame war would break out...