After long work in editor, i start my map. And... It crashed...
I dont understand , why? WTF??
PLS Help me. This is big and awesome map! edited 3×, last 05.01.11 02:42:57 pm
Admin/mod comment
title fixed. please use titles which explain what your thread is about Bad title.
If you didnt save the map before crash its gone. Ok. I have saved map.
Look at console
CONSOLE:map or tileset is damaged(map uses tiles which dont exist in tileset You have modificated the tileset, or renamed it, tryto replace the tileset with the name you used on the editor and it will works
Smells like you used more than maximal amount of tiles in tileset. When you save it and load, the tileset is changed to normal, Yes? edited 2×, last 05.01.11 03:18:01 pm
Or change tiles' format in bmp/png It doesn't matter if he changes the tileset (What's on it) only if you don't change name/make the tileset too big.. name of tileset = name of map
Can that be reason of error?
Pho, no. Its small tileset. Yes, go to cs2d and click on new game, you will get the error with the tileset name, when you have that, just change the name..
Or did you change the name of the map too, not in editor but in files.. if you did -.-' <-- explains it all..
Change it back.. Taking advantage of this thread, I want to report that when using the "pathfinder" and "pathdstance" tools in the map editor, if the cursor goes out of the map cs2d crashes with the "exception access violation" error. Lol, no it doesn't.. it will crash if you have internet, music, just even notepad.. will make it crash.. but if you use fullscreen or dont have anything on it will still work.. I guess you should put the titles you used back when u put the editor, if you already used old titles and put new you can't.
or no Cookie?