Also, everyone who has any ideas, post them here.
12 branches and 6 slimes - Bucket for turning off fire, and drinking (bottle of watter is just sick, how the hell could you have bottles on some random island, I understand if you have been having them since the crash or w/e happened to you, but making them is bad idea)
Progress bar when turning on torches with torches or lighting fire with torches. (Random from 2 to 6 seconds)
Capturing and taming the animal (If there's a dog, then a dog, or when you get stranded, it should be fallowing you, and attacking what you attack or what attacks you)
Killing turtles should give you turtle shells, then you should be able to get shields from them with axe and shell. Shield should block some attacks (bird attack 100% block, lion attack 50% block, etc..)
1 Bone and 1 machete - 10 Niddles (breakable)
1 Niddle and 10 Cords - wool shoes (Stops random pain when walking)
1 Bread and 2 meats - 2 Sandwiches (makes you fully fed)
Bigger fishes for catching, to make fishing more satisfying.
Random bug attacks (Over night or when walking) losing hp 1% every 5 seconds (Heals with berries)
I have more though, but I just want to see if this topic gets any trolls so it needs closing or if it will survive troll attacks, then I'll post after.
P.S. Mods edit my topic if you will be placing it to be sticky, I think I have some grammar mistakes, couldn't quite put the words together.