Stranded II
Import/Export Maya models?
Import/Export Maya models?
4 replies Hey all,
I'm working on a small mod of my own at the moment, but I've hit a bit of a roadblock. For my animation degree I'm used to using Maya 2010, and even with the help of Milkshape3D I'm having problems when I do a big chain of exporting and importing. Here's what I do.
Maya 2010: Make the model, export it as .obj
3DS Max: Import the .obj and export as .3ds
Milkshape 3D: Import the .3ds and change it to .b3d
As a 3DS file it works fine, but as soon as it becomes a .b3d, the textures dissapear, and instead of being nicely flat to the ground, what used to be the front of the model now points towards the sky in the game editor.
I'd really rather not have to learn to use another 3D program at the moment, since this is just a "spare time" side project. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is there an easier way to get my original .mb file to being a .b3d? if its a unit you have to use a b3d everything else is fine as a 3ds You mean like an animated creature/person? That's where I'm headed eventually. I've got plans to make new monsters/people for the mod. I suppose if all else fails I could just build them in Maya then animate them in Milkshape3D, but like I said, I'd prefer to stick with Maya if at all possible. That is very handy to know about just using .3ds files for still models though, thank you.
Here's your problem, as it was mine at one time.
The .3ds format doesn't support animation. At that step, you lose all animation you've done at that point.
However, I use a plugin for 3DS Max called Panda DirectX Exporter to convert to X files, then I use Ultimate Unwrap 3D to convert to .b3d, but it costs money ;< but I think milkshape has an importer for X files. Well that's a bummer >.< Will it hold a skeleton if I just rig up my creature? Or will that all be lost in the transition to .3ds as well? If I could at least rig things in Maya and only have to animate them in MS3D then that wouldn't be so bad, I guess.