Stranded II
Dive Deep
Dive Deep
7 repliesfuu User
How can i change the data, that I can Dive deep, when the floor is deep?
Wie kann ich machen, dass ich tiefer Tauchen kann, wenn der Boden ganz tief ist? Just use English... if you don't know English well and know German, use the German section. Just don't make dual-language threads...
fuu User
can you help me please? I think that this is in the Source code if you can blitz Basic and have Blitz Basic can you download the Source Code and change it
When you dont understand it on english:
Ich glaube das es im Source code festgelegt ist, wenn du Blitz Basic kannst und hast, downloade den Source Code und ändere es
sry that I had use German in my post fuu User
I´ve learned BlitzBasic but i havent got BB as the full version.
In the demo I can`t create executables! I think its impossible without change values in files, and maybe dc dont want that u change it... but... its open-source..
Why is the user (Feuer der..) over me spam? because he wrote german in the english section of the forum. That's forbidden! v4 User
how i can make user for cs2d not unreal software