
its impossible to do everything on the list within one month , even for Die-hard Professional Modificators

oh and im still wondering who to beta test
edited 2×, last 15.08.10 09:25:46 am
And may I suggest, Razor, instead of making three different teddy bear items, use something like this.
on:create{ $Ran=random(1,3); If ($Ran==1) { color R,G,B; }ElseIf ($Ran==2){ color R,G,B; ]Else{ Color R,G,B; } freevar "$Ran"; }
People Needed
Beta Tester
edited 1×, last 17.08.10 07:34:42 pm
behold; my latest work
these are the models i need :
3 Teddy Bears One Cute,One Normal and One Trashed
edited 4×, last 18.08.10 10:15:51 am

Edit: like this?
cute teddy
edited 1×, last 18.08.10 05:17:35 pm

still good model but i dont think that hearts are cute

so if thats the cute one, what would the normal one look like?
firezone how are the models going?
(still need a beta tester)
edited 2×, last 19.08.10 07:44:46 pm
how bad...

Better go playing in the sandpit again.
there is nothing wrong with my mod.
RazorBlade9 has written
wtf... why did you say that?
there is nothing wrong with my mod.
there is nothing wrong with my mod.
Hm... okay. I'll try to be fair. I watched the screenshots. First Screenshot: A lot of toasts... What have toast to do with survival? Apart from the fact, that toasts have not very much to do with surviving on an island... these toasts are as simple models as possible... - not very impressive.
Then this just scaled cookie. I do this with just the scale-command. Then these arrows... just a little color/texture-change as far as I can see it.
Then these stairs (meanwhile screenshot 4 - your post from 13.08.10 14:01:02). I'm quite sure to have seen them just in another mod some weeks ago. So just copied from another mod.
Screenshot 5 (still same posting as above): From another mod copied stairs in large size... still not very impressive.
Let's step further to the screenshots of your posting from 13.08.10 (14:28:54). Some bangfungus... a hut... a fence... some platforms... just as I already know them from the original version.
The 'tooth arrow' - I can't recognize very much. Looks like one of the standard arrows - maybe some color/texture-changes.
The 'claw arrow' (third screenshot) - almost nothing to see there... nothing really impressive.
Screenshot 4 (still your posting from 13.08.10/14:28:54): Nearly a black point quite far away...
This covered well (Firezone - 17.08.10 21:23:52)... yes. Doesn't look bad at all. But obviously not yours.
So. Sorry... But at all this seems to be... huh... don't let me say that ugly word.
My suggestion: Don't try to overreach yourself. Make some models on your on (practice a little bit), and when, resp. if you're good enough, publish them. Then, if you still haven't enough and want to do more, go further and try to make your own mod...
Yeah. And sorry for my bad english... I looked up many words at like each time I'm here in the english forum...

B.I Dont know how to model
C.Thats not toast its bread

(P.S Almost Done!

edited 1×, last 20.08.10 01:03:02 pm
Hell, its not even that impressive a model, it only took a few hours, and i only started learning to model a week ago
Did something just Happen to you? , Last time i Checked , you Spoke with Proper Grammar and good Attitude
Seriously? did you hit your head with a Giantic hammer That Weights 4000000 pounds or something?
Shanghaimi -Chet- Chen has written
If the hammer was that huge, wouldn't he be dead? @Mc Leaf:
Did something just Happen to you? , Last time i Checked , you Spoke with Proper Grammar and good Attitude
Seriously? did you hit your head with a Giantic hammer That Weights 4000000 pounds or something?
Did something just Happen to you? , Last time i Checked , you Spoke with Proper Grammar and good Attitude
Seriously? did you hit your head with a Giantic hammer That Weights 4000000 pounds or something?